Tarsal spinules and setae of vaejovid scorpions (Scorpiones: Vaejovidae) Author Mcwest, Kari J. text Zootaxa 2009 2009-02-04 2001 1 126 journal article 1175­5334 Genus PARAVAEJOVIS Williams n = 1/1 Basitarsus : This monotypic genus has a basitarsus III setal arrangement most similar to Paruroctonus by having a superior setal bristlecomb with 6 long setae, no mid–retrosuperior seta, and 6 retrosuperior spinules situated near the distal retrosuperior landmark seta. It differs from other paruroctonoids in lacking a distal ventral seta and retroventral spinules. Telotarsus : The telotarsal series differs from most Paruroctonus and Smeringurus in having no pro– or retrosuperior terminal setae situated on the superoterminal lobe. Compared with the other paruroctonoids, the ventromedian series has a relatively high number of spinules for its small adult size of about 25 mm (see Table 1 for comparisons). Paravaejovis pumilis (Williams) ( Fig. 15–19 ) Basitarsus : Setae (19): S , 6; DSM , 1; DPS , 1; DRS , 1; RS , 0; RV , 5; DRV , 2; V , 3; DV , 0. Spinules (6): RS , 6; RV , 0; V , 0. Telotarsus : Setae (14): ri , 1; rid , 1; rit , 2; rm , 0; rmt , 1; rs , 2; rst , 1; pi , 1; pid , 1; pit , 1; pm , 1; pmt , 1; ps , 0; pst , 1. Spinules (18): ds , 2; vms , 10; bs , 6. Specimens examined: MEXICO : Baja California Sur : 21.4 mi W El Crucero , 1 paratype male ( WDS ) .