Revision of the Bark Beetle Genera Within the Former Cryphalini (Curculionidae: Scolytinae) Author Johnson, Andrew J. School of Forest Resources and Conservation, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611, Author Hulcr, Jiri School of Forest Resources and Conservation, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611, Author Knížek, Miloš Department of Forest Protection Service, Forestry and Game Management Research Institute, Strnady, Jíloviště, Praha 5, Zbraslav CZ- 15600, Czechia, Author Atkinson, Thomas H. Texas Natural History Collections, Integrative Biology, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712, Author Mandelshtam, Michail Yu. Department of Forest Protection, Wood Science and Game Management, Saint-Petersburg State Forest Technical University named after S. M. Kirov, Institutskii per., 5, 194021 Saint-Petersburg, Russia, Author Smith, Sarah M. Department of Entomology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, Author Cognato, Anthony I. Department of Entomology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, Author Park, Sangwook Research Institute of Forest Insect Diversity, Namyangju 12113, South Korea, Author Li, You School of Forest Resources and Conservation, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611, Author Jordal, Bjarte H. University Museum of Bergen, University of Bergen, P. O. 7800, 5020 Bergen, and text Insect Systematics and Diversity 2020 2020-05-31 4 3 1 1 81 journal article 22148 10.1093/isd/ixaa002 be792f86-9e77-414c-9e2f-767704ff704e 2399-3421 3826789 Trypophloeus Fairmaire, 1864: 105 ( Fig. 21 ) Synonymy = Glyptoderes Eichhoff, 1878b: 34 . Type of genus Bostrichus binodulus Ratzeburg, 1837 . Diagnosis This genus can be diagnosed by the emarginated eye, by the coneshaped antennal club with slightly recurved sutures, and by the rounded lateral margins of the pronotum. Female Eye emarginated. Frons simple with no extensive sculpturing or of vestiture. Cuticle behind eyes reticulated or aciculated. Antennae with five funicle segments. Antennal club conical, sutures recurved or straight. Pronotum armed with four to six marginal asperities, with the median of the margin slightly projected. Pronotal declivity with more than 30 asperities leading to a slightly elevated summit. Lateral margins of the pronotum rounded, hypomeron with mostly hair-like setae, sometimes with a small number of bifurcating setae. Elytra broadly convex, sometimes with interstriae 4 slightly raised. Vestiture comprised of hair-like or scale-like interstrial bristles and ground vestiture. Male Similar to female except anterior margin of pronotum slightly more projected. Elytral interstriae 4 sometimes with small tubercles or spines near declivity. Penis apodemes of a similar length to penis body, separated at apex. Tegmen open dorsally. Median ventral face of tegmen without apodeme or with only a slight projection. Spiculum gastrale with a fork, and of similar thickness to the penis apodemes. Basal sclerites visible. Distribution East Asia , Europe, North Africa, North America. Remarks Fifteen species known. Found primarily on Salix and Populus (Salicaceae) , and Alnus (Betulaceae) . Larvae develop communally for the first instar, then independently to complete development ( Furniss 2004 ). Type material examined Holotype of Trypophloeus populi Hopkins, 1915 (USNM) ; holotype of Trypophloeus salicis Hopkins, 1915 (USNM) ; holotype of Trypophloeus concentralis Hopkins, 1915 (USNM) . Included species Trypophloeus alni Lindemann, 1875a: 136 . = Trypophloeus holdhausi Wichmann, 1912: 186 (syn: Balachowsky, 1949 ). Trypophloeus binodulus ( Ratzeburg, 1837: 163 ) ( Bostrichus ) . = Cryphalus grothii Hagedorn, 1904: 232 (syn: Reitter, 1913 ). = Trypophloeus spiculatus Eggers, 1927d: 122 (syn: Sokanovskiy, 1954 ). = Trypophloeus populi Kurentsov, 1941: 164 (syn: Krivolutskaya, 1996 ). = Trypophloeus berezinae Stark, 1952: 285 (syn: Sokanovskiy, 1954 ). = Trypophloeus kurenzovi Nunberg, 1956b: 208 (syn: Krivolutskaya, 1996 ). = Trypophloeus kurenzowi Schedl, 1959d: 42 (syn: Krivolutskaya, 1996 ). Trypophloeus bispinulus Eggers, 1927d: 121 . Trypophloeus dejevi Stark, 1936: 152 . = Trypophloeus dejevi Eggers, 1942: 31 (syn: Pfeffer, 1944 ). Trypophloeus discedens Palm, 1950: 142 . = Trypophloeus palmi Hansen, 1956: 183 (syn: Süda, 1996 ). Trypophloeus grandis Schedl, 1964a: 99 . Trypophloeus granulatus ( Ratzeburg, 1837: 164 ) ( Bostrichus ) . = Cryphalus granulatus var. tredli Hagedorn, 1904: 232 (unavailable name). Remarks: Cryphalus tredli Reitter, 1908 was erroneously listed as a synonym of Trypophloeus granulatus , without the original genus in Wood and Bright (1992) (p. 845), in addition to its correct entry as a valid species in Hypothenemus . Cryphalus granulatus var. tredli Hagedorn, 1904 was described without locality data, so cannot be considered even a subspecies. Trypophloeus klimeschi Eggers, 1915: 188 . Figure 21. Images of Trypophloeus spp. Lateral and dorsal photographs of A) T.granulatus , B) T. populi , C) T.granulatus , D) T. populi , E) T.dejevi , F) T.granulatus . Trypophloeus niger Stark, 1936: 152 . Trypophloeus populi Hopkins, 1915: 37 . Trypophloeus rybinskii Reitter, 1895: 72 . Trypophloeus rybinskii corsicus Eggers, 1912: 113 (syn: Balachowsky, 1949 ). = Trypophloeus rybinskii salicis Stark, 1952: 283 (Permanently invalid name due to primary homonymy). Trypophloeus salicis Hopkins, 1915: 36 . = Trypophloeus concentralis Hopkins, 1915: 36 (syn: Wood, 1954 ). Trypophloeus striatulus ( Mannerheim, 1853: 235 ) ( Cryphalus ) . = Cryphalus nitidus Swaine, 1912: 349 (syn: Wood, 1969 ). = Cryphalus punctipennis Hopkins, 1915: 37 (syn: Wood, 1954 ). Trypophloeus thatcheri ( Wood, 1954: 994 ) ( Cryphalus ) . Trypophloeus tremulae Stark, 1952: 287 .