A review of the mealybugs (Hemiptera: Coccoidea: Pseudococcidae, Putoidae and Rhizoecidae) of Iran, with descriptions of four new species and three new records for the Iranian fauna Author Moghaddam, Masumeh text Zootaxa 2013 3632 1 1 107 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3632.1.1 9c199b92-053a-4666-8806-25e56d1a9248 1175-5326 217619 7BE28464-2EC4-4621-8791-79312948C8C9 Peliococcus talhouki Matile-Ferrero ( Fig. 22 ) Peliococcus talhouki Matile-Ferrero, 1984: 225 . DIAGNOSIS . Mounted adult female elongate oval. Antennae 8 segmented. Legs well developed; claw with a distinct denticle. Cerarii reduced in number to 6 or 7 pairs on abdomen. Anal lobe cerarii, each with 2 long lanceolate setae, 8−10 trilocular pores and 1 small seta. Remaining cerarii, each with a pair of smaller lanceolate setae, sometimes difficult to distinguish from dorsal setae. Circulus quite large, apparently undivided. Ostioles well developed. Dorsal setae of variable size, always lanceolate. Ventral setae long and slender, present in midline; submariginal setae short and lanceolate. Dorsal multilocular disc pores arranged singly or in pairs on segments V −VII, with or without a minute oral collar duct. Ventral multilocular disc pores present on margins of metathorax, submargins of abdominal segments, and in transverse rows on abdominal segments II −VII, and posterior to vulva. Trilocular pores evenly distributed on dorsum and venter. Quinquelocular pores few next to mouthparts. Oral collar ducts of 2 sizes, each large duct with an associated minute duct (occasionally with 2 large and 1 minute ducts), present dorsally in transverse rows on head, thorax and abdominal segments; ventrally, present on submargin of head, thorax and anterior 4 abdominal segments. DISTRIBUTION . Palaearctic: Afghanistan , Ian and Saudi Arabia . In Iran , P. talhouki occurs in Khouzestan and Yazd. Previously only known from Fabaceae (Ben-Dov et al ., 2012) ; the host plant Morus alba (Moraceae) is a new record for P. talhouki . MATERIAL EXAMINED . Khouzestan : Ahvaz, 6 adult Ƥ, on Morus alba (Moraceae) (Asadeh). Yazd : Yazd, 13 adult Ƥ, on Prosopis stephaniana (Fabaceae) , 21.x.2008 (Mohammadi). The plant family Moraceae is a new record for this mealybug. The accompanying illustration is taken from Matile-Ferrero (1984) with kind permission from the author.