Revision of the Traumatomutilla gemella species-group (Hymenoptera, Mutillidae) with the description of its hitherto unknown males
Bartholomay, Pedro R.
Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Entomologia, Laboratório de Hymenoptera, Avenida André Araújo, 2936, Manaus, Amazonas (Brazil); and Instituto Nacional da Mata Atlântica, Avenida José Ruschi nº 4, Santa Teresa, Espírito Santo (Brazil) pedroreck @ gmail. com (corresponding author)
Williams, Kevin A.
Plant Pest Diagnostics Center, California Department of Food & Agriculture, 3294 Meadowview Road, Sacramento CA 95832 (USA) kevin. williams @ cdfa. ca. gov
Cambra, Roberto A.
Museo de Invertebrados G. B. Fairchild, Universidad de Panamá, Panamá 0824 (Panamá) cambramiup 60 @ gmail. com
Oliveira, Marcio L.
Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Entomologia, Laboratório de Hymenoptera, Avenida André Araújo, 2936, Manaus, Amazonas (Brazil)
journal article
Traumatomutilla peismatara
Bartholomay & Cambra
n. sp.
Figs 12
Traumatomutilla peismatara
– Bartholomay & Cambra
Bartholomay 2019: 101.
ETYMOLOGY. — From the Greek
, meaning “stubborn, headstrong”, in reference to PRB’s initial stubborn denial of RAC’s conclusion that this was indeed a new species with the males from
Acre state
as their corresponding opposite sex. Treat as an adjective in the nominative singular.
1 ♀
J. M. Schunke
1 ♀
; MNHN-EY-EY26102
1 ♀
80 km
NE [kilometers northeast of]
Yanamono River
Explorama Lodge
R. Cambra
D. Quintero
1 ♀
Madre de Dios
Reserva Manu
Estacion Pakitza
R. Cambra
1 ♀
Manu N. P.
National Park
, nr. [near]
Cocha Cashu
; 1992;
4 ♂
Rio Javari
Estirão do Equador
M. Alvarenga
Senador Guiomard, F. E.
[Fazenda Experimental]
J. A. Rafael
E. F. Morato
Lateral face of propodeum sparsely sculptured, with large smooth and shining areas, dorsal face of propodeum almost flat with mesonotum, sharply angled in relation to posterior face, with conspicuous elevation on posterior margin of dorsal face, head setae entirely silvery-white.
. Pronotal dorsum not concealed by dense appressed setation and without micropunctures, lateral face of propodeum without conspicuous areas of dense appressed setae, posterior margin of hypopygium projected medially and laterally, medial projection shorter than lateral ones.
Madre de Dios
Body length.
12 mm
Head (
Fig. 12A, B
. Posterior margin almost straight. Occipital carina evenly wide throughout and smoothly curved dorsolaterally. Vertex width 0.9 × pronotal width. Eye almost circular, its height in frontal view 1.4 × the distance from its ventral margin to mandibular condyle. Head densely and coarsely foveolate-punctate to areolate-punctate, with broad longitudinal carina extending medially from posterior margin of vertex to middle of front. Mandible with conspicuous subapical tooth. Dorsal scrobal carina well-defined, irregular, separated from antennal tubercles and irregular lateral scrobal carina. Antennal tubercle finely and irregularly rugose. Flagellomere 1: 1.75 × pedicel length; flagellomere 2: 1.5 × pedicel length.
Mesosoma (
Fig. 12A, B
. Dorsal thoracic length slightly smaller than mesosomal widht. Mesosomal dorsum densely and coarsely areolate-punctate to foveolate-punctate. Anterior face of pronotum defined, short, its height equal to pronotal collar length, vestigially and coarsely striated longitudinally; laterobasally with interspersed scattered punctures; unsculptured, smooth, shining mediobasally; dorsal face roundly angulate into anterior face in lateral view. Humeral carina well-defined, slightly projected dorsally, broadly separated from well-defined raised subangulate epaulet; anterolateral corners of pronotum sharply angulate in dorsal view. Pronotal spiracle almost flat against lateral margin of pronotum. Sculpture of lateral face of pronotum almost concealed by dense setation; mesopleuron and metapleuron sculpture concealed by dense setation, except dorsal fourth of metapleuron unsculptured, smooth, shining. Lateral face of propodeum sparsely and shallowly areolate-punctate throughout; sculpture larger and denser posterad, smaller anterad, with large and conspicuous unsculptured, smooth and shining areas. Ratios of widths of mesosoma at humeral angles, pronotal spiracles, widest point of mesonotum, narrowest point of mesonotum and propodeum immediately posterior to propodeal spiracles. Lateral margin of mesonotum simply divergent anterior to propodeal spiracle, slightly diverging anterad. Propodeal spiracle almost flat against lateral margin of mesosoma; post-spiracular area absent. Scutellar scale and anterolateral carinae absent; scabrous intervals absent on scutellar area. Propodeum conspicuously elongate, dorsal face much longer than and well differentiated from posterior face; dorsal face with conspicuous tubercle-like medial elevation at posterior margin, thus sharply differentiated from posterior margin in lateral view.
Metasoma (
Fig. 12A, B
. Ratios of width of T1, width of T2 and length of T2, 33:72:66. Disc of T2 sparselyy and coarsely foveolate-punctate with dense interspersed micropunctures; foveolae sparser and micropunctures absent laterally and over integumental spots.T3–5 sculpture predominantly concealed by dense setation, densely and coarsely foveolate-punctate to simply punctate with dense interspersed micropunctures where visible; T6, except pygidial plate, densely and coarsely foveolate-punctate; pygidial plate broadly subpyriform, defined by strong, projected, flange-like lateral carinae at apical fourth of plate; surface with predominant longitudinal, coarse and confused rugosities, interstice granulose.. S1 sparsely punctured, surface wedge-like, ending in a rounded longitudinal carina, conspicuously higher anteriorly. S2 sparsely foveolate-punctate, foveolae sparser and smaller anterad; anteromedial crest-fold vestigial. S3–4 densely and coarsely foveolate-punctate with dense micropunctures; S5–6 densely and coarsely foveolate-punctate.
FIG. 12. —
Traumatomutilla peismatara
Bartholomay & Cambra
n. sp.
, female,holotype, Peru,Loreto,Pucallpa, BMNH:
, dorsal habitus;
, lateral habitus. Scale bars: 2 mm. Photos: P. R. Bartholomay.
FIG. 13. —
Traumatomutilla peismatara
Barholomay & Cambra
n. sp.
, male,paratype,Brazil, Acre,Senador Guiomard,INPA:
B -F
, genitalia;
, dorsal view (halved);
, ventral view (halved);
, lateral/inner view (penis valve removed);
, cuspis, lateral/inner view (removed not to scale);
, penis valve,lateral/outer view (removed, not to scale). Scale bar: 2 mm. Photos: P. R. Bartholomay.
Body length.
12 mm
Head (
Fig. 13A
. Transversely subrectangular with posterolateral angles rounded in dorsal view. Vertex width 0.9 × pronotal width. Eye almost circular. Ocelli small; OOD 3.4 × DLO, IOD 0.8 × DLO. Occipital carina distinct. Head surface densely and coarsely foveolate-punctate; interspersed micropunctures present along posterior margin, genae, and malar space. Gena ecarinate. Antennal scrobe concave to eye margin, with prominent transverse dorsal scrobal carina. Clypeus concave laterally immediately below antennal insertion, conspicuously convex medially; predominantly obscured by dense setation, coarsely and densely punctate to micropunctate where visible; apical/ventral margin with a pair of closely space short blunt tooth-like projections medially. Scape bicarinate. Flagellomere 1: 1.6 × pedicel length; flagellomere 2: 2.2 × pedicel length. Mandible obliquely tridentate apically, inner and middle teeth almost equal, greatly reduced; lacking dorsal or ventral projections.
Mesosoma (
Fig. 13A
. Epaulets well defined, slightly projected from anterior margin of pronotum, subangulate, broadly separated from humeral carina, anterolateral angles of pronotum subrounded. Anterior face of pronotum sparsely punctate with interspersed micropunctations laterally, almost unsculptured, smooth, and shining elsewhere; slightly longitudinally depressed medially.Tegula convex, mostly glabrous and impunctate except for dense coarse punctures on anterior and inner margin. Mesoscutum densely and coarsely foveolate-punctate, notaulus and parapsis present, reduced to posterior half of mesoscutum; with medial longitudinal carina on posterior half. Scutellum convex, subglobose, with somewhat definable dorsal and posterior carina; densely and coarsely areolate-punctate to foveolate-punctate; with longitudinal carina medially formed by aligned intervals on dorsal face. Axilla produced posterolaterally as acute projections, with conspicuous flat coarsely and densely foveolate-punctate dorsal surface, except apically and along outer margin unsculptured. Metanotum almost equally wide throughout, its surface obscured by dense setation. Propodeal dorsum convex, densely areolate; lateral face densely areolate posterad to foveolate anterad; dorsal face rounded into and poorly distinguished from posterior face. Lateral face of pronotum sparsely and coarsely foveolate-punctate with interspersed dense micropunctures; mesopleuron slightly swollen on dorsal half, without any or projections; sculpture densely and coarsely foveolate-punctate; foveolae sparser anterad and posterad, micropunctures present anteriorly. Metapleuron predominantly micropunctured to unsculptured, smooth and shining, except for vestigial foveolation and rugosities on dorsal and ventral fifths.
Wings (
Fig. 13A
Fore wing with elongate sclerotized pterostigma; marginal cell elongated, truncate apically; three submarginal cells; dark brown, slightly but conspicuously lighter on basal third.
Legs (
Fig. 13A
Simply setose, no strong spines discernible dorsally; spurs finely serrate on margins.
Metasoma (
Fig. 13A
T1 0.5 × as wide as T2. T2 length 0.8 × its width. Dorsal metasomal sculpture partially concealed by dense setation, sparsely and coarsely punctate with interspersed micropunctures where visible; pygidial plate concave, posterior margin conspicuously curved upward; surface predominantly smooth, shining, with vestigial undefined sculpture apically; weakly defined by parallel carinae apicolaterally. S1 longitudinally elevated medially, ending in blunt low, slightly concave carina. S2 sparsely and finely foveolate-punctate to punctate, with interspersed micropunctations on anterior third, foveolae conspicuously sparser posterad; anteromedial crest-fold almost absent; sternal pit absent. S3–4 sparsely and finely foveolate-punctate with interspersed micropunctures; S5–7 sparsely foveolate-punctate. S7 longer than broad, with conspicuous medial longitudinal unsculptured area; posterior margin projected apicolaterally, simply convex and shorter than lateral corners medially.
Genitalia (
Fig. 13
. Parapenial lobe not at all pronounced posteriorly, simply rounded. Ratios of free length of paramere, cuspis and digitus, 48:24:11; paramere slightly sinuous in dorsal view, upcurved posteriorly in lateral view; with dense setae ventrally at anterior half; cuspis short, stout, slightly swollen medially and narrower posterad in lateral view; narrower posterad and almost straight in dorsal view; abruptly curved dorsally in wide angle at anterior third; with dense conspicuous, strongly sinuous setae on ventral surface, except at anterior third with simple short setae; dorsal surface with overall inconspicuous simple short setae; paracuspis well-developed, not sessile, slightly elongate longitudinally, subrounded at posterior margin, densely setose along posterodorsal margin, setae predominantly shorter than or as short as paracuspis; digitus short, slightly curved inward in dorsal view and slightly upcurved in lateral view, sparsely setose dorsally at base; penis valve strongly concave on internal surface, with closely spaced pair of short teeth posteroventrally; posterior tooth acute, subposterior tooth subacute, lateral pocket present on outer margin; distance between apex of teeth 0.1 × length of valve; dense setae present along truncate, flat posterior margin and inconspicuous short setae present at base of subposterior tooth on outer surface.
Coloration and variations
Female (
Fig. 12A, B
. Integument black to brownish-black except mandibles and antennal flagella partially reddish-brown, and T2 with a pair of subcircular orange integumental spots. Body setae predominantly silvery-white varying in density except the following areas with black to brownish-black setae varying in density: pronotum medially, mesonotum anteromedially, scutellar area, propodeum medially, disc of T2 (except over integumental spots), and fringe of T2–3 sublaterally. The posterior transverse area of silvery-white setae on the mesonotum varies from broadly interrupted by black setae medially to complete.
Male (
Fig. 13A
Integument black. Wings predominantly dark-brown infuscated, except basal third hyaline brown with blackish veins; with strong violaceous/blueish reflections.Body setae predominantly silvery-white varying in density except the following areas with black setae varying in density: vertex anteriorly, ocellar area, dorsal half of front, gena dorsally; pronotum predominantly, mesoscutum, axillar projections, mesoscutellum, mesopleuron anterodorsally, dorsal third of propodeal dorsum; dorsal and external surfaces of tibiae, femora apicodorsally; T2 disc (except anterior third), fringe of T2–5 medially, T6–7 (except pygidial plate asetose), S6 partially, and S7.
Females of
T. peismatara
Bartholomay & Cambra
n. sp.
are structurally similar to those of
T. diophthalma
, but differ mainly in features of the propodeum, namely the overall shape of the dorsal propodeal face and its relation with the mesonotum in lateral view. This small difference originally raised doubts about the validity of this new species and it was initially considered a variation of
T. diophthalma
. After the sex association of
T. chuza
T. diophthalma
, and
T. gemella
, a fourth male morphospecies remained that could not be properly placed within any of the known species, especially because of the structural differences observed in the hypopygium. These males were all collected in Amazonian areas that are relatively close to the Peruvian distribution of
T. peismatara
Bartholomay & Cambra
n. sp.
and in areas where no other females of the
T. gemella
species-group were found. Based on this, morphological features, and similar distribution, we hypothesize that the females of
T. peismatara
Bartholomay & Cambra
n. sp.
represent a distinct species and the males collected in the far west of the Brazilian Amazon are conspecific with those females.