3535 Author Yunakov, Nikolai text Zootaxa 2012 2012-11-01 3535 1 104 journal article 1175­5334 F6F763DD-F76D-4F01-8D27-70399F923B96 Cadoderus bellus (Faust) (figs 1, 2, 52–63, 365, 368) Ellimenistes bellus Faust, 1896: 121 . Cadoderus bellus . Marshall, 1926: 249 , 1940: 40 . Diagnosis. Similar to C. weisei sp. n. and C. grebennikovi sp. n. ; differs by funicular segments 1–3 occasionally covered with elongate scales or setae, epifrons very narrow, parallel-sided, at level of antennal articulation 2 x narrower than vertex, eyes smaller [FW/ELD: 1.00–1.07 (1.03), in C. weisei 0.67–0.87 (0.80)], metatibiae indistinctly serrate or without teeth on interior edge, 2nd ventrite 1.5 x as long as 3rd one; apex of median lobe acute, strongly laterally compressed. From C. grebennikovi it differs by subocular row consisting of 3–4 (rarely 2) setae ( 4–6 in C. grebennikovi ), metatibiae with small grooming brush of short pale setae; pronotum with brown background and 5 longitudinal (1 discal, 2 dorso-lateral, 2 lateral) light brown stripes, rostrum strongly elongate [RL/RW average: 1.21, in C. grebennikovi 1.15], lateral carinae broadly weakly convex, eyes larger [FW/ELD: 1.00–1.07 (1.03), 1.14–1.43 (1.30) in C. grebennikovi ], median lobe shorter than apodemes, apex of median lobe with dorsal process, aggonoporium longer. (figs 59, 97) Redescription. Measurements. BL: 3.44–3.60 (3.52) mm; BW: 1.60–1.90 (1.75) mm; BH: 1.50– 1.74 (1.62) mm. Vestiture. Body densely covered only with overlapping, round scales, setose. Setae of head form rows along lateral edges of epifrons (recumbent or subrecumbent) and above the eyes (erect). Subocular row consists of 3–4 setae. Posterior setal fringe consists of round, plumose, recumbent setae, partly hidden by posterior edge of pronotum. Elytral intervals 1–7 with distinct row of setae. Anterior half of elytra with rather short suberect setae (half as long as interval width), posterior declivity with rather long, strongly erect, thick, acute or truncate spatulate setae (as long as interval width). Ventrites densely squamose. Antennal scape setose and densely squamose; scales round; setae long, slender, acute, and erect. Funicle setose; funicular segments 1–3 with elongate scales. Male metatibiae with small grooming brush; hairs short. Tarsi setose and squamose. Coloration. Background scaling deep-brown; striped pattern formed by green and cupreous scales. Dark and pale scales both with slightly pronounced pearl shine. Head dorsal surface brown, with green stripes around eyes and antennal sockets; anterior portion of epifrons green. Pronotum with deep-brown background scaling and 3 elongate cupreous stripes. Elytra background scaling deep-brown. Intervals 1, 7–11 green. Ventral side of head and pronotum green, meso- and metanotum cupreous. Femora brown-cupreous, proximal portion and ventral surface with green scales. Tibiae external surface cupreous. Head. Rostrum weakly elongate to elongate [RL/RW: 1.11–1.32 (1.21)], parallel-sided. Pterygia not extended beyond contour of rostrum. Lateral carinae broadly weakly convex. Epifrons very narrow, parallel-sided, at the level of antennal articulation 2 x narrower than vertex, distinctly sloping at sides, with convex median carina. Transverse sulcus deep, concealed by dense scaling at dorsal surface and at sides. Anterior portion of epifrons not steep, without median sulcus. Frons not declivous, glabrous, bare. Epistome convex, broad U-shaped, delimited by narrow carina. Eyes large, orbicular, sublateral, moderately convex, highest at the middle [FW/ELD: 1.00–1.07 (1.03)]. Vertex in male narrow, in female broad, flat. Frontal fovea concealed by scales. Antennae. Scape extended behind anterior edge of pronotum, evenly curved and widened. Funicular segment 1 as long as 2nd; 3rd–7th oblong. Thorax. Pronotum strongly transverse, evenly slightly convex at sides, slightly constricted at apex, widest at middle [PL/PW: 0.78–0.87 (0.83)]. Disc weakly convex longitudinally and transversally. Tergosternal suture complete. Metanepisternal suture obsolete posteriorly. Elytra. Oval to broadly oval [EL/EW: 1.26–1.37 (1.32)], anterior edge arcuate, vertical, narrowly rounded; disc strongly convex [EL/BH: 1.38–1.47 (1.42)]. Subscutellar callosity hidden by scales, with 2 tiny tubercles. Anterior declivity with regular row of tiny tubercles along the 1st striae. Legs. Protibiae and mesotibiae moderately curved, not widened at the apex. Interior edge C-shaped, without teeth in distal portion. Metatibiae with small teeth on interior edge. Mucro well developed, thorn-shaped, acute. Setal comb of protibiae consists of sparse 9–10 black setae not extending beyond external edge of tibiae. Bevel of metatibiae narrow; its surface bare. Tarsi robust; tarsomere 2 triangular, 1.5 x as long as wide; 3 with two wide lobes; tarsomere 5 of metatarsus extending beyond apical lobes of 3rd by length of the last one. Abdomen. Posterior margin of 1st ventrite straight. 2nd ventrite 1.5 x as long as 3rd one, posterior margin of 2nd ventrite straight. 5th ventrite in male flat, in female weakly convex near the apex; apical edge in male broadly rounded, in female acute. Male genitalia. Median lobe parallel-sided, tubular, in apical 1/3 evenly narrowed anteriorly; apex attenuate, acute, strongly laterally compressed; 0.7 x as long as apodemes. Internal sac without spiculate fields, with large, long aggonoporium consisting of two stick-shaped symmetrical lobes connected proximally by transverse bridge and long ventral slender process. Ostium triangular, moderately sclerotized. Ligulae membranous. Parameres long, fused in base, basal piece of tegmen narrow, tegminal apodeme 0.5 x as long as apodemes of median lobe. Female genitalia. Coxites heavily sclerotized dorso-ventrally curved, with heavily sclerotized dorsal baculi, evenly covered with pores, without sensilla. Styli well developed, stick-shaped, bearing 1 seta. Spermatheca moderately sclerotized, with short broad ramus, collum slender, as long as ramus; Corpus large, slightly swollen. cornus thick, extended beyond corpus. Tergite 8 subtrapezoid, with curved fringe of multiple, tenuous, short setae at the apex. Sternite 8 thick. Lamella sharply narrowed and acute, without setae, knife-shaped, heavily sclerotized. Apodeme thick; caput small. Distribution. Tanzania : East Usambara Mountains (figs 365, 368). Bionomics. Submontane and lowland rain forests; 500–1300 m a.s.l. Trees and shrubs, canopy. Type material. Tanzania : Holotype , ( MTD ) “ Tanga / Hartmann”, “bellus / Faust”, “Type” [red], “coll. E. Faust / Ankauf 1900”, “Staatl. Museum für Tierkunde Dresden”. Material examined. Tanzania : 1♂ ( ZMUC ) Tanga reg., Kambai Forest Reserve , S4 59 E 38 41 , Jan.March. 1996 “ Frontier Tanzania ” ZMUC; 5♂ , 1♀ ( ZMUN ) TZ-11-103, Tanga Reg., East Usambara Mts. , Amani Nature Reserve : Amani East Forest , S5 05.913 E38 38.729 h = 529 m , lowland rain forest, beating, N.N. Yunakov leg., 26.v.2011 ; 40♂ , 31♀ ( ZMUN ) TZ11-108 , Tanga Reg., East Usambara Mts. , Amani Nature Reserve : Kwamkoro Forest , S5° 08.098' E38° 37.334' h = 869 m , submontane rain forest, beating, N.N. Yunakov leg., 27.v.2011 ; 1♂ ( ZMUN ) TZ-11-109, Tanga Reg., East Usambara Mts. , Amani Nature Reserve : Kwamkoro Forest , S5° 08.034' E38° 37.286' h = 863 m , submontane rain forest, beating, N.N. Yunakov leg., 27.v.2011 . 1♂ ( BMNH ) Usambara Mts. / Amani / coll. A.H. Ritchie ”, “taken by beating / Coffee foliage”; 1♂ ( BMNH ) Tanganyika Ty / Amani ii.21 / coll. A.H. Ritchie ”; 1♀ ( BMNH ) Tanganyika / Amani / 27.x.1935 ”, “ N.L.H. Krauss / B.M. 1952-388”; 1♀ ( BMNH ) idem 3.xii.1935 ; 1♀ ( BMNH ) idem 25.xi.1935 ; Amani / G.E.A. / Dr. Morstatt ”, G.A.K. Marshall / Coll. / B.M. 1950-255.; 3♂ , 4♀ , ( MNHN ) Tanga , Afrique Orientale / Usambara Derema / L. Conradt / 1891, Museum Paris / 1905; 1♂ , 7♀ , ( MNHN ) Tanga , Derema / Usambara / vii-xii - 1891, Museum Paris / ex coll. R. Oberthür.