Callianthe montana, a new combination for Abutilon montanum (Malvaceae, Malvoideae), a rediscovered species endemic to the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil Author Takeuchi, Cátia Author Donnell, Aliya A. Author Júnior, Aluisio José Fernandes text Phytotaxa 2014 2014-09-05 177 5 298 300 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.177.5.6 1179-3163 5144993 Callianthe montana (A. Saint Hilaire) Donnell & C. Takeuchi , comb. nov. Basionym: Abutilon montanum A. St. -Hil. (1827: 207). Type : BRAZIL . Minas Gerais : Serra Negra , s.a ., A . Saint-Hilaire s.n . ( lectotype P !, designated by Fryxell, Lundellia 5:99. 2002 ) . Subshrubs 1–1.5 m tall. Plants with yellowish indumentum, the trichomes diminute, stellate, sometimes glandular; branches cylindrical, not papillate, velutine to glabrescent. Stipules 3–6 mm long, filiform; petioles 2.3–5.6 cm long; leaf blades not peltate, 7–15.9 cm long and 1.9–4.2 cm broad, discolorous, chartaceous, unlobed, lanceolate, abruptly narrowed from the middle, apex long attenuate, base cordate, margin serrate to crenate, abaxial surface velutine, adaxial surface puberulent, 7-nerved. Flowers solitary or paired; calyx 2.9–3.5 cm long, cupuliform, externally velutine, not papillate, sometimes blackish at the base, only the central nerves ribbed, lobes narrowly triangular, apex long attenuate, basal portion rounded; petals 3.4–3.8 cm long and 1.5 cm broad, reddish with dark spot at the base of the claw, narrowly spatulate, proeminent veins; stamens yellow; staminal tube naked, equal in length to, or more than double the length of the staminiferous portion, anthers yellow; ovary 8–10 carpels, 8–9 ovules per carpel, 8–10 styles, stigmas capitate. Schizocarp 1.3–1.9 cm long., truncate-globose, partially enclosed in the calyx; mericarps 8–10, muticous, dorsal surface externally with stellate trichomes, internally with stellate, glandular and simple trichomes, dorsal suture smooth, 7–8-seeded; seeds 2 mm long, trigonous, hirsute, trichomes long simple. FIGURE 1. A–I Callianthe montana Donnell & C. Takeuchi A ) Branch with flower; B) Calyx; C) Calyx, indumentum; D) Staminal tube; E) Petal; F) Fruit without calyx; G) Mericarp, dorsolateral view; H) Mericarp, indumentum; I) Seed. Distribution and Habitat:— Endemic to Serra Negra, Minas Gerais , Brazil , in dense rainforest and high fields. Specimens examined:— BRAZIL . Minas Gerais : Rio Preto , Serra Negra , 27 July 2006 , C . N . Matozinhos et al. 292 ( CESJ , RB ); 31 July 2009 , N . L . Abreu et al. 319 ( CESJ , SP ); 1 August 2009 , N . L . Abreu et al. 322 ( CESJ , SP ) . Observations:— Abutilon montanum is easily recognized by its lanceolate ovate leaf blades with long attenuate leaf apices, reddish petals with a dark spot at the base of the claw and calyx lobes that are narrowly triangular with a long attenuate apex. Conservation status:— According to IUCN criteria, Callianthe montana should be included in the endangered category (EN) due to the existence of only a single known locality