The genus Dendroseius Karg (Acari: Digamasellidae) in Iran, with description of the male and deutonymph of Dendroseius amoliensis Author Mohammadi, Leila Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran. Author HajizadehK, Jalil Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran. text Acarologia 2022 2022-06-09 62 3 637 652 journal article 10.24349/aws7-hhka 2107-7207 7887239 Dendroseius vulgaris Ma, Ho & Wang, 2014 Femalefive specimens measured ( Figure 7 ) Dorsal idiosoma ( Figure 7A ) – Dorsal shield, 352 (336–376) long. Podonotal shield 167 (160–174) long and 179 (170–190) wide; opisthonotal shield 194 (180–208) long and 176 (160–190) wide; j1 21 (20–22), j2 25 (23–28), j3 33 (30–35), j4 28 (26–30), j5 30, j6 26 (24–28), z1 16 (12–24) shortest, z2 30, z3 32, z4 35 (34–36), z5 28 (26–32), z6 26 (23–28), s1 19 (14–24), s2 27 (26–28), s3 33 (32–34), s4 33 (30–36), s5 33 (32–36), s6 31 (30–32), r2 21 (14-24), r3 31 (26–34), r4 20 (18–22), r5 22 (20–24), J1 27 (26–30), J2 32, J3 32 (30–34), J4 40, J5 30, Z1 37 (34–40), Z2 38 (36–40), Z3 36 (34–40), Z4 42 (40–44), Z5 48 (44–50) longest, S1 34 (32–36), S2 34 , S3 35 (32–38), S4 37 (34–42), S5 37 (34–44), R1 20 (16–22), R2 26 (24–28), R3 30, R4 32 (30–34), R5 35 (34–36). Ventral idiosoma ( Figure 7B ): Tritosternum ( Figure 7C ) base 20 and Laciniae 38 (34–40) long; sternal shield 69 (64–74) long and 70 (62–74) wide, with four pairs of setae, st1 24 (22–26), st2 24 (22–26), st3 24 (22–26), st4 24; genital shield 56 (52–62) wide, Setae st5 21 (20–22); ventrianal shield 128 (118–144) long and 118 (104–125) wide; with seven pairs of preanal setae, Jv1 20 (18–22), Jv2 26, Jv3 29 (28–30), Jv5 34 (28–36), Zv1 18 (16–20), Zv2 18 (12–22), Zv3 22, para-anal 32 (30–34), post-anal 19 (16–22). Gnathosoma: Epistome ( Figure 7E ) with three-pointed prongs; palp apotele two-tined; fixed cheliceral digit 32 long, with seven teeth in addition the apical tooth and a setiform pilus dentilis; movable cheliceral digit 33 (32–36) long, with three teeth in addition to apical tooth ( Figure 7D ); corniculi horn-like; deutosternum with seven rows; hypostomal setae smooth, h1 19 (18–20), h2 9 (8–10), h3 21(20–22), pc 19 (16–20) ( Figure 7C ). Legs: Lengths, excluding pretarsi: leg I 289 (280–296), leg II 202 (200–208), leg III 174 (160–184), leg IV 248 (240–260). Malefive specimens measured. ( Figure 8 ) Dorsal idiosoma ( Figure 8A ) – Dorsal shield, 298 (284–320) long and 189 (176–200) wide. Podonotal shield 146 (140–160) long; opisthonotal shield 157 (146–170) long; j1 15 (14–16), j2 23 (22–24), j3 29 (28–30), j4 24 (22–25), j5 24 (22–25), j6 22 (20–24), z1 15 (12–18) shortest, z2 26 (20–30), z3 28 (26–30), z4 30, z5 23 (22–24), z6 23 (22–24), s1 22 (20–26), s2 26 (24–28), s3 29 (28–30), s4 31 (30–34), s5 28 (26–30), s6 27 (26–30), r2 24 (20–26), r3 30 (26–32), r4 23 (18–26), r5 22 (20–24), J1 20, J2 25 (24–28), J3 25 (22–30), J4 30 (28–32), J5 24, Z1 28 (26–30), Z2 28 (26–30), Z3 28 (26–30), Z4 32 (30–34), Z5 40 longest, S1 28 (20–30), S2 27 (26–30), S3 29 (26–32), S4 28 (26–30), S5 29 (27–32), R1 18 (14–20), R2 20 (18–24), R3 24 (20–28), R4 25 (22–26), R5 24 (22–26). Ventral idiosoma ( Figure 8B ): Tritosternum ( Figure 8D ) base 6 (4–8) and laciniae 29 (24–32) long; sternogenital shield 118 (116–120) long and 65 (62–70) wide, with four pairs of setae, st1 19 (14–22), st2 22 (20–26), st3 18 (16–20), st4 18 (14–21); setae st5 16 (14–20); ventrianal shield 124 (116–132) long; with seven pairs of preanal setae, Jv1 18 (16–20), Jv2 21 (20–22), Jv3 24 (22–26), Jv5 26 (24–28), Zv1 16 (14–18), Zv2 17 (16–20), Zv3 18 (16–20) para-anal 31 (30–32), post-anal 16 (14–18). Gnathosoma: Epistome ( Figure 8F ) with three-pointed prongs; fixed cheliceral digit 27 (26–30) long, movable cheliceral digit 24 (22–26) long, each with the same number of teeth as the adult female, spermatodactyl 22 long ( Figure 8C ); deutosternum with seven rows; hypostomal setae smooth, h1 17 (14–20), h2 8, h3 18 (16–20), pc 16 (14–18) ( Figure 8D ). Legs: Lengths, excluding pretarsi: leg I 277 (260–284), leg II 197 (180–204), leg III 170 (160–172), Figure 7 Dendroseius vulgaris female, photomicrographs: A – Idiosoma, dorsal view; B – Idiosoma, ventral view; C – Hypostome and tritosternum; D – Chelicerae and palp; E – Epitome. Scale bar: 85 µm for A and B; 38 µm for C; 57 µm for D; 23 µm for E. Figure 8 Dendroseius vulgaris male, photomicrographs: A – Idiosoma, dorsal view; B – Idiosoma, ventral view; C – Chelicerae and palp; D – Hypostome and tritosternum; E – Leg II; F – Epitome. Scale bar: 77 µm for A and B; 52 µm for C; 53 µm for D; 98 µm for E; 20 µm for F. leg IV 246 (240–252).