Cryptic new species of Nesoecia Scudder, 1893 (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae Pseudophyllinae) from northeastern, Mexico
Barrientos-Lozano, Ludivina
Rocha-Sánchez, Aurora Y.
Fernández- Azuara, Geovany J.
Sánchez-Reyes, Uriel Jeshua
Almaguer-Sierra, Pedro
journal article
Nesoecia constricta
n. sp.
Barrientos-Lozano & Rocha-Sánchez
Figs. 95-125
Examined material.
San Luis Potosí
108 masl
, leg.
L. Barrientos-Lozano
A.Y. Rocha-Sánchez.
same data as holotype
N. constricta
n. sp.
is nearest
N. insolita
n. sp.
, in general appearance. Males may be distinguished by characters of the terminalia (
Figs. 103-104
vs., 70-71): cerci are smaller, proximally more robust and distally less produced, subgenital plate (
Fig. 105
vs., 72) proximally sub-circular, then tapers abruptly towards the bidentate apex. In females, the subgenital plate (
Fig. 117
vs., 84) is shorter and distally less produced than in
N. insolita
n. sp.
They may also differ in temporal parameters of the acoustic signal (
Figs. 120-125
., 90-93), in
N. constricta
n. sp.
echeme repetition rate/min (ERR/min) is 73 and 198 slow and fast rhythms rate, respectively
., 98 echemes/min slow and 251.5 fast rhythm rate in
N. insolita
n. sp.
Male description alive (
Figs. 95-107
General body color light brown (
Figs. 95
): occiput, pronotum, and tegmina with black marks, tinges of olive green on pronotum; abdomen with small to large crème-pinkish dots, ventrally yellowish with tinges of dark green. Fastigium of vertex (
Fig. 96a
) light brown triangular, distal apex rounded, broadly sulcate along mid portion, two conspicuous tubercles on the proximal portion-one each side, not surpassing the antennal scrobes; fastigium frontalis (
Fig. 96b
) broad sub-triangular, apex broadly rounded; frons smooth with two dark brown-black oblique marks below the scrobes, lower portion compressed about mid length of the clypeal suture. Pronotum (
Figs. 95, 97-98
, 107) sub-cylindrical, three sulcate, coarsely granulated, with black marks and tinges of olivaceous green, median carina not prominent, anterior margin emarginated bearing a small size tubercle on mid portion, posterior margin emarginated and weakly truncate about mid length. Lateral lobes of pronotum (
Figs. 95, 98
, 107) wider than deep, lower margin emarginated and truncated, anterior angle sub-rectangular, posterior angle broadly obtuse-angulated. Thoracic sternites (
Fig. 99
) as described for the genus. Legs short and stout, with dark brown-black ornamentation. Femora spines: anterior inner face lower margin, four medium size sub-conical, curved, dark brown-black spines; middle external face lower margin with four spines (two large, one medium, and one very small size); posterior external face lower margin, seven spines (four large, one medium, one small, and one very small size; all spines with proximal portion dark brown-lack, then a crème ring, and black-tipped). Tibiae spines: anterior external face lower margin seven small spines, each spine proximally crème color with dark brown-
FIG. 108.
Nesoecia constricta
n. sp.
female habitus.
FIG. 109.
Nesoecia constricta
n. sp.
female fastigium of vertex, dorsal view.
FIG. 110a.
Nesoecia constricta
n. sp.
female fastigium frontalis.
FIG. 110b.
Nesoecia constricta
n. sp.
female fastigium frontalis, close up.
FIG. 111.
Nesoecia constricta
n. sp.
female pronotum, dorsal view.
FIG. 112.
Nesoecia constricta
n. sp.
female pronotum, lateral view.
FIG. 113.
Nesoecia constricta
n. sp.
female’s thorax ventral view
FIG. 114.
Nesoecia constricta
n. sp.
female tegmina, dorsal view.
FIG. 115.
Nesoecia constricta
n. sp.
female’s terminalia: supraanal plate and cerci, dorsal view.
FIG. 116.
Nesoecia constricta
n. sp.
female’s terminalia: cerci and subgenital plate, lateral view.
FIG. 117.
Nesoecia constricta
n. sp.
female’s subgenital plate, ventral view.
FIG. 118.
Nesoecia constricta
n. sp.
female ovipositor, lateral view.
FIG. 119.
Nesoecia constricta
n. sp.
adult female alive.
FIG. 120.
Oscillogram of
Nesoecia constricta
n. sp.
acoustic signal, fast rhythm, recorded at 27 ± 2°C.
black tip, inner face seven medium size spines on lower margin, spines proximally crème-brown color, tip dark brown-black; middle external and internal face each with seven small spines on lower margin, spines are proximally crème color with black tip; posterior external face upper margin two medium size spines, each proximally crème color and black tip, lower margin with 12 medium size spines, proximally light brown and black-tipped, inner face upper and lower margin 9 spines each, medium to small size. Tegmina (
Figs. 95
, 107) abbreviated not surpassing the posterior margin of the second abdominal segment, mostly light brown, widely reticulated, crème veinlets, surrounding margin light brown-crème; stridulatory apparatus (
Figs. 100-101
, 107) light brown; stridulatory file (
Fig. 102
) length
2.9 mm
, average 128 teeth. Cerci as shown in
Figs. 103-105
; supraanal plate sub-triangular distally rounded, mid portion blackish broadly sulcate. Subgenital plate (
Fig. 105
) proximally sub-circular, distally tapers abruptly towards the bidentate apex, teeth are short each bearing a stout sub-cylindrical style more elongated than the tooth. Internal genitalia as shown in
Fig. 106
Female description alive (
Figs. 108-119
In general appearance similar to the male but larger size (
Figs. 108
). Occiput mostly dark brown color, fastigium of vertex triangular, distally produced and weakly emarginated, surpassing slightly the antennal scrobes (
Fig. 109
), fastigium frontalis (
Fig. 110
) broad, as in the male. Pronotum (
Figs. 108, 111-112
, 119) similar to the male, more dense and coarsely granulated, anterior and posterior margins emarginated, posterior margin less conspicuously truncate than in the male; lateral lobes (
Figs. 108, 112
, 119) wider than deep, pronotum sternites as shown in
Fig. 113
. Supraanal plate and cerci as shown in
Figs. 115-117
. Subgenital plate (
Figs. 116-117
) proximal fourth broad, then tapers gradually towards the broadly bilobated apex. Ovipositor as in
Fig. 118
Measurements (mm). Male.
Body length, from vertex anterior margin mid-portion to end of abdomen, 40.0. Pronotum length along midline 9.0 and maximum width, 8.5. Femur anterior length 9.5, posterior femur length 16.0. Tegmina length 8.0 and maximum width 5.0.
Body length, from vertex anterior margin mid-portion to end of abdomen, 44.0. Pronotum length along midline 11.0 and maximum width 10.0. Femur anterior length 18.5, posterior femur length N.A. Tegmina length 9.5 and maximum width 6.0. Length of ovipositor, 19.0.
Distribution (
Fig. 26
This species is known only from its
Locality, Huichihuayán, municipality of Huehuetlán at the Huasteca Region in
San Luis Potosi
Habitat (
Fig. 27
As described for
N. Huichihuayan
n. sp.
Specific epithet
, alludes to the males’ subgenital plate that constricts abruptly towards the bidentate apex.
FIG. 121.
Spectrogram of
Nesoecia constricta
n. sp.
acoustic signal, fast rhythm.
FIG. 122.
Frequency analysis of
Nesoecia constricta
n. sp.
acoustic signal, fast rhythm.
FIG. 123.
Oscillogram of
Nesoecia constricta
n. sp.
acoustic signal, slow rhythm, recorded at 27 ± 2°C.
FIG. 124.
Spectrogram of
Nesoecia constricta
n. sp.
acoustic signal, slow rhythm.
FIG. 125.
Frequency analysis of
Nesoecia constricta
n. sp.
acoustic signal, slow rhythm.
Mating behavior.
Mating behavior was observed once for this species. It follows basically the same pattern than in
N. insolita
n. sp.
Acoustic signal (
Figs. 120-125
Males of
n. sp.
produce an audible song made up of two syllables mostly (
Figs. 120
), occasionally males may produce echemes of three syllables; interestingly, before and after each syllable a pulse train of lower intensity is emitted, the first of these pulse trains was considered in the analysis as part of the echemes, and the second and third of these pulse trains was considered as part of syllables 1 and 2, respectively. The fast rhythm signal recorded is emitted at a rate of 198 echemes/min (
= 5 min analysis) (
Fig. 120-121
), duration of two syllable echemes is 265.0 ± SD 22.1 ms (231.0-334.0;
=35), the initial low intensity pulse train averages 34.0 ± SD 2.2 ms (29.0-38.0;
= 35); duration of syllables 1 and 2 is 55.0 ± 2.8 ms (45.0-62.0;
=35) and 97.0 ± 9.0 ms (81.0-120.0;
=35), respectively; minor interval (MiI) duration, already considered in duration of Syllable 1 is 24.3 ± 1.0 ms (22.0-26.0;
=35), major interval (MaI) duration is 81.0 ± 23.0 ms (45.0-124.0;
=35). b) The slow rhythm song (
Fig. 123-124
) is emitted at a rate of 73.0 echemes per min (
=4 min), duration of two syllable echemes is 283.4 ± 6.6 ms (191.0-206.0;
=22), duration of syllables 1 and 2, respectively: 145.4 ± 6.0 ms (131.0-154.0;
=22), 139.3 ± 7.2 ms (126.0-147.0;
=22); major interval (MaI) duration is 516.0 ± 69.0 ms (408.0-713.0;
=36). In both
of signals the
ranges between 10 and 30 kHz, and the peak
is between 14-20 kHz (
Figs. 121-122