Revision of the ant genus Strumigenys Fr. Smith (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of Taiwan.
Lin, C. C.
Wu, W. J.
Chinese Journal of Entomology
journal article
Strumigenys nanzanensis
sp. nov
(Figs. 13, 30-34)
Holotype Worker: TL: 2.22 mm. HL 0.60 mm. HW: 0.47 mm. SL: 0.38 mm. ML 0.27 mm. FCD: 0.18 mm. PW: 0.32 mm WL: 0.62 mm. CL 78. MI: 45, SI: 81. FCI 38. MSI: 52.
Head as in Fig. 30. microreticulate sculpture, with short, narrowly spatulate hairs on cranium: in full face view, dorsolateral borders of head posteriorly with a pair of long flagellate hairs. Mandible hook-like at extreme apex, sle- nder in full face view, external margin convex very shallowly and evenly, intern- al margin almost straight. Preapical teeth of mandible prominently spiniform; apical fork with 2 spiniform teeth and an intercalary denticle (Fig. 32). Anterior clypeal margin transverse. Antenna 6-se- gmented, in ratio of 15: 2.7: 1: 1: 5: 11 in length from base; scape microreticulate. with a row of narrowly spatulate hairs: 2 nd segment 1.2 X as long as wide: 3rd and 4th segments each shorter than broad; 5th segment 2.5 X as long as wide: apical segment 3.6 X as long as wide. Eye relatively large, 0.08 mm in maximum diameter, consisting of 30 ommatidia.
Dorsum of promesonotum microre- ticulate sculpture, with numerous, short curved hairs and narrowly spatulate hairs (Fig. 13). Long flagellate hairs present on dorsum of mesosoma (Fig. 31). Meso- pleuron and metapleuron smooth and shining in most part. Propodeum with microreticulate sculpture. Propodeal la- mellae well developed: posterodorsal cor- ner rounded, not forming angle in lateral view.
Petiole peduncle long and node con- vex, microreticulate sculpture, with long flagellate hairs. Spongiform appendages of pedicel segments well developed.
First gastral tergite smooth and shi- ning with numerous, long flagellate hairs.
Body yellow.
Paratype workers: Six paratype workers with the following measurements and indices: TL: 2.20-3.22 mm, HL: 0.60-0.63 mm, HW: 0.46-0.47 mm, SL: 0.37-0.38 mm, ML: 0.27-0.28 mm, FCD: 0.18-0.20 mm. PW: 0.30-0.32 mm, WL: 0.60- 0.63 mm, CI: 73-78. MI: 43-47. SI: 79-83. FCI: 38-39, MSI: 49-52.
Paratype females: Three paratype females with the following measurements and indices: TL: 2.55-2.58 mm, HL: 0.63-0.64 mm. HW: 0.55-0.55 mm, SL: 0.40-0.41 mm. ML: 0.32-0.34 mm, FCD: 0.18-0.19 mm. PW: 0.37-0.40 mm, WL: 0.78- 0.79 mm. CI: 86-87. MI: 51-53. SI: 72-74. FCI: 33-34. MSI: 47-51.
General shape of head and mesosoma as shown in Figs. 33-34. Head and antenn- al scape microreticulate sculpture. Head with narrowly spatulate hairs on cra- nium; in full face view, dorsolateral borders of head posteriorly with a pair of long flagellate hairs. Compound eye la- rge. Ocelli relatively large, each with blackened callus.
Mesosoma in profile more convex dorsally. arching from anteriormost of mesonotum to posteriormost of meta- notum (Fig. 34). Propodeal lamellae well developed. Dorsum of mesosoma with numerous, short curved hairs and narrow- ly spatulate hairs. Long flagellate hairs present on the dorsa of mesosoma, petiole, postpetiole and 1st gastral tergite. Body yellow.
Holotype: Worker. PINTUNG HSIEN": Nanzanshan. 17.XII. 1992. CCL. Paratypes: PINTUNG HSIEN: Na- nzanshan, 3 females, 6 workers. 17.XII.1992, CCL (from the same nest as the holotype).
Type depository: The holotype is preserved in the NTU, and paratypes in NTU and TARI.
Distribution: Taiwan.
Etymology: Named after Nanza- nshan, the type locality.
Remarks: This new species resembles
S. minutula Terayama & Kubota
from Taiwan and Japan. However, it is dis- tinguished from the latter by the meso- soma with much more abundant, short narrowly spatulate hairs and the almost straight mandibular shafts. In female, dorsal outline of mesosoma in profile is more strongly convex than that of
S. minutula