The family Ismaridae Thomson (Hymenoptera, Diaprioidea): first record for the Afrotropical region with description of fourteen new species
Kim, Chang-Jun
Copeland, Robert S.
Notton, David G.
African Invertebrates
journal article
sp. n.
Figure 11A− C
Ismarus notaulicus
sp. n. is similar to
I. dorsiger
(Haliday, 1831). It differs mainly in the notauli and mesosoma colour pattern: in
I. dorsiger
notauli completely absent, dorsal part of pronotum yellow, mesopleuron completely yellow; in
I. notaulicus
sp. n. notauli present with 7 very small pits, dorsal part of pronotum black, mesopleuron brown except upper margin darkened.
Type material
(1♀). Holotype, 1♀, KENYA: 1♀, Coast Province, Taita Hills, Chawia Forest,
, 1614 m alt., (MT) by small forest pond, 18.
2.X.2011, R. Copeland leg., CJDAF010105 (deposited in NMK).
Holotype (Female). Head. Head in dorsal view much wider than long (9:5), subequal to width of mesosoma (Fig. 11
); POL: 6; LOL: 3; OOL: 7 (Fig. 11B); ocelli large, LOL slightly longer than diameter of lateral ocellus (6:5); vertex behind ocelli nearly flat in lateral view; eye large and without setae; frons and temple with few sparse setae; above antennal sockets, face and cheek with few long setae; antenna slightly shorter than body length (14:17); scape and pedicel with scattered setae; A3-A15 with dense and short setae; antennal segments in following proportions (length:width): 16:5; 8:4; 12:3; 12:3.5; 10:3.5; 10:4; 9:4; 8:4; 8:4; 8:4; 8:4; 8:4; 8:4; 8:4; 11:4 (Fig. 11A).
Figure 11.
Ismarus notaulicus
sp. n., female. A Habitus in lateral view B Head in dorsal view C Mesosoma in dorsal view.
Mesosoma. Pronotum in dorsal view punctate with whitish long setae; pronotal shoulders angled; lateral pronotum predominantly smooth and concave except upper and lower margins with whitish long setae; mesoscutum smooth and convex with pairs of long setae in front of scutellar pit; notauli present with 7 very small pits on anterior margin (Fig. 11C); humeral sulcus deep and short, as long as length of tegula; scutellum smooth and slightly convex, posterior rim rounded (Fig. 11C); anterior scutellar pit small and deep, much shorter than remaining scutellar disc, distinctly crenulate at bottom, median keel absent (Fig. 11C); mesopleuron smooth with deep crenulate line along posterior margin; metapleuron rugose and covered with dense whitish long setae.
Wings. Radial cell completely closed, 2.0
as long as wide and 0.6
as long as marginal vein (Fig. 11A).
Legs. Fore and mid legs slender; hind tibiae incrassate posteriorly, its maximum width slightly wider than hind femora (10:9).
Metasoma. Petiole subquadrate, with strong costae dorsally; base of second tergite with several short costae basally and very short median furrow, extending 0.20
length of second tergite; suture between T2 and T3 obsolete but the following sutures between tergites distinctly impressed.
Colour. Head yellow except whitish mandibles and antennae yellowish-brown except scape and pedicel yellow; mesosoma black except tegulae yellow and lateral pronotum, mesopleuron and metapleuron brown except upper margin of mesopleuron darkened; metasoma yellow except petiole black; legs yellow; wings hyaline, covered with brown setae.
Measurements. Head length 0.29 mm, width 0.55 mm; mesosoma length 0.48 mm, width 0.49 mm; metasoma length 0.58 mm; fore wing length 1.83 mm; body length 1.35 mm.
Male. Unknown.
This specific name means that the notauli are present.