Two additional records of megophryid frogs, Leptobrachium masatakasatoi Matsui, 2013 and Leptolalax minimus (Taylor, 1962), for the herpetofauna of Vietnam Author Anh Van Pham Author Dzung Trung Le Author Cuong The Pham Author Son Lan Hung Nguyen text Revue suisse de Zoologie 2016 123 1 35 43 journal article 39052 10.5281/zenodo.46287 40b08ec4-7257-44e8-bec2-c318247b4d38 46287 Leptobrachium masatakasatoi Matsui, 2013 Masatakasato’s Eyebrow Toad Fig. 2 Material examined (n = 12): TBU PAE. 102, 104; 2 adult males; near Hua Ty Village, 21o19.865’N , 103o36.796’E , elevation 1000 m a.s.l., within Copia NR; 22 April 2012 ; collected by A. V. Pham, T. V. Nguyen and K. T. Do. ‒ TBU PAE. 128; 1 adult male; near Hua Ty Village, 21o19.865’N , 103o36.796’E , elevation 1000 m a.s.l., within Copia NR; 19 April 2013 ; collected by A. V. Pham, T. V. Nguyen and K. T. Do. ‒ TBU PAE.114; 1 adult female; near Hua Ty Village, 21o19.865’N , 103o36.796’E , elevation 1000 m a.s.l., within Copia NR; 19 April 2013 ; collected by A. V. Pham, T. V. Nguyen and K. T. Do. ‒ TBU PAE. 365; 1 adult male; near Nong Vai Village, 21o20.216’N , 103o34.822’E , elevation 1460 m a.s.l., Co Ma Commune, within Copia NR; 9 June 2013 ; collected by A. V. Pham and T. V. Nguyen. ‒ TBU PAE. 418-419, MHNG 2749.7-8; 4 adult females; near Nam Man Commune, 21o01.132’N , 103o34.293’E , elevation 1670 m a.s.l., within Sop Cop NR; 30 April 2013 ; collected by A. V. Pham and T. V. Nguyen. ‒ IEBR A.2015.17; 1 adult male; near Nam Man Commune, 21o01.132’N , 103o34.293’E , elevation 1670 m a.s.l., within Sop Cop NR; 30 April 2013 ; collected by A. V. Pham and T. V. Nguyen. ‒ IEBR A.2015.18-19; 2 adult males; near Tuc Pha Village, 20o57.911’N , 103o40.410’E , elevation 1270 m a.s.l., Huoi Mot Commune, within Sop Cop NR; 24 January 2015 ; collected by S. L. H. Nguyen and A. V. Pham. Fig. 2. Leptobrachium masatakasatoi from Son La Province, Vietnam (TBU PAE.365, adult male). (a) dorsolateral view. (b) Ventral view. Photos A.V. Pham. Description: Morphological characters of specimens from Son La Province agreed well with the description of Matsui (2013): Body elongate, SVL 52.5-59.1 mm in males (mean ± SD 55.6 ± 2.2, n = 7) and 54.7-67.5 mm in females (mean ± SD 61.0 ± 5.6, n = 5) (Table 1). Head wider than long (HL 21.8-25.5 mm , HW 22.7- 27.0 mm, HL/SVL 40.0-45.0% HW/SVL 42.0-46.0% in males; HL 23.3-26.7 mm , HW 23.7-27.5 mm , HL/SVL 40.0-45.3%, HW/SVL 40.0-46.6% in females); snout rounded, barely projecting beyond upper jaw (SL 10.0- 11.0 mm in males and 10.0- 11.8 mm in females), longer than horizontal diameter of eye (EL 7.2-7.9 mm in males and 7.4-9.0 mm in females); canthus sharp, straight; loreal region oblique, moderately concave; nostril lateral, closer to eye than to tip of snout (NS 5.3-6.1 mm , EN 4.4-4.9 mm in males and NS 5.4-6.3 mm , EN 4.5- 5.2 mm in females); interorbital space flat, broader than upper eyelid and internarial distance (IUE 6.9-7.8 mm , UEW 5.2-6.3 mm , IN 4.9-5.3 mm in males and IUE 7.4- 8.2 mm , UEW 5.5-6.8 mm , IN 5.0- 5.9 mm in females); Table 1. Measurements (in mm) and proportions of Leptobrachium masatakasatoi and Leptolalax minimus from Vietnam (Min = minimum, Max = maximum, SD = standard deviation, for other abbreviations see Material and Methods)