Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part A) Author Jarvis, Charlie Department of Botany, Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London, UK text 2007 Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum London Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types 252 342 book chapter 978-0-9506207-7-0 291971 Adiantum reniforme Linnaeus , Species Plantarum 2 : 1094. 1753 . "Habitat in Madera." RCN: 7921. Lectotype (Verdcourt in Beentje, Fl. Trop. E. Africa, Adiantaceae : 52. 2002): [icon] "Filix Hemionitis dicta Maderensis pediculis splendentibus nigris, crenatis foliis Asari rotundioribus crenarum segmentis oblongo quadratis, ob semina adnascentia per ambitum circumcirca reflexis" in Plukenet, Phytographia: t. 287. f. 5. 1694; Almag. Bot.: 155. 1696. - Typotype : Herb. Sloane 100: 51 ( BM-SL ) . Current name: Adiantum reniforme L. ( Pteridaceae ). Note: See comments on the Plukenet figure and voucher by Francisco-Ortega & al. (in Bull. Nat. Hist. Mus. London (Bot.) 24: 12, f. 6, 7. 1994). Roux ( Consp. Southern African Pteridophyta: 77. 2001) indicated material in Herb. Sloane as the lectotype , but it was not studied by Linnaeus and is not original material for the name.