Silica-scaled chrysophytes from the Ukrainian Polissia Author Kapustin, Dmitry A. Author Gusev, Evgeniy S. K. A. Timiryazev Institute of Plant Physiology Russian Academy of Sciences, Botanicheskaya St. 35, 127276, Moscow (Russia) * dima _ kapustin @ outlook. com (corresponding author) Author Lilitskaya, Galina G. M. G. Kholodny Institute of Botany, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Tereshchenkivska St. 2, 01601, Kyiv (Ukraine) Author Kulikovskiy, Maxim S. K. A. Timiryazev Institute of Plant Physiology Russian Academy of Sciences, Botanicheskaya St. 35, 127276, Moscow (Russia) text Cryptogamie, Algologie 2020 2020-10-26 20 12 121 135 journal article 246878 10.5252/cryptogamie-algologie2020v41a12 2a46d516-2edd-4de5-8ebb-404160da8fea 1776-0992 7819057 Mallomonas matvienkoae Asmund & Kristiansen ( Fig. 3A ) Mallomonopsis elliptica Matv., Trudy Naukovo-doslidnogo Instytutu Botaniky 4: 41 (1941) . DISTRIBUTION. — Cosmopolitan ( Kristiansen 2002 ). REMARKS This species has been described from Ukraine under the name Mallomonopsis elliptica Matv. ( Matvienko 1941 ) and later re-described and transferred to the genus Mallomonas ( Asmund & Kristiansen 1986 ) . FIG. 3. — Mallomonas Perty taxa from the Ukrainian Polissia: A , Mallomonas matvienkoae Asmund & Kristiansen, SEM ; B , Mallomonas ouradion K.Harris & D.E.Bradley, SEM ; C , Mallomonas cf. pseudomatvienkoae B.Y.Jo, W.Shin, H.S.Kim, Siver & R.A.Andersen, SEM ; D , Mallomonas paludosa Fott ; E , F , Mallomonas papillosa K.Harris & D.E.Bradley emend. K.Harris, TEM (E) and SEM (F); G , Mallomonas pillula f. valdiviana Dürrschmidt, SEM ; H , Mallomonas punctifera Korshikov, SEM ; I , Mallomonas pugio D.E.Bradley, SEM ; J , Mallomonas rasilis Dürrschmidt, SEM ; K , L , Mallomonas schwemmlei Glenk emend. Glenk & Fott , body (K) and apical (L) scales, SEM; M , Mallomonas striata Asmund, SEM ; N , Mallomonas teilingii W.Conrad, SEM ; O , Mallomonas teres Nemcova & Kapustin, SEM ; P , Mallomonas cf. tonsurata Teiling, SEM. Scale bars: A-F, I-M, O, P, 1 µm; G, 0.5 µm; H, N, 2 µm. The Mallomonas matvienkoae species complex is a rather diverse group of pseudocryptic taxa and several new species, namely M. lacuna B.Y.Jo, W.Shin, H.S.Kim, Siver & R.A.Andersen , M. hexareticulata B.Y.Jo, W.Shin, H.S.Kim, Siver & R.A.Andersen , M. pseudomatvienkoae B.Y.Jo, W.Shin, H.S.Kim, Siver & R.A.Andersen , M. sorohexareticulata B.Y.Jo, W.Shin, H.S.Kim, Siver & R.A.Andersen , M.pleuriforamen Siver, Lott, B.Y.Jo, W.Shin, H.S.Kim & R.A.Andersen ( Jo et al. 2013 ) , M. paragrandis Gusev (2015) and M. lamii Gusev et al. (2019a) . Both recent and fossil taxa have been described from this group.