A new species of Grandinenia Minato & Chen, 1984 (Gastropoda, Stylommatophora, Clausiliidae, Garnieriinae) from Guangxi, China Author Chen, Zhong-Guang 0000-0003-2689-3321 School of Life Sciences, Nanchang University, Nanchang, Jiangxi 330031, China Author Jiang, Jiao Zhejiang Museum of Natural History, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310012, China Author Lin, Ran-Xi State Key Laboratory for Conservation and Utilization of Subtropical Agro-Bioresources, Guangdong Laboratory for Lingnan Modern Agriculture, College of Agriculture, College of Life Sciences, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China Author Xie, Guang-Long School of Life Sciences, Qufu Normal University, Qufu, Shandong 273165, China Author Dai, Yu-Ting School of Life Sciences, Nanchang University, Nanchang, Jiangxi 330031, China Author Wu, Xiao-Ping School of Life Sciences, Nanchang University, Nanchang, Jiangxi 330031, China Author Ouyang, Shan School of Life Sciences, Nanchang University, Nanchang, Jiangxi 330031, China text Zoosystematics and Evolution 2024 2024-07-08 100 3 913 922 journal article 299634 10.3897/zse.100.126340 425fa0bf-aede-4092-b01a-d0fc44124918 CA2E9204-BB04-4AF9-964C-910DCFAE7A8D Grandinenia jiangjilini Chen, Lin, Wu & Ouyang sp. nov. Figs 2 A , 3 , 4 A, B Type material. Holotype . 23 _ NCU _ XPWU _ YG 01 , Yao Mountain [瑶山], Binyang County [宾阳县], Nanning City [南宁市], Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region [广西壮族自治区], China , 23 ° 26 ' 12 " N , 108 ° 51 ' 49 " E , leg. Zhong-Guang Chen , Ji-Lin Jiang & Guang-Long Xie , September 2023 . Paratypes . 49 specimens , 23 _ NCU _ XPWU _ YG 02–50 , other information same as holotype . Different diagnosis. Shell entire (vs. decollated in G. ardouiniana (Heude, 1885) , G. gabijakabi Grego & Szekeres, 2014 , G. gastrum (Nordsieck, 2005) , G. mirifica (Chen & Gao, 1982) , G. pallidissima Nordsieck, 2010 , G. pseudofuchsi (Nordsieck, 2005) , G. rex Nordsieck, 2007 , G. rutila Nordsieck, 2016 , G. schomburgi (Schmacker & Boettger, 1890) , G. takagii (Chang, 2004) , G. umbra (Chang, 2004 )) , hardly decollated, inflated-fusiform (vs. slender-fusiform in all other congeners, except G. mirifica ), light yellowish-brown, semitranslucent; teleoconch with broad, blunt and sparse wrinkles (ribs) (vs. without or with thin and dense ribs in all other congeners); peristome not reflected; inferior lamella lower in front than within; penial caecum present (vs. absent in G. fuchsi (Gredler, 1883) , G. pseudofuchsi , G. takagii and G. mirifica ). Description. Shell (Figs 2 A , 3 A, B , 4 A, B ) (n = 50). Entire, with 8.75–9.5 whorls, hardly decollated, inflated-fusiform, thin, fragile, semi-translucent, light yellowish-brown, with distinct darkish-red ribbon beneath the suture (fades quickly after fixing); dark seam along principal plica and lunella, body whorl in front of lunella darker; apical part conical to strongly attenuated. Suture deep. Protoconch smooth with 2.0–2.5 whorls. Wrinkles (ribs) on the teleoconch broad and blunt, most of them extending across the whole whorl, rather evenly distributed and widely spaced; on the neck, riblets white, thinner, stronger, more widely spaced and undulate. Aperture vastly extended, oval. Peristome expanded, not reflected. Superior lamella continuous with spiral lamella without a curve. Inferior lamella visible in front view of the aperture, steeply ascending, moderately low to high within, it ends deeper than the end of spiral lamella. Subcolumellar lamella strong, bent, visible or not in front view of the aperture, ending less deeply than the end of inferior lamella. Lunella vertical, in oblique view, partly visible through the aperture. Principal plica short, initiates ventrolaterally and extending laterally, not reaching peristome. Clausilium plate in oblique view nearly fully invisible, semi-translucent; overall slender; stalk thin; plate relatively broad. Grandinenia jiangjilini sp. nov. and two congeners. A. Grandinenia jiangjilini sp. nov. , holotype (23 _ NCU _ XPWU _ YG 01); B. G. mirifica ; C. G. ignea . Detailed morphology of Grandinenia jiangjilini sp. nov. A – C. Shell morphology; D. Clausilium plate; E. Genital anatomy. Abbreviations: cp clausilium plate; il inferior lamella; lu lunella; pp principal plica; sc subcolumellar lamella; sl superior lamella; sp spiral lamella; At atrium; BC bursa copulatrix; BCD bursa copulatrix duct; D diverticulum; Ep epiphallus; FO free oviduct; P penis; PC penial caecum; PR penial retractor muscle; V vagina; VD vas deferens. Living specimens of Grandinenia . A, B. Grandinenia jiangjilini sp. nov. ; C. G. gastrum ; D. G. mirifica . Genitalia (Fig. 3 C ) (n = 10). Atrium short and relatively broad. Penis almost cylindrical and shortly narrower at transition to epiphallus. Penial caecum present. Epiphallus slender, shorter than penis and smaller diameter. Penial retractor relatively thick and short, inserted at the middle part of penis. Vas deferens relatively slender and short. Vagina thick, cylindrical, slightly longer than free oviduct. Basal part of diverticulum thick, rapid thinning to apical part and attached to spermoviduct. Spermoviduct thick and long. Pedunculus of bursa copulatrix slender and long. Bursa copulatrix large, oval. Measurements. Holotype : shell height 24.5 mm , width 8.3 mm ; aperture height 7.0 mm, width 7.7 mm . Paratypes : shell height 21.9–28.5 mm , width 7.4–8.4 mm ; aperture height 5.9–7.3 mm , width 6.9–8.0 mm (n = 49). Etymology. The species is named after Mr Ji-Lin Jiang who first discovered the new species and assisted in the field survey. Vernacular name. 江氏斜管螺 (Pinyin: jiāng shì xié guǎn luó). Distribution and ecology. Grandinenia jiangjilini sp. nov. is found from the Yao Mountain only (Figs 57 ). No other localities were found during the detailed survey conducted in 2022–2023 of the surrounding hills. It inhabits the vertical limestone cliff together with Papilliphaedusa porphyrea (Möllendorff, 1882) (Fig. 4 A, B ). Sample localities of Grandinenia used in this study. Star. Grandinenia jiangjilini sp. nov. ; red point. G. mirifica , G. gastrum gastrum and G. gastrum laticosta ; blue point. G. ookuboi pulchricosta and G. sp . 1; green point. G. rex ; purple point. G. cf. rutila ; yellow point. G. fuchsi ; orange point. G. ignea ; grey point. G. magnilabris ; black point. G. sp . 2. Sampling locality. A. Karst hills surrounding the type locality; B. Type locality of Grandinenia jiangjilini sp. nov. Arrow shows the sampling locality. Comparison of type locality in 2023 and 2024. A. September 2023; B, C. April 2024.