Revision of the Afrotropical species of the genus Anterhynchium de Saussure (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Eumeninae)
Selis, Marco
Carpenter, James M.
journal article
de Saussure, 1863
van der Vecht (1963) attributed to the nominal subgenus all the species sharing the following characters: basal petiole of S1 smooth or loosely striate, T3 and following with even punctures on whole surface, mandibles of male with a deep incision, basal triangle of propodeum short and equilateral, inferior carina of propodeum denticulate and T2 with coarser punctures preapically. As noted above, here we use this subgenus in a broader way including all the Afrotropical species, while the group previously recognized as the nominal subgenus
van der Vecht is now considered as the
Continental species
1. Mid femur of male modified in the basal third, strongly depressed ventrally and expanded anteroposeriorly. Aedeagus large and expanded, with convex sides; digitus broadly expanded and densely setose. Vertex of female with foveae placed in a crecentshaped area broader than ocellar triangle.......................................... 2,
species-group (
Fig. 2
-. Mid femur of male simple or with a shallow depression in basal fourth.Aedeagus simple and parallel sided; digitus subtriangular and narrow, with some setae on dorsal margin. Vertex of female with foveae placed in a small depression, barely larger than ocellar diameter...................................................................................... 4
2. Fore basitarsus of male flattened and expanded on outer margin, mid femur with a large rounded tooth on basal third projecting from ventral face. F6–F10 of male distinctly curved, concave ventrally; F
11 in
lateral view expanded in the middle of ventral margin. Modified area of female vertex slightly raised, depressed only medially. Propodeal valvula narrowed in the posterior third, but not forming a distinct lobe. Yellowish-white markings on metasoma present as broad bands on T3–T5......................................................................
Anterhynchium vastator
Giordani Soika
Fig. 7–8
-. Fore basitarsus of male normal, parallel-sided, mid femur without a ventral tooth. F6–F10 of male not curved, flattened ventrally; F
11 in
lateral view not expanded on ventral margin. Modified area of female vertex depressed. Propodeal valvula produced in a rectangular lobe. Yellowish markings on metasoma different....................................... 3
3. Occipital carina expanded dorsolaterally, forming a long reflexed lamella. Pronotal carina on humeri lamelliform and anteriorly produced, therefore the anterior margin of pronotum appears concave. Apex of F11 of male without bristles. Apical margin of female clypeus straight. Yellowish markings present as broad apical band on T2 and sometimes as small spots on T1......................................................................
Anterhynchium grayi
(de Saussure)
Fig. 5–6
-. Occipital carina not expanded and not forming a lamella. Pronotal carina not lamelliform and not produced, anterior margin of pronotum nearly straight. Apex of F11 of male with some short black bristles. Apical margin of female clypeus weakly but distinctly emarginate, with lateral rounded teeth. Yellowish markings abundant, present as pairs of spots on pronotum, tegula, T1–T2 and transverse band on metanotum............................
Anterhynchium aestuans
(de Saussure)
Fig. 4
4. Inferior carina of propodeum produced in a distinct black lamella, which is regular in the ventral half and denticulated in the dorsal half; dorsal face of propodeum with a smooth impunctate area; propodeal valvula with a short rectangular lobe on posterior half. Female vertex with foveae placed in a barely flattened area which is not margined posteriorly...........................................................
Anterhynchium osborni
Fig. 18
-. Inferior carina of propodeum differently shaped, not forming a regular lamella; dorsal face of propodeum entirely punctured; propodeal valvula without rectangular lobe. Female vertex with foveae placed in a more or less developed, but always distinct depressed area which is margined posteriorly............................................................... 5
5. Propodeum nearly entirely rounded, except for a more or less developed curved tooth above propodeal valvulae. Male clypeus with very narrow apical margin; male F
11 in
lateral view bacilliform, narrow and straight [the male of
A. sulphureomaculatum
is unknown].............................................................. 6,
species-group (
Fig. 9
-. Propodeum with lateral and inferior carinae with irregular denticulation. Male clypeus broadly and deeply emarginate apically, emargination nearly semicircular; male F
11 in
lateral view claw-shaped, broader and distinctly curved, tapering at apex......................................................................... 14,
species-group (
Fig. 19
, flagellum ten-segmented, metasoma six-segmented....................................................... 7
-. ♁, flagellum eleven-segmetned and apically hooked, metasoma seven-segmented................................. 11
7. Vertex of female with depression irregularly triangular, nearly as broad as ocellar triangle........................... 8
-. Vertex of female with depression circular, distinctly narrower than ocellar triangle................................. 9
8. Tegument opaque, interspaces densely microreticulate and dull. Posterior face of propodeum entirely densely microreticulate. Punctures of T2 shallow and oblique on whole surface. S2–S5 with sparse punctures, interspaces equal to larger than punctures diameter. Black with antennae and legs ferruginous, T2 with yellowish lateral spots; wings brownish with grayish reflections.................................................
Anterhynchium sulphureomaculatum
(von Schulthess)
Fig. 16
-. Tegument more shiny, interspaces not densely microreticulate. Posterior face of propodeum smooth on sides. Punctures of T2 deeper and not oblique. S2–S5 with dense punctures, interspaces shorter than to equal to punctures diameter. Entirely black; wings fuscous with purplish reflections...........................
Anterhynchium nimbosum
Giordani Soika
Fig. 15
9. Pubescence of head and mesosoma ferruginous-goldish. Depression of S2 larger, reaching basal corners of sternum. Head, mesosoma and T1 largely red, T3–T4 and sometimes T5 with broad whitish bands..............................................................................................
Anterhynchium denticulatum
Fig. 12
-. Pubescence of head and mesosoma dark brown to black. Depression of S2 not so broad. Coloration different........... 10
10. Posterior lobe of tegula translucid and sharply pointed. Parategula parallel-sided and nearly horizontal. Propodeal teeth thin and straight, placed near valvulae. Black with red markings reduced to clypeus, lateral faces of mesosoma, metanotum and propodeum, yellowish spots abundant and present on frons, temple, pronotum, tegula, parategulae, metanotum, propodeum and T1–T5; wings hyaline with yellowish tinge and weak goldish reflections.
Anterhynchium bugandanum
Giordani Soika
Fig. 11
-. Posterior lobe of tegula opaque and blunt. Parategula curved and inclined towards middle. Propodeal teeth at least weakly curved downward, placed more dorsally. Black with abundant red markings on head, mesosoma and T1, yellowish spots sometimes present on T2; wings fuscous with purplish refelctions........
Anterhynchium mephisto
Fig. 13–14
11. Propodeal teeth distinctly curved downward.............................................................. 12
-. Propodeal teeth short, pointing downward but practically straight.............................................. 13
12. F
11 in
lateral view longer and nearly straight. Black, with head, mesosoma and T1 red, and white bands on T3–T5....................................................................
Anterhynchium denticulatum
Fig. 12
-. F
11 in
lateral view shorter and weakly but distinctly curved. Black with abundant red markings on head, mesosoma and T1, whitish spots sometimes present on T2.............................
Anterhynchium mephisto
Figs. 13–14
13. Metanotum almost rounded, transverse carina very weak. Posterior face of propodeum with median triangular part normally developed, median furrow barely reaching mid length of propodeum; lateral face with very dense indistinct striae. T1–T2 dull with sparser and shallower punctures. Black with some red markings and abundant yellowish spots; wings hyaline with yellowish tinge............................................
Anterhynchium bugandanum
Giordani Soika
Fig. 11
-. Metanotum angled, transverse carina stronger. Posterior face of propodeum with median dorsal area reduced to a small fusiform sclerite, median furrow reaching the ventral third of propodeum; lateral face with stronger striae. T1–T2 a bit shiny with denser and deeper punctures. Black with brownish legs, clypeus with median whitish spots; wings fuscous with purplish reflections...........................................................
Anterhynchium nimbosum
Giordani Soika
Fig. 15
: flagellum ten-segmented, metasoma six-segmented, clypeus apically narrow, mandibles simple................... 15
-. ♁: flagellum eleven-segmetned and apically hooked, metasoma seven-segmented, clypeus broadly and deeply emarginate, mandibles with a deep semicircular incision on dorsal half of inner margin...................................... 19
15. Depression on vertex very shallow, transverse elliptical and medially constricted anteroposteriorly. Posterior lobe of tegula longer, almost equaling parategula; posterior half of outer margin of tegula nearly straight. T1–T2 moderately shiny and almost impunctate, punctures very fine, interspaces greatly larger than punctures diameter..................................................................................................
Anterhynchium fallax
(de Saussure)
Fig. 24
-. Depression on vertex differently conformated. Posterior lobe of tegulae shorter, not equaling parategula; posterior half of outer margin of tegula distinctly curved. T1–T2 dull and punctate, punctures deeper and denser, interspaces at most a little larger than puncture diameter................................................................................... 16
16. Depression on vertex deep, clearly visible. Black with last metasomal segments coloured........................... 17
-. Depression on vertex very shallow, barely demarcated. Coloration different...................................... 18
17. Last metasomal terga pale orange with silvery pubescence. Depression on vertex smooth with fine punctures. T1–T2 with sparser and shallower punctures, interspaces a bit larger than punctures diameter......................................................................................
Anterhynchium argenteopilosellum
Giordani Soika
Fig. 21
-. Last metasomal terga bright orange with orange-goldish pubescence. Depression on vertex punctured like rest of surface. T1–T2 with denser and deeper punctures, interspaces equal to or shorter than punctures diameter.................................................................................
Anterhynchium synagroide
(de Saussure)
Fig. 25
18. T2–T3 apically with very coarse and dense punctures, interspaces reduced to irregular carinae and spines. Posterior face of propodeum with strong oblique striae. S2 without median longitudinal furrow. Entirely black with red-orange antennae................................................................
Anterhynchium cariosum
Giordani Soika
Fig. 23
-. T2–T3 apically more densely punctured than rest of surfaces, but punctures not touching each other and interspaces normal. Posterior face of propodeum with fine oblique striae. S2 with median longitudinal furrow at base. Black with reddish antennae and legs and large orange spots on T2 and S2....................
Anterhynchium auromaculatum
(de Saussure)
Fig. 22
19. Tyloids present on all flagellomeres. S
2 in
lateral view strongly convex at base and then flattened to the apex, with a nearly vertical anterior face and a horizontal posterior face. T5–T7 with dense silvery pubescence..............................................................................
Anterhynchium argenteopilosellum
Giordani Soika
Fig. 21
-. Tyloids present only on apical half of antenna. S
2 in
lateral view evenly convex from base to apex or more convex at base, but without a distinction between vertical and horizontal faces. T4–T7 without silvery pubescence...................... 20
20. Metasoma shiny and sparsely punctured, interspaces greatly larger than punctures diameters, becoming smaller only at apex of T2–T6. Clypeus dull and densely microreticulate, punctures very fine and sparse, indistinct...........................................................................................
Anterhynchium fallax
(de Saussure)
Fig. 24
-. Metasoma dull and densely punctured, interspaces at most a bit larger than punctures diameters. Clypeus with larger and distinct punctures.................................................................................... 21
21. Apex of T2 and whole T3–T5 with very coarse and dense punctures, interspaces reduced to sharp carinae and spines. Punctures of clypeus distinct on whole surface. S2 not depressed in the middle and basally entirely convex from side to side....................................................................
Anterhynchium cariosum
Giordani Soika
Fig. 23
-. Apex of T2–T5 with punctures deeper and denser than on rest of surface, but interspaces distinct and about as long as punctures diameters. S2 with shallow median depression and basal convexity interrupted in the middle........................ 22
22. Punctation of T2 denser, interspaces shorter than punctures diameter on whole surface. Clypeus longer, apical emargination shallower. S2 without median longitudinal furrow at base.............
Anterhynchium synagroide
(de Saussure)
Fig. 25
-. Punctation of T2 sparser, interspaces in basal half at least equal to punctures diameter. Clypeus shorter, apical emargination deeper. S2 with median longitudinal furrow at base...............
Anterhynchium auromaculatum
(de Saussure)
Fig. 22