Two new species of Cnemidophorus (Squamata: Teiidae) from the Caatinga, Northwest Brazil Author Arias, Federico Author Carvalho, Celso Morato De Author Rodrigues, Miguel Trefaut Author Zaher, Hussam text Zootaxa 2011 2787 37 54 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.276951 d098f132-d28e-4091-bd04-339ec3a33d5b 1175-5326 276951 Cnemidophorus confusionibus sp. nov. ( Fig. 2 , 3 ) Holotype . MZUSP 100193 (field number MRT 4629), adult male, from Toca da Cabocla (8 5528" S, 43 2658" W), Parque Nacional da Serra das Confusões, Caracol municipality, state of Piauí, Brazil , elevation 450 m , collected by Hussam Zaher, Miguel T. Rodrigues and Felipe Curcio on 7 october 2000 . Paratypes . MZUSP 100187 , 100188 , 100190 , 100191 (field numbers respectively MRT 4547,4548, 4565, 4572), Canto Verde (8 5025" S, 43 2350" W), collected by Hussam Zaher, Miguel T. Rodrigues, and Felipe Curcio, from 28–30 september 2000 ; MZUSP 100189 , 100203 (field MRT 4559, 4925), Morrinhos (8 5738" S, 43 2650" W), collected by Hussam Zaher, Miguel T. Rodrigues and Felipe Curcio, from 29.ix–1.x.2010 ; MZUSP 100192 , 100194 , 100195 , 100198 , 100202 , 100204 , 1000205 (field MRT 4587, 4635,4636, 4700, 4919,4940, 4948), Toca da Cabocla (8 5528" S, 43 2658" W), collected by Hussam Zaher, Miguel T. Rodrigues, and Felipe Curcio from 30.ix-8-x.2000 ; MZUSP 100196 , 100197 , 100199 , 100201 , Ôlho D’Água da Santa (9 1310" S, 43 2927" W), collected by Hussam Zaher, Miguel T. Rodrigues, and Felipe Curcio from 4–6 october 2000 ; MZUSP 100200 (field 4919), Lagoa do Jac (8 4037" S, 43 2909" W), collected by Hussam Zaher, Miguel T. Rodrigues and Felipe Curcio on 5 october 2000 . All localities from Parque Nacional da Serra das Confusões, Caracol Municipality, state of Piauí, Brazil . Diagnosis. A species of the ocellifer group with granules in the supraorbital semicircles, and no anal spurs in males. Cnemidophorus confusionibus differs from all the other members of the ocellifer group by color pattern and a high number of lamellae on the fourth toe. In addition, differs from C. jalapensis by having 18–20 (x= 17.5) femoral pores (11– 16, x= 13.3 in C. jalapensis ), 22–28 (x= 24.9) scales around tail (19–26, x= 22.7), 29–35 (x= 30.4) lamellae on the fourth toe (26–28, x= 27), lateral spots present (absent), paravertebral stripes absent (present), gular region and ventrolateral aspect of head immaculate (lime-green), and larger body size (smaller body size, SVL= 53.45 mm ). Cnemidophorus confusionibus differs from C. mumbuca by having 29–35 (x= 30.4) lamellae on the fourth toe (24–32, x= 27.4 in C. mumbuca ), paravertebral stripes absent (present), dorsolateral stripes incomplete and extending from behind the nape region to the first one-third of the tail (dorsolateral stripes, incomplete, extending from behind supraciliary region), one dark brown lateral band, (dorsolateral and lateral band, ochre), a longitudinal row of bright yellow spots on lower flank (bluish white spots, only males). Cnemidophorus confusionibus differs from C. ocellifer by having 18–20 (x= 17.5) femoral pores (14–17, x= 16 femoral pores in C. ocellifer ), 188–211 (x= 201,6) dorsal scales (172–188, x= 181), paravertebral stripes absent (present), dorsolateral stripes extending from behind nape region to first one-third of tail (dorsolateral stripes extending from behind supraciliary region), 2–3 lateral spots only in the axial region (lateral spots present, from fore to hind limbs), and dorsal surface of hindlimb without freckling (dorsal surface of hindlimb with black freckling). Cnemidophorus confusionibus differs from C. nativo by having 18–20 (x= 17.5) femoral pores (24–26, x= 24 in C. nativo ), 27–29 (x= 28.2) ventral rows (29–32, x= 30.8), nostril opens usually in the suture between anterior and posterior nasal plates (nostril opens in the anterior nasal plate), second subocular contacts fifth and sixth supralabials ventrally (contacts fourth, fifth, and sixth supralabials ventrally), mid-dorsal stripe absent (present and with a posteriorly ondulating margin), ventral surface of the head, body, and tail predominantly immaculate (light blue), and bixesual (only females). Cnemidophorus confusionibus differs from C. littoralis and C. abaetensis by having 18–20 (x= 17.5) femoral pores (29– 34, x= 32.6 in C. littoralis and 27–31, x= 24 in C. abaetensis ), 27–29 (x= 28.2) ventral scale rows (32– 38, x= 34.9 in C. littoralis and 30–35, x= 32 in C . abaetensis ), 188–211 (x= 201.6) dorsal scales (168–191, x= 174.9 in C. littoralis and 210–240, x= 221.8 in C. abaetensis ), 8 longitudinal ventral scale rows ( 8 a 10 in C. abaetensis and 10 in C. littoralis ), 5 superciliaries ( 6 in both species), mid-dorsal stripe absent (present in both species), a brown tail (bright blue-green to emerald green in both species), stripe in the tail absent (present in both species). Cnemidophorus confusionibus differs from C. venetacaudus sp. nov. (see below) by having 18–20 (x= 17.5) femoral pores (34– 45, x= 38 femoral pores in C. venetacaudus ), 27–29 (x= 28.2) transverse ventral scale rows (30–32, x= 31.2), 8 longitudinal ventral scale rows (10), 22–28 (x= 24.9) scales around tail (31–34, x= 31.7), 87–105 (x= 95) scales around midbody (114–129, x= 119.5), 188–211 (x= 201.6) dorsal scale rows (190–218, x= 204.8), 5 superciliaries (6), dorsal stripes present (absent), a lateral row of spots present (absent), and a smaller body size (large size, SVL= 83.3 mm ). FIGURE 2. Cnemidophorus confusionibus , Olho D ´Agua da Santa, Parque Nacional da Serra das Confusões, Piauí, Brazil. Photo: Miguel Rodrigues Description of holotype . Measurements: snout-vent-length 71.51 mm ; trunk length 39.23 mm ; head lenght 19.28 mm ; head width 11.08 mm ; head height 9.46 mm ; tail length 156.93 mm ; femur length 12.33 mm ; tibia length 12.05 mm ; foot length 25.82 mm ; humers length 5.23 mm , and arm length 22.81 mm . Snout moderately pointed. Rostral large, wider than high, visible from above, separated from frontonasal by the midline contact between nasals. Anterior and posterior nasal in broad contact by an oblique suture. Nostril rounded, in lower part of suture. Frontonasal sub-hexagonal, as long as wide, contacting nasals and prefrontals. Prefrontals roughly trapezoidal, pentagonal, in broad and straight contact along midline, contacting laterally nasal, loreal and first supraocular. Frontal approximately pentagonal, longer than wide, wider anteriorly; contacting anteriorly part of the first supraocular, but separated from other supraoculars by a row of granules. Two frontoparietals, approximately pentagonal, wider than long and separated from supraoculars by a row of granules. Five parietals, external ones smaller; interparietal sub-pentagonal, longer and wider than others, bordered laterally by medial parietals. Occipital scales irregular and variable in size. Four supraoculars on each side, second and third largest, first in contact with loreal, prefrontal, and first supraciliary. Five supraciliaries on each side, first and second largest, others smaller, sub-equal; only first supraciliary in contact with first supraocular, all others separated from supraoculars by a row of granules. Loreal single, large, roughly pentagonal and as long as high, in contact with posterior nasal, prefrontal, first supraocular, first supraciliary, preocular, first subocular, and third and fourth supralabials. Preocular narrow, higher than wide, in contact with first subocular, loreal, and small scales in ocular region. Three suboculars on each side, anteriormost keeled, approximately pentagonal, in contact with fourth supralabial; second subocular keeled, longer than anterior one, approximately rectangular, in contact with fourth, fifth and sixth supralabials; third subocular smooth, approximately round. A continuous keel runs from preocular to second subocular. Eight supralabials on each side. Temporal region with irregular scales, central ones granular, ventrally enlarged. A supratemporal row with moderately large scales, decreasing in size posteriad. Ear opening large, eliptic, higher than wide with smooth margins. All dorsal and lateral head scales juxtaposed, smooth (except for keeled preoculars and suboculars). Symphysal as long as wide, anteriorly concave, posteriorly convex, in contact with first infralabials and postsymphysal, forming two wide angles. Postsymphysal single, pentagonal, in contact with first and second infralabials; followed by five pairs of enlarged chinshields on left side, six on right side. First pair of chinshields the largest, in broad contact along midline, in contact with second and third infralabials. The second, third and fourth pairs of chinshields separated from infralabials by a row of small granules. Five infralabials on each side; followed posteriorly by series of small scales extending to labial commissure; first infralabials the smallest. Scales between chinshields anteriorly elongated, granular, becoming gradually larger and rounded toward posterior margin os chinshields. Gular region divided in two areas: anterior one with irregularly shaped, enlarged, mostly rounded and juxtaposed scales, disposed in roughly transverse rows from first pair of chinshields, to an imaginary line uniting the lower margin of ear openings; anterior scales slightly elongate, increasing posteriorly in size and becoming rounded posteriorly. Posterior gular region with a patch of central enlarged granules disposed in transverse rows, laterally with smaller granules and bordered posteriorly by antegular fold. Gular and antegular folds marked by diminute granules; two complete rows of enlarged mesoptychial scales between the two folds. Scales on nape and sides of neck granular, similar to dorsals. Dorsals and flank scales granular, rounded, smooth, sub-imbricate; 188 scales along a middorsal line from nape to base of tail; 87 scales around mid-body (excluding ventrals), 22 scales around tail. Ventral scales large, smooth, imbricated, wider than long, rectangular, in 27 transverse rows; 8 ventral scales in transverse rows across mid-body. Ventral scales separated from scales on flanks by a row of moderately enlarged scales. Preanal plate with three enlarged scales, one central and two posterior ones, all surrounded laterally by smaller flat scales. Preanal spurs absent. Sixteen femoral pores in a continuous row along each thigh, medially with a short gap; 8 on each side. Scales on base of tail rectangular, imbricated, smaller than ventrals, in transverse rows; keeled and slightly mucronated dorsally and laterally; ventrally smooth. Tail scales becoming gradually longer and narrower from the base to tip; subcaudal scales becoming keeled distally. Limbs with large, smooth, imbricate scales on dorsal aspect of upper arms, antero-dorsal aspect of forearms, antero-ventral aspect of thighs, and ventral aspect of lower legs; elsewhere scales small, granular. Upper arms with larger scales, disposed in longitudinal rows. Forearms with one row of enlarged scales, wider than long. Ventral part of thigh with three rows of enlarged flat scales decreasing in size proximally. Lower legs with two rows of enlarged, hexagonal scales, larger than those on ventral part of thigh. Ventral aspect of hands and feet granular; one enlarged tubercle at base of pollex. Sub-digital lamellae single; 17 under left and right fourth fingers; 30 under left fourth toe; and 29 on the right one. Color in preservative. Dorsal surface of head brown, brownish white laterally; labial and ventral regions immaculate white. Dorsal parts of body, tail, fore and hind limbs brownish green. Paraventral rows bluish white, rest of belly immaculate white. Ventral aspect of tail, fore and hind limbs brownish white. Stripes white. Color in life. Dorsal parts of body, limbs and tail light brown. A narrow dark brown lateral stripe with a series of two to three small irregularly spaced bright yellow ocelli, decreasing posteriorly in size and conspicuosity and extending from the suborbital level to the first third of the tail. Below it a narrower white stripe ventrally bordered by a dark brown color contacts the yellowish ventral color ( Fig. 2 ). Lateral parts of head lighter than dorsum. Variation. Based on 18 paratypes . Head larger ( 14.74–19.28 mm ; x= 17.07 mm ), than wide ( 8.97–12.38 mm ; x= 10.27 mm ). Head height 7.71–10.41 mm (x= 8.87 mm ). Snout-vent length 59.78–74.82 mm (x= 67.02 mm ). Tail length 110–175 mm , (x= 150.48 mm ), 2.13 times longer than SVL. Arm length 5.75–6.5 mm , (x= 6.11mm ). Fore limb length 17.57–23.82 mm , (x= 21.17 mm ). Tibia length 8.99–12.05 mm , (x= 10.81mm ). Leg length 10.82– 13.43 mm , (x= 11.72 mm ). Foot length 21.14–28.6 mm , (x= 24.51 mm ). Hind limb 1.92 times longer than foot. Hind limb length 40.95–53.31 mm , (x= 47.03). There is no apparent sexual dichromatism in adult color pattern. A white dorsolateral stripe is present in MZUSP 100192 , while the first, second, third and fourth pairs of chinshiels are separated from infralabials by a row of small granules in MZUSP 100203 . Variation in other meristic characters is summarized in Table 1 . Etymology. The specific name confusionibus derives from the Latin “confusionis” (confusion) + “bus” (from), and refers to the type locality (Serra das Confusões) where the new species is found. TABLE 1. Character variation (range in parentheses) for seven members of the ocellifer group. Supraocular scales (SO); supra- ciliar scales (SC); fourth finger lamellae (FFL): fourth toe lamellae (FTL); number of granules around midbody (SAM); num- ber of scales around tail ( SAT ); number of dorsal granules (D); longitudinal rows of enlarged scales in the dorsal part of arm (RH); longitudinal rows of ventral scales (VL); transverse rows of ventral scales (VT); total number of femoral pores (FP); enlarged scales in temporal region posterior to third subocular (EST); spurs in heel of males (HSPUR).