2486 Author Reid, C. A. M. Author Beatson, M. text Zootaxa 2010 2010-05-27 2486 1 60 journal article 1175­5334 Macrolema karimui sp. nov. ( Figs 8 , 24 , 50 , 103 , 118 , 131 ) Material examined Type : Holotype : female/ New Guinea Kmu Jul 1975 / H. Ohlmus collector/ Kmu = Karimui 6:30S 144:50E/ [ ANIC ]. Description [female only] Length 12mm ; body relatively convex in profile, length 2.8x height. Body and appendages black, except (i) labrum and labio-maxilla, a spot adjacent to inner margin of eye, prothorax, mesoventrite, middle of base of metaventrite, trochanters, ventral surface of each femur, spot near apex of inner face of metafemur, reddishyellow; (ii) maxillary palpi, vague mark at middle of frons, anterior and mid coxae, most of anterior femora, dark red. Head ( Figs 8 , 24 ): frontoclypeus finely and closely punctured, remainder of face almost impunctate, punctures small and sparse; circular depression between eyes and shallow groove on midline of vertex; eyes small, separated by 4x eye widths, gena 0.3x eye length; antennae c. 6x socket diameters apart; antennae c. 0.6x body length; all antennomeres elongate: 2 shortest (c. 0.6x first), <3, <4=5, <1=6=8=9=10, <7=11; labrum not densely setose, with 2–3 pairs of prominent setae; apical maxillary palpomere elongate, almost cylindrical, preapical palpomere slightly shorter than apical. Thorax ( Figs 8 , 50 ): pronotum almost impunctate, with few large punctures at base and laterally and few micropunctures anteriorly; pronotal width 1.8x length, with strongly developed flat lateral lobes at middle; pronotal disc without obvious lateral depressions but with shallow transverse basal depression; anterior without margination at middle quarter of edge; hypomeron not obviously punctate; prosternal process narrow and strongly arched from base to truncate apex, posterior face depressed; scutellum impunctate, elongatetriangular with blunt apex; elytron without obvious depressions on basal half of disc; elytral punctures large and deep in basal half, much shallower towards apex; elytra striate, with 9 regular striae on disc due to large interstrial punctures forming a line between 7 and 8, most interstrial punctures much smaller than strial punctures; upper margin epipleuron continuous around base of humerus, reaching basal margin of elytron; mesoventrite median process abruptly raised to anteriorly directed convex lobe, apex of process concave; metaventrite shining and sparsely micropunctured, anterior without median depression and without margination at middle, edge pitted lateral to this; metepisternum shining and impunctate; 1 short spur on protibia, 2 on remainder. Abdomen ( Figs 103 , 118 ): ventrites I and II entirely fused; ventrites smooth and shining, shallowly microreticulate, sparsely and finely punctured, more conspicuously so at sides and on IV–V; ventrite I laterally keeled along basal 2/3, other ventrites without lateral keels; apex female ventrite V narrowly truncate; female sternite VIII with transverse basal apodeme, widest at apex; gonocoxite distinctly setose at apex; spermatheca falcate, with densely coiled duct. Notes The species epithet is derived from the type locality, Karimui, a noun in apposition. Macrolema karimui is known only from the holotype , collected in the central highlands of New Guinea at approximately 1000m elevation ( Fig. 131 ) .