A checklist of the helminth parasites of marine mammals from Argentina Author Hernández-Orts, Jesús S. Author Viola, M. Natalia Paso Author García, Néstor A. Author Crespo, Enrique A. Author González, Raúl Author García-Varela, Martín Author Kuchta, Roman text Zootaxa 2015 3936 3 301 334 journal article http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3936.3.1 6ef214a6-9dea-4e40-9c8c-304e1d5fcc14 1175-5326 236696 32761296-83E1-4B93-9AA2-ADB5F1578B0F Anisakis simplex ( Rudolphi, 1809 ) s.l. Host: Cephalorhynchus commersonii (Lacépède) Site in host: intestine, stomach Developmental stage: L 3 Locality: Tierra del Fuego province; central Patagonia and San Jorge Gulf ( 45 º– 47 ºS) References: Berón-Vera et al. ( 2001 ) Host: Delphinus delphis Linnaeus Site in host: forestomach, pyloric stomach Developmental stage: L 3 , L 4 Locality: Claromecó ( 38 º 52 'S , 60 º05'W ) and Necochea ( 38 º 27 'S , 58 º 50 'W ), Buenos Aires province; northern Patagonia ( 39 º– 42 ºS, 60 º– 62 ºW) 4. Third-stage larvae (L3) of anisakid nematodes are recently acquired larval forms, which infect marine mammals when they prey on cephalopods and fish (McClelland 2002; Klimpel et al . 2004). In marine mammals, the L3 moult into the fourth-stage larva (L4) and then into adult. Specimens in collections: BMNH ( 1993.5201–5205 )V; MZU (accession numbers not provided)V; USNPC ( 99622 )V References: Aznar et al. ( 2003 ) and Berón-Vera et al. ( 2007 ) Host: Lagenorhynchus cruciger (Quoy & Gaimard) Site in host: stomach Developmental stage: L 3 , L 4 Locality: Playa Unión ( 43 º 20 'S , 65 º00'W ), Rawson, and Playa Paraná ( 42 º 49 'S , 64 º 53 'W ), Puerto Madryn, Chubut province References: Fernández et al . ( 2003 ) Host: Lagenorhynchus obscurus (Gray) Site in host: forestomach, intestine, main stomach Developmental stage: L 3 , L 4 Locality: Claromecó ( 38 º 52 'S , 60 º05'W ) and Necochea ( 38 º 27 'S , 58 º 50 'W ), Buenos Aires province; Patagonia Specimens in collections: BMNH ( 1993.5201–5205 )V; MZU (accession numbers not provided)V References: Dans et al . ( 1999 ) and Aznar et al . ( 2003 ) Host: Otaria flavescens (Shaw) Site in host: intestine Developmental stage: L 3 Locality: northern Patagonia ( 40 º 43 '– 43 º 20 'S , 63 º04'– 65 º07'W ) Specimens in collections: BMNH (2012.5.15.23– 24 )V; MZU (accession numbers not provided)V References: Hernández-Orts et al. ( 2013 b) Host: Phocoena dioptrica Lahille Site in host: esophagus, forestomach, main stomach Developmental stage: L 3 , L 4 Locality: Playa Unión and Playa El Doradillo, Chubut province Specimens in collections: MML (accession numbers not provided)V References: Berón-Vera et al . ( 2008 ) Host: Phocoena spinipinnis Burmeister Site in host: duodenal ampulla, forestomach, main stomach, pyloric stomach Developmental stage: L 3 , L 4 Locality: Claromecó ( 38 º 52 'S , 60 º05'W ) and Necochea ( 38 º 27 'S , 58 º 50 'W ), Buenos Aires province; Punta Bengoa, Chubut province Specimens in collections: BMNH ( 1993.5201–5205 )V; MML (accession numbers not provided)V; MZU (accession numbers not provided)V References: Aznar et al. ( 2003 ) and Berón-Vera et al. ( 2008 ) Host: Pontoporia blainvillei (Gervais & d’Orbigny) Site in host: duodenal ampulla, main stomach, pyloric stomach Developmental stage: L 3 , L 4 Locality: Claromecó ( 38 º 52 'S , 60 º05'W ) and Necochea ( 38 º 27 'S , 58 º 50 'W ), Buenos Aires province Specimens in collections: BMNH ( 1993.520 1–5205 )V References: Aznar et al . ( 1994 ; 1995 ; 2003 ) Host: Tursiops truncatus (Montagu) Site in host: forestomach, main stomach, pyloric stomach Developmental stage: L 3 , L 4 Locality: Playa Unión ( 43 ° 24 'S , 65 °03'W ), Chubut province; northern Patagonia ( 40 ° 30 '– 43 ° 30 'S , 64 °– 65 °W) Specimens in collections: MML (accession numbers not provided)V; MZU (accession numbers not provided)V References: Sánchez et al . ( 2002 ) and Romero et al. ( 2014 )