Taxonomic changes in C Cyperus (Cypereae, Cyperoideae, Cyperaceae): combining the sedge genera Ascolepis, Kyllinga and Pycreus into Cyperus s. l. Author Don, Bel Lar Ri Author Ers, Enne Th Ba Ut Author Reynde, Ma Rc text Phytotaxa 2014 2014-04-17 166 1 33 48 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.166.1.2 1179-3163 5138181 Cyperus erythrocephalus (S.S.Hooper) Bauters , comb. nov. Basionym : Ascolepis erythrocephala S.S.Hooper, Kew Bull. 37: 605 ( Hooper 1983 ). Type :— TANZANIA . About 6.5 km west of Songea , 990 m , 28 April 1956 , E. Milne-Redhead & P. Taylor 9940 ( holotype K!, isotypes BM!, NY!, P!). Description : Hoenselaar et al. (2010: 269) .