Description of Pseudoechthistatus rugosus n. sp. from Yunnan, China (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae: Lamiini) Author Huang, Gui-Qiang Author Yan, Kai Author Li, Song text Zootaxa 2020 2020-03-04 4747 3 593 600 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4747.3.12 7d2e7b0e-4205-41b3-8257-846b80522896 1175-5326 3696388 99BF2696-50DA-4991-9491-D9296D6FB6C1 Pseudoechthistatus rugosus Huang sp. nov. Žḃẩdzƛ+ Figures 1–31 Description. Male. Body length: 13.5–24.0 mm, humeral width: 4.5–7.5 mm ( holotype and 4 paratypes ); holotype ( Figs. 1–3 ), body length: 22.0 mm, humeral width: 6.5 mm . Body black, anteclypeus brown ( Fig. 4 ). Body sparsely covered with short light yellowish-brown setae, most of hairs forming irregular spots or bands on genae, elytra, abdominal sternites, legs (coxae, trochanter, femora and tibiae); transversal band at basal 1/3 of each elytron short and close to suture, transverse and oblique band near middle of each elytron expanded at sides, but not extending to elytral suture and margin, longitudinal and oblique band near apical middle of each elytron sub-triangular. Vertical posterior, prothorax, mesosternum, metasternum and elytra sparsely covered with yellowish-brown setae forming spots or bands; annular band encircling sub-basal tubercle on each elytron incomplete and extending to basal middle. Mandibles, head, antennae, prothorax, mesosternum, metasternum, elytra, abdominal sternites, femora and tibiae sparsely covered with short brown setae, setae on antennae gradually dense from basal segments to apical segments, but densest at antennomeres 10–11, setae on 5 th abdominal segment dense at apex. Labrum sparsely covered with long thick dark brown hairs (mainly concentrated at sides), frons sparsely with long light yellowish-brown hairs (mainly concentrated at basal sides) and several long brown hairs at base. Antennae sparsely covered with sub-erected short white setae, antennomeres 3–10 with several long thick black setae apically. Prothorax and basal 1/4 of elytra sparsely covered with short white setae. Pronotum sparsely covered with long erected black hairs. Elytra sparsely covered with erected brown and dark brown setae. Sub-basal tubercles on elytra sparsely covered with short black setae. Abdominal sternites sparsely covered with long erected thick dark brown hairs at sides, hairs on 5 th abdominal segment mainly concentrated at apical sides. Legs’ trochanters covered with several short brown and long erected thick dark brown hairs ventrally. Femora (inner side and dorsum) and tibiae (inner side) with irregular white setal spots. FIGURES 1–3. Pseudoechthistatus rugosus sp. nov. , holotype, male. Habitus: 1. dorsal view, 2. lateral view, 3. ventral view. Scale bars: 5 mm. FIGURES 4–6. Pseudoechthistatus rugosus sp. nov. , holotype, male. 4. Head, frontal view; 5. prothorax, dorsal view; 6. right hind wing, dorsal view (A: anal, C u : cubitus, P c : post cubitus). Scale bars: 5 mm. Mandibles slightly longer than frons, nearly smooth at apical 1/3 and inside of basal 2/3 of dorsum, wrinkled on outside of dorso-basal 2/3 and latero-basal 2/3, depressed on latero-basal 2/3, with a dull and sub-triangular preapical tooth at apical 1/3 of inner sides ( Fig. 4 ). Labrum transversally raised near base. Frons with a “W” shaped transversal furrow near base and connecting with a mesial longitudinal furrow in middle, mesial longitudinal furrow deep and triangular at base, then gradually becoming a very narrow and shallow furrow extending to vertical posterior. Vertical anterior deeply depressed between both antennal tubercles. Antennal tubercles wrinkled, with an arched depression apically. Antennae 1.9 times as long as body, relative length of each antennomere as follows: 2.6: 0.5: 4.9: 3.8: 3.4: 3.0: 2.8: 2.3: 2.0: 1.6: 2.4. Genae, vertex, scape, pedicle, antennomere 3 th , prothorax, elytra, femora of fore leg strongly wrinkled. Scutellum slightly depressed near apex. Elytra with large numbers of granules at sides of basal 1/4, with several granules in front of sub-basal tubercles and one granule connecting posterior of right sub-basal tubercle (posterior of left sub-basal tubercle lacked of granules); disc sparsely with coarse punctures, with prominent outer apical angles. Hind wing with Cu vein not extending to margin, Pc vein reduced into basal and apical parts, basal part short not connecting with Cu vein and without a cross vein connecting with 1A 3 +2A, apical part not extending to margin; 1A 1 vein dissociative and not extending to margin, 1A 3 +2A and 3A veins well developed and fused at apical 1/2, but not extending to margin ( Fig. 6 ). Mesosternal process wrinkled and slightly raised in middle. Apical middle of 5 th abdominal segment slightly notched. Legs’ trochanters depressed ventrally. FIGURES 7–17. Male terminalia of Pseudoechthistatus rugosus sp. nov. , holotype. 7–8. Tergite VIII and sternite VIII (red arrow indicates broken section), 9–11. spiculum gastrale, 12–14. tegmen, 15–17. penis; 7, 9, 12 & 15. dorsal view; 10, 13 & 16. lateral view; 8, 11, 14 & 17. ventral view. Scale bar: 1 mm. Male terminalia. Dorso-apical 1/3 of tergite VIII ( Fig. 7 ) sparsely covered with short brown setae and short dark brown setae, with several shorter brown setae at basal 2/3, glabrous in center of basal 2/3; venter of tergite VIII ( Fig. 8 ) sparsely covered with short brown setae at apical 1/3 and sides of apical 2/3, sparsely with short dark brown setae at apical 1/3 (dark brown setae mainly concentrated at apex); disc 1.2 times as wide as long, sub-trapezoidal at apical 1/2, sides of basal 1/2 gradually expanded towards base, truncated apically. Most of parts of sternite VIII ( Fig. 8 ) membranous, moderately covered with dense short brown setae in front of sclerotic section; apex of spiculum relictum hook-like in profile. Spiculum gastrale ( Figs. 9–10 ) nearly 2.4 times as long as tergite VIII, stem of spiculum gastrale curved at basal 1/ 4 in profile, branches of spiculum gastrale nearly 0.23 time as long as stem. Tegmen ( Figs. 12–14 ) slightly longer than penis, dorsum of parameres nearly glabrous at basal 1/2, sparsely covered with short brown setae at apical 1/2, with several long thick dark brown setae near apex, with several longest thick dark brown setae at apex (longest setae nearly 0.5 time as long as parameres); venter of parameres sparsely with short brown setae (setae mainly concentrated at inner half of base), sparsely with long thick brown setae apically, longitudinally depressed at outer half of ventral base ( Fig. 14 ), each lobe sub-paralleled at sides, rounded apically ( Figs. 12 & 14 ); phallobase nearly 2.6 times as long as parameres, expanded at apical 1/3 and gradually constricted towards base, curved near basal 1/5 ( Fig. 13 ). Penis curved and expanded towards venter in middle ( Fig. 16 ), dorsal plate distinctly shorter than ventral plate and sub-triangular at apex ( Figs. 15–16 ), dorsal plate distinctly narrower than ventral plate near apex ( Fig. 15 ), sides of ventral plate near apex abruptly constricted towards apex, but rounded apically ( Fig. 17 ), dorsal struts about 0.4 time as long as entire penis and rounded apically, apex of dorsal struts slightly expanded towards inner sides ( Fig. 15 ). FIGURES 18–22. Pseudoechthistatus rugosus sp. nov. , paratype, female. Habitus: 18. dorsal view, 19. lateral view, 20. ventral view; 21. head, frontal view; 22. right hind wing, dorsal view (A: anal, C u : cubitus, P c : post cubitus; red arrows indicate broken sections). Scale bars: 5 mm . FIGURES 23–31. Variations of elytral setal bands and sub-basal tubercles (dorsal view) of Pseudoechthistatus rugosus sp. nov. : 23. holotype, male; 24–27. paratypes, males; 28–31. paratypes, females. Scale bars: 5 mm. Female. Similar to male, but body length: 17.0–21.0 mm, humeral width: 5.0– 6.5 mm ( 4 paratypes ); one of paratypes ( Figs 18–20 ), body length: 21.0 mm, humeral width: 6.5 mm . Mandibles without a dull sub-triangular preapical tooth at apical 1/3 of inner sides ( Fig. 21 ). Antennae 1.3 times as long as body, relative length of each antennomere as follows: 3.1: 0.6: 5.0: 3.6: 3.0: 2.2: 1.9: 1.6: 1.5: 1.3: 1.6. Elytra 2.2 times as long as wide at base. Hind wing with 1A 1 vein longer, with a dissociative 1A 2 vein, 3A vein separated from 1A 3 +2A vein apically and not extending to margin ( Fig. 22 ). Apex of 5 th abdominal segment truncated. Variation. The shape of the transversal and oblique setal bands near elytral middle, the longitudinal and oblique setal bands near elytral apical middle, sub-basal tubercles (depressed on top or not) and the amount of the granules around sub-basal tubercles are variable in different individuals of both males ( Figs. 23–27 ) and females ( Figs. 28–31 ). Besides, the dull sub-triangular preapical teeth on inner sides of mandibles not prominent in two male individuals. Diagnosis. This new species is very similar to P. pufujiae Bi & Lin, 2016 ( Figs. 15, 16 , 27 , 37, 45, 55, 61, 73– 77 in Bi & Lin, 2016 ) in elytra with similar markings, but this new species can be distinguished from P . pufujiae by mandibles with a dull sub-triangular preapical tooth at apical 1/3 of inner sides (no preapical tooth in P . pufujiae ), ratio of height: width of labrum small (large in P . pufujiae ), ratio height: width of anteclypeus small (large in P . pufujiae ), the light yellowish-brown setal bands located on posterior of elytra not extending to elytral apex (extending to apex in P . pufujiae ), elytra strongly wrinkled (slightly weak in P . pufujiae ), basal part of Pc vein far from Cu vein (close to Cu vein in P . pufujiae ), apical part of Pc vein far from 1A 1 vein (close to 1A 1 vein in P . pufujiae ), tergite VIII truncated apically (notched in P . pufujiae ), sides of parameres sub-paralleled (distinctly constricted from base to apex in P . pufujiae ), distance between parameres narrow (wide in P . pufujiae ), phallobase narrow basally (wide in P . pufujiae ), ventral plate narrow at apex (wide in P . pufujiae ) in males; frons black (reddish-brown in P . pufujiae ), ratio height: width of anteclypeus small (large in P . pufujiae ), the light yellowish-brown setal bands located on posterior of elytra short and far from elytral apex (long and close to elytral apex in P . pufujiae ), basal part of Pc vein close to Cu vein (far from Cu vein in P . pufujiae ), 1A 1 vein long and close to Pc vein (short and far from Pc vein in P . pufujiae ), 1A 2 vein long (extremely short in P . pufujiae ), apex of 3A vein far from margin (close to margin in P . pufujiae ) in females. Etymology. The specific epithet of this new species is derived from the Latin word “rugosus” referring to strongly wrinkled elytra. Type specimens examined. Holotype : male (LPSNU), CHINA : Yunnan Province : Mt. Nizigu , Lumadeng Township , Fugong County , Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture , 15–26 May 2019 , local collector leg . Paratypes : 2 males and 2 females ( LPSNU ), 1 male and 1 female ( SWU ), 1 male and 1 female (CGQH), same data as holotype . Distribution. China ( Yunnan ). Remarks. Scape, pedicle and parts of antennomeres 3–11 sparsely covered with short grayish-white setae, elytra sparsely with short brown setae in 4 male paratypes ( Figs. 24–27 ), while these characters are not prominent in holotype ( Figs. 1–3 , 23 ), which was caused for the setae might be worn out naturally. Right side of apex of 5 th abdominal segment of female paratype ( Fig. 20 ) was broken by the senior author when detailing the specimen.