New euophryine jumping spiders from Papua New Guinea (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryinae) 3491 Author Zhang, Jun-Xia Author Maddison, Wayne P. text Zootaxa 2012 2012-09-20 3491 1 74 journal article 1175­5334 6C5A73BD-5322-4D44-BD4A-04886A4911A3 Genus Chalcolemia new genus Type species: Chalcolemia nakanai Zhang & Maddison , sp. nov. Etymology. Chosen to resemble the name Chalcolecta ; feminine in gender. Diagnosis. Medium-sized spiders with narrow bodies and slender legs. First pair of legs with many ventral macrosetae. Similar in general body form, fissident retromarginal tooth on chelicera and two-chambered spermathecae to Chalcolecta Simon (see Gardziṅska & Żabka 2005 ), but differs in the lateral margins of the carapace which are almost parallel instead of convex in Chalcolecta ( Fig. 91 ); the thin femur, patella and tibia of the first pair of legs which are not much thicker than metatarsus and tarsus ( Fig. 91 ); the presence of four pairs of ventral macrosetae on the female first metatarsus (three pairs in Chalcolecta ); the presence of distinct median septum in the epigynum ( Fig. 93 ) and the absence of accessory glands in the vulva ( Figs 94–95 ). Unpublished molecular data also indicate Chalcolemia and Chalcolecta are distinct genera. Chalcolemia also resembles Gambaquezonia Barrion & Litsinger 1995 (also see Edwards 2009 ) in the delicate body and the presence of a fissident retromarginal tooth on the chelicera, but differs in the much slender legs and the narrower body ( Fig. 91 ); the PLEs closer to the lateral margins of the carapace ( Fig. 91 ); and the presence of large secondary spermatheca in addition to the primary spermatheca in the vulva ( Figs 94–95 ).