Revision of the flightless click-beetle genus Dima Charpentier, 1825 (Coleoptera: Elateridae: Dimini) in the Balkan Peninsula Author Mertlik, Josef Pohřebačka 34, CZ- 53345 Opatovice nad Labem, Czech Republic Author Németh, Tamás Hungarian Natural History Museum, Department of Zoology, Baross u. 13, H- 1088 Budapest, Hungary Author Kundrata, Robin Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Palacky University, 17. listopadu 50, CZ- 77146 Olomouc, Czech Republic text Zootaxa 2017 2017-01-13 4220 1 1 63 journal article 7453 10.11646/zootaxa.4220.1.1 eb597d59-1f6e-412d-a99a-de1a67e7cc94 1175-5326 4670787 D74BC90C-84CC-4788-9048-54F5C8521B32 Dima kozufensis sp. nov. Figs 50–52 , 138 , 191 , 232 , 244 . Type material. Holotype : MACEDONIA : distr . Kavadarci , Kožuf Mts. , Mt. Keči Kaj , beechwood, 1600–1630 m ( 41°11'55.25"N , 22°14'26.58"E ), 9.–10.VI.2012 , , J. Mertlik leg. ( PCJM ) . Paratypes : MACEDONIA : distr . Kavadarci , Kožuf Mts. , 1800 m , Smrdliva Voda , 13. VI.2011, 1 ♀, Vladimír Skoupý leg. ( PCJM ) ; distr. Kavadarci , Kožuf Mts. , Mt. Keči Kaj , beechwood, 1600–1630 m ( 41°11'55.25"N , 22°14'26.58"E ), 9.–10. VI.2012, 6 ♂♂, 12 ♀♀ , J. Mertlik leg. ( PCJM ) ; dtto, 1 ♀ (PCRK); dtto, 7 ♂♂, 4 ♀♀, V. Dušánek leg. (PCVD); dtto, 2 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀, P. Brůha leg. (PCPB); dtto, 8 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀, B. Zbuzek leg. (PCBZ); dtto, 16. VI.2012, 2 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀, B. Zbuzek leg. (PCBZ); dtto, 2 ♂♂, P. Brůha leg. (PCPB); dtto, (41°12'13"N, 22°14'33"E), 16. VI.2012, 3 ♂♂, 1 ♀, P. Brůha leg. (PCPB); Kožuf Mts. , Smrdliva Voda , 1800 m , 3 ♂♂ , Pavel Štěpánek leg. ( PCJM ) ; Jugoslavia , Kožuf Mts. , Mt. Čiči Kaja , 12. VII.1990, 1 ♀, leg. I. Karaman ( HNHM ) . Other material examined. GREECE : Kožuf Mts. , Vorino env., 19. VI.2003, 1 ♀, Vladimír Skoupý leg. (as a paratype of D. lebenbaueri in Schimmel & Platia 2008 ; Fig. 52 ) ( PCJM ). Diagnosis. Dima kozufensis sp. nov. is like D . lebenbaueri (especially to its smaller form from the higher elevations; Figs 55–56 ) but it can be distinguished by the pubescence of the sides of pronotum (slightly shorter, in anterior third or half more decumbent in D. kozufensis sp. nov. ; longer, semi-erect along the whole margin in D. lebenbaueri ; Figs 138–140 ) and the shape of the scutellum (heart-shaped, basally emarginate in D. kozufensis sp. nov. ; basally straight or rounded in D. lebenbaueri ). The apical lobe of paramera is in most cases robust and short as in Fig. 191 , but we found a specimen with longer parameral lobe, broadly like those in D. lebenbaueri ( Figs 192–193 ). Dima vailatii from Kaimakchalan ( Fig. 244 ) differs from D. kozufensis sp. nov. by the denser pronotal punctation and short, curved, decumbent pubescence of pronotal sides ( Figs 158–159 ). Additionally, Dima florinensis has long semi-erect setae along the whole length of the pronotal sides ( Figs 31–34 ). Description. Holotype , male. Body medium-sized, 10.0 mm long, 4.3 mm wide, with moderately shiny pronotum and matt elytra covered with short dense pubescence. Body brown, with head and pronotum darker, blackish-brown; elytral and pronotal margins and elytral sutura paler; pubescence yellowish ( Fig. 50 ). Head including eyes 0.6 times as wide as pronotum, frons slightly depressed in the middle; punctation dense and coarse, intervals between punctures shiny; pubescence on head semi-erect, more erect in anterior part of frons, directed forwards. Supraantennal carina weakly defined, short. Antennae longer, surpassing the posterior angles of pronotum of about four segments; antennomeres II and III short, subtriangular, more than 1.5 times longer than wide, subequal, together about 1.3 times longer than antennomere IV, length ratio of antennomeres II–IV 1.0: 1.0: 1.5, antennomeres IV to X gradually widened apically, less than 2 times longer than wide, apical antennomere longest, subacute apically; surface of antennomeres covered with moderately long, semi-erect setae. Pronotum 1.4 times wider than long, widest just behind middle, moderately convex dorsally; sides convex, gradually narrowed towards anterior margin, more steeply narrowed towards posterior margin; straight in lateral view; anterior angles obtuse; posterior angles prominent, sharp, slightly produced outward; punctation sparse, coarse, moderately deep, punctures on disc equally distributed; of about the same size; intervals between punctures flattened, moderately shiny. Pubescence on pronotal disc moderately long, decumbent to semi-erect; that on pronotal sides decumbent to semi-erect at anterior half and semi-erect at posterior half, with long semi-erect to erect setae at posterior angles ( Fig. 138 ). Prosternum finely, sparsely punctate, with short decumbent to semi-erect setae; prosternal lobe moderately coarsely punctate, with longer semi-erect pubescence. Scutellum heart-shaped, widest at posterior two thirds, slightly convex, in lateral view slightly above the plane of elytra, frontal margin emarginate medially, gradually declined; apex narrowed, rounded, punctation shallow, coarse, sparse; pubescence sparse, fine, moderately long, decumbent to semi-erect. Elytra sub-parallel, 3.2 times longer than pronotum, moderately convex, widest at middle; striae shallow, developed along the whole elytral length; surface of interstices flattened, matt, moderately densely and finely punctate; punctures suboval, equally distributed, of the same size; pubescence short, dense. Aedeagus elongate; paramera long, narrow, its apical lobe robust, short, subapical tooth short ( Fig. 191 ). Female ( Figs 51–52 ). Like male, but suboval, with shorter antennae (surpassing the posterior angles of pronotum about more than two segments), wider pronotum (1.5 times wider than long), widest at middle, with evenly convex sides. The sclerotized spines of bursa copulatrix as in Fig. 232 . Intraspecific variability. Body length: 10.0– 12.2 mm . A single specimen from the Greek part of Kožuf Mts. ( paratype of D . lebenbaueri ; Fig. 52 ) is paler (not bicolored as specimens from Macedonia ), has more elongate body shape (2.6 times longer than wide; specimens from Macedonia 2.2–2.3 times longer than wide) and pubescence of pronotal sides with less semi-erect setae in posterior half. More material from Greece is needed for further conclusions. Distribution. Macedonia (Kožuf Mts.), Greece (Kožuf Mts.) ( Fig. 244 ). Etymology. The specific epithet refers to Kožuf Mts., Macedonia / Greece , the type locality of the new species.