Bumblebees with big teeth: revising the subgenus Alpigenobombus with the good, the bad and the ugly of numts (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Author Williams, Paul H. 38A45E0C-02A8-407E-8E89-5162D454E9FE Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW 7 5 BD, UK. paw@nhm.ac.uk Author An, Jiandong 5888DB6A-35E2-4A19-8DCE-4FAD4C5BCB83 Institute of Apicultural Research (Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences), 2 Yuanmingyuan West Road, Haidian, Beijing 100093, China. anjiandong@caas.cn Author Dorji, Phurpa 86E9789F-3441-4BD9-AF4C-B0A06B3CA20A Royal Society for Protection of Nature (RSPN), Thimphu, Bhutan. pdorji@rspnbhutan.org Author Huang, Jiaxing B74E0C77-CB13-45E2-B630-09316BD721A6 Institute of Apicultural Research (Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences), 2 Yuanmingyuan West Road, Haidian, Beijing 100093, China. huangjiaxing@caas.cn Author Jaffar, Saleem 77F70375-0A19-4D0E-A05A-987BB46543C0 South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China. saleemjaffar@stu.scau.edu.cn Author Japoshvili, George CCC82B7C-A1E4-4D58-90A3-623116CBAE96 Agricultural University of Georgia, 240 Agmashenebli Alley, Tbilisi, Georgia. g.japoshvili@agruni.edu.ge Author Narah, Jaya C91059E3-71FB-4765-988E-436DD86FC435 Rajiv Gandhi University, Papum Pare, Arunachal Pradesh 791112, India. & National Centre for Biological Sciences, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bangalore 560065, India. jayan@ncbs.res.in Author Ren, Zongxin 27B9DD39-62A8-44D3-9D6A-E6C20D8AAA27 Kunming Institute of Botany (Chinese Academy of Sciences), 132 Lanhei Road, Kunming, Yunnan 650201, China. renzongxin@mail.kib.ac.cn Author Streinzer, Martin 637BA7A7-3035-4C13-92ED-A75030A46E13 University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria. martin.streinzer@univie.ac.at Author Thanoosing, Chawatat 6F4C150C-BC03-4F75-91A6-2A8AF6B5905C Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW 7 5 BD, UK. c.thanoosing@nhm.ac.uk Author Tian, Li 9FE6282D-F647-4059-8900-8D2ACD49DA5C China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China. ltian@cau.edu.cn Author Orr, Michael C. AF163A4E-A2C2-4675-9732-C85C04702FF7 Institute of Zoology (Chinese Academy of Sciences), 1 Beichen West Road, Chaoyang, Beijing 100101, China. & Staatliches Museum f ̧ r Naturkunde Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany. michael.christopher.orr@gmail.com text European Journal of Taxonomy 2023 2023-09-27 892 1 1 65 https://europeanjournaloftaxonomy.eu/index.php/ejt/article/download/2283/9851 journal article 273558 10.5852/ejt.2023.892.2283 f9b457af-ea60-4812-9bed-ed48423af33e 2118-9773 8382675 07D215E7-FB43-4640-BB5B-D1AF50269AF1 4. Bombus ( Alpigenobombus ) rainai Williams, 2022 Figs 49‒53 , 109 Bombus ( Alpigenobombus ) rainai Williams, 2022a: 132 . Bombus ( Alpigenobombus ) kashmirensis Williams 1991: 66 , (in part) misidentification. Species-taxon concept and variation The taxon concept of the species B. rainai here agrees with the recent interpretation (Williams 2022a) that it is separate from the taxon concept of the species B. kashmirensis (see the comments above on B. kashmirensis ), based on: (1) our PTP analysis supports independent species-level coalescents in the COI gene ( Fig. 12 ); corroborated by (2) diagnostic morphological character states (see the keys). This taxon was discussed as divergent from B. kashmirensis by Williams (1991: 68‒69 , figs 308‒310), although it was not then named as a separate species. Although the PTP and morphological results ( Fig. 12 , keys) support the interpretation that B. rainai and B. kashmirensis are separate species (Williams 2022a), the available COI-barcode-like sequences may all be low-divergence neonumts ( Fig. 11 ). Variation of B. rainai is shown in the colour-pattern diagrams in Figs 49‒53. Bombus rainai , with its white-banded red-tailed colour pattern in the Himalaya, appears to mimic the abundant B. ( Sibiricobombus ) longiceps Smith, 1878 (until recently regarded as part of B. asiaticus Morawitz, 1875 ), and similar species ( Williams 2007 : fig. 5l). Type material Bombus ( Alpigenobombus ) rainai Williams 2022a: 132 . Holotype by original designation: (queen) Kashmir , India ( ZSC ). Examined . Morphological diagnosis Female Wings nearly clear with veins dark brown, hair medium length, oculo-malar area shorter than broad, clypeus adjacent to the labrum slightly raised in the centre so that the transverse anterior groove is interrupted, this central area with few small punctures and more shining than the surrounding areas, oculo-ocellar area in its outer half with only a few small shallow punctures, any larger punctures confined to the eye margin (cf. B. kashmirensis ); hair of the side of the thorax in no more than its upper third white and the scutellum predominantly black, hair of T5 entirely orange without obviously paler tips. Male Wings nearly clear with veins dark brown, hair medium length, oculo-malar area shorter than broad; genitalia ( Fig. 109 ) with the gonostylus long and distally near its midline axis convexly rounded, length on its outer side about a quarter as long as on its inner side with the two inner corners of the distal lobe rounded, the margin between them convex, penis-valve head strongly recurved, the recurved hook much longer than broad and narrow, tapering gradually to the apex (cf. B. kashmirensis ); male eye distinctly enlarged relative to female eye; hair of the side of the thorax with black and white intermixed, but often predominantly black in its lower half, hair of the sides of T5‒6 orange, hair of T3 often predominantly orange. Material sequenced in Fig. 12 INDIA1 ♀ (queen); Kashmir , Achoora ; 34.636° N , 74.864° E ; 26 Jun. 2009 ; R. Raina leg.; BOLD seq: 1552E01; ZSC : AG#080 1 ♀ (queen); Kashmir , Apharwat ; 34.055° N , 74.386° E ; 21 Aug. 2009 ; R. Raina leg.; BOLD seq: 1552D12; ZSC : AG#081 . Global distribution Western Himalaya: Pakistan , India (Kashmir): NHMUK, PW, ZSC. This species is recorded at elevations of 2542‒4200 m , primarily above the tree line and high into the alpine zone ( Williams 1991 ). Behaviour Male eye distinctly enlarged relative to female eye: males are expected to show ‘cruising’ behaviour when searching for mates in Kashmir ( Williams 1991 ).