Revision of the Afrotropical species of the genus Anterhynchium de Saussure (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Eumeninae)
Selis, Marco
Carpenter, James M.
journal article
de Saussure, 1852
Fig. 31–32
Rygchium madecasse
de Saussure 1852: 102
(key), 111,
” (
This species can be recognized by: coloration uniformly dark brown and wings fuscous in basal half and hyaline apically, clypeus of male reddish with median yellow band, punctation on mesosoma very dense and coarse, T2 nearly impunctate in the middle, pilosity on mesosoma golden, pronotal carina lamellate, propodeum rounded, T1 campanulate with rounded anterior margin, F11 of male long and curved and reaching base of F9.
Fore wing length
12.5 mm
Head 1.2 × as wide as long in frontal view. Clypeus in lateral view strongly convex in basal three fourths, then apically flattened; in frontal view as long as wide, apical margin shallowly emarginate, about 0.2 × as wide as clypeus width, apical teeth pointed and shortly carinate, carinae weak and delimiting a shallowly concave median area. Interantennal space sharply carinate. Distance from posterior ocellus to occipital carina 1.6 × as long as distance from posterior ocellus to inner eye margin. Gena as wide as eye at bottom of ocular sinus; occipital carina complete, stronger ventrally. Scape 3.1 × as long as apically wide; F1 2.2 × as long as wide; F2–F10 longer than wide; F11 finger shaped, in lateral view evenly curved and apically rounded, its apex reaching base of F9; F6–F10 with large tyloids covering whole ventral surface. Pronotal carina complete, lamellate on dorsal face and shorter on lateral faces; pretegular carina strong. Mesoscutum as long as wide between tegulae, weakly convex in lateral view. Scutellum flattened on disc, barely elevated above level of mesoscutum. Metanotum in lateral view angled, horizontal and vertical faces separated by an irregular margin which is broadly interrupted medially. Tegula elongate, outer margin weakly and evenly convex; posterior lobe triangular and equaling parategula. Parategula short and broad, apically rounded. Mesepisternum with strong epicnemial carina, sharper ventrally. Propodeum in lateral view nearly vertical; sides of posterior face with broad shallow depression, median furrow deep and running from dorsal margin to mid length; dorsal faces convex and not clearly separated from posterior face; lateral faces flattened anteriorly, then convex and continuing with posterior face on posterior margin; propodeal carinae absent, therefore all transition between faces are rounded. T1 campanulate, in dorsal view 0.7 × as long as wide, sides weakly converging anteriorly and anterior margin evenly curved; in lateral view anterior vertical face evenly convex and smoothly passing into flattened posterior face. T2 about as wide as long in dorsal view, evenly convex in lateral view. S
2 in
lateral view convex from base to apex, more strongly at base. Mid femur ventrally depressed on basal half, anterior and posterior margins of depressed area sharp.
Head with deep flat bottomed punctures, interspaces irregular and narrower than punctures diameter; punctation becoming sparser on ocular sinus, vertex and gena. Clypeus dull due to dense microsculpture, shallow macropunctures present on whole surface and interspaces larger than punctures diameter. Dorsal side of mesosoma and mesepisternum with large deep punctures, interspaces very narrow and irregular on pronotum, mesoscutum, scutellum and mesepisternum, some punctures touching each other and forming series, interspaces reduced to spines or sharp carinae on metanotum and dorsal faces of propodeum. Anterior face of pronotum and epicnemium smooth. Metaepisternum microreticulate and dull, with some punctures on dorsal plate and along anterior margion. Posterior face of propodeum with very dense oblique striae; lateral faces with dense transverse fine striae and some sparse flat bottomed punctures. T1 with deep irregular punctures, interspaces larger on disc and becoming shorter on sides. T2 with punctures similar to T1 but finer and more oblique, interspaces large on middle, reduced on sides and apex. T3–T7 densely micropunctured, macropunctures deeper on T3 and becoming sparser and shallower towards T7. S1 densely punctate. S2 smooth and shiny, with sparse micropunctures and sparser deep macropunctures becoming denser on sides; following sterna with punctures becoming progressively sparser and shallower, S6–S7 densely micropunctate. Head and mesosoma with blonde erect setae, longer on frons, mesoscutum, mesepisternum and propodeum; metasomal with very short, dust-like, brownish pubescence.
Blackish-brown; following parts dark red: underside of scape, gena, sides of pronotum, irregular markings on scutellum and metanotum, large spots on mesepisternum below base of wings, lateral margins of T1, S1, outer face of fore leg, apex of mid femur; following parts reddish-brown: clypeus, interantennal space and inner eye margin from clypeus to ocular sinus; dark yellow median longitudinal band on clypeus. Wings strongly fuscous in basal half, whitish-hyaline apically; venations black basally and reddish apically.
Anterhynchium madecassum
de Saussure, 1852
. A, habitus of male. B, head of male in frontal view. C, head of female in frontal view. D, flagellum of male in lateral view.
Anterhynchium madecassum
de Saussure, 1852
. A, head of female in dorsal view. B, mid femur of male in frontal view. C, male genitalia: aedeagus in lateral view, aedeagus in ventral view, digitus and volsella in lateral view.
Fore wing length 14.0 mm.
Like male, except: head 1.3 × as wide as long in frontal view; clypeus in frontal view pyriform and 1.1 × as long as wide, apical margin subtruncate and 0.16 × as wide as clypeus width, apical teeth right angled and carinate, delimiting a shallow longitudinal furrow, surface of clypeus densely micropunctate and dull, with sparse rounded deep punctures in basal half; gena as wide as eye at bottom of ocular sinus; cephalic foveae placed in a very shallow circular depression; scape 3.8 × as long as apicaly wide, F1 1.8 × as long as wide, F2 slightly longer than wide, F3– F6 subquadrate, F7–F9 wider than long, F10 bullet shaped; mesosoma more elongate and with sparser punctures; scutellum nearly flat; mid femur normal; T1 0.65 × as long as wide; head, tegula and pronotum with extensive but not defined dark red markings.
de Saussure 1852
Giordani Soika 1941
; Gusenleitner 200b, 2004b;
Madl 1995
; von Schulthess 1907) (
Fig. 26
Species erroneously placed in