Phytoseiid mites of the tribe Typhlodromini (Acari: Phytoseiidae) from sub-Saharan Africa Author Ueckermann, Edward A. Author Zannou, Ignace D. Author De Moraes, Gilberto J. Author Oliveira, Anibal R. Author Hanna, Rachid Author Yaninek, John S. text Zootaxa 2008 2008-10-15 1901 1 1 122 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.1901.1.1 1175­5334 5134045 Typhlodromus ( Anthoseius ) lobatus Zannou, Moraes & Oliveira , n. sp. ( Fig. 29 ) Diagnosis . Characterized by having dorsal shield mostly smooth, with anterolateral and sparse dorsocentral striae, roundish and elongate elements; dorsal setae smooth and sharp-tipped, except Z4, serrate and often knobbed, and Z5, serrate and always knobbed; sternal shield with 3 pairs of setae and a wedge-shaped median projection on posterior margin; ventrianal shield mostly smooth, with scarce transverse striae between setae JV2 and pre-anal pores; seta JV5 lightly serrate and knobbed; calyx of spermatheca funnel-shaped, atrium undifferenciated; with a single macroseta, on tarsus of leg IV. FEMALE. ( 7 specimens measured). Idiosomal setal pattern: 12A:8A/JV: ZV. Dorsum. Dorsal shield, 264 (256–283) long and 142 (134–158) wide; striate anterolaterally and lightly reticulate dorsocentrally. With 5 pairs of solenostomes. Setae j1 14 (13–16), j3 18 (16–22), j4 16 (16–18), j5 17 (16–18), j6 24 (22–24), J2 26 (26–27), J5 9 (8–10), z2 17 (16–19), z3 21, z4 21 (21–22), z5 20 (18–22), Z4 30 (27–34), Z5 40 (34–48), s4 24 (19–27), s6 26 (24–27), S2 29 (26–34), S4 26 (24–34), S5 19 (16–21), r3 21 (19–22), R1 21 (19–24). Setae smooth and sharp-tipped; except Z4, serrate and often knobbed; and Z5, serrate and always knobbed. The specimens from Cameroon and one specimen from Kenya have seta Z4 sharptipped . Peritreme. Extending to level of j1. Venter. Sternal shield smooth, with 3 pairs of setae; posterior margin with a median lobe; distances between ST1–ST3 55 (53–56), ST2–ST2 49 (48–50). Genital shield smooth; distance between ST5–ST5 48 (43–58). Ventrianal shield smooth, subquadrate, with anterior margin slightly convex, 86 (82–96) long, 62 (58–67) wide at level of ZV2, 59 (58–61) wide at level of anus, with 4 pairs of pre-anal setae (seta JV3 present); round pre-anal pores, posteromesad of JV2. With 2 pairs of metapodal shields. Caudoventral setae smooth and sharp-tipped; except for JV5, serrate and knobbed. Chelicera. Movable digit 22 (21–22) long, with 3 teeth; fixed digit 21 (20–21) long, with 5 teeth. Spermatheca. Calyx funnel-shaped, 10 (6–14) long; atrium undifferentiated. FIGURE 29. Typhlodromus ( Anthoseius ) lobatus Zannou, Moraes & Oliveira , n. sp. (female): A. Dorsal shield; B. Ventral surface; C. Chelicera; D. Spermatheca; E. Leg IV. Legs. Macroseta knobbed: St IV 23 (21–27). Tibia of leg IV with 2 knobbed setae. Chaetotaxy: genu II: 2- 2/0, 2/0- 1; genu III: 1-2/1, 2/0-1. Locality and type material. Holotype female from Tridax procumbens , Somanya , Ghana , 13-XI-1989 , G.J. Moraes, deposited at ESALQ-USP; 1 paratype female from unknown plant, 25 km S Tarkwa , Western Region , Ghana , 11-XI-1989 , J.S. Yaninek , deposited at ESALQ-USP ; 2 paratype females from Chromolaena odorata , Beposo , Central Region , Ghana , 12-XI-1989 , J.S. Yaninek , deposited at IITAIM ; 1 paratype female from unknown plant, Gangnigon , Département du Plateau , Benin , 4-VI-1991 , J.S. Yaninek , deposited at IITAIM ; 1 paratype female from unknown plant, Gangnigon , Département du Plateau , Benin , 25-VI-1991 , B. Eklou , deposited at IITAIM ; 1 paratype female from Manihot esculenta , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture Station , Abomey-Calvi , Département de l’Atlantique , Benin , 14-IX-1990 , I.D. Zannou , deposited at ESALQ-USP ; 1 paratype female from unknown plant, Gangnigon , Département du Plateau , Benin , 3-XII- 1991 , B. Eklou , deposited at ESALQ-USP . Etymology. The name lobatus refers to the median lobe present on the posterior margin of the sternal shield of this species. Remarks. Typhlodromus ( A .) crassus differs from this new species by having setae J2, Z4, Z5, S2 and S4 inserted on tubercles and by having macroseta on genu of leg IV. Typhlodromus ( A .) gutierrezi , T . ( A .) paganus Van der Merwe and T . ( A .) vescus Van der Merwe also differ by lacking knobbed setae on leg IV in addition to the macrosetae. Furthermore, T . ( A .) gutierrezi and T . ( A .) paganus have dorsal shield reticulate, T . ( A .) gutierrezi has posterior margin of sternal shield almost straight and calyx of spermatheca of T . ( A .) paganus is a long tube.