Taxonomic revision of the spider genera Agyneta and Tennesseellum (Araneae, Linyphiidae) of North America north of Mexico with a study of the embolic division within Micronetinae sensu Saaristo & Tanasevitch 1996 Author Dupérré, Nadine text Zootaxa 2013 3674 1 1 189 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3674.1.1 9c8e7b58-7cc0-407f-a8e9-d76311dcd290 1175-5326 283954 981F80ED-96D7-40C7-8A3C-677954416A2E Agyneta flax new species Figs 265–273 , map 18 Type material: Male holotype , male paratype and female allotype from Arizona, Cochise county, Chiricahua Mountains, Barfoot Meadows, 05.vii.1975 , D. Ubick ( CAS ). EXAMINED . Etymology: The specific name is a noun in apposition referring to the sickle-shaped lamella characteristica. Diagnosis: Males and females are distinguished by their abdominal pattern ( Figs 269, 270 ). Moreover, males are distinguished from all species by their large sickle-shaped lamella characteristica ( Fig. 265 ). Females are diagnosed from all other Agyneta by the extremely narrow anterior part of proximal part of scape and their large epigynal slits almost touching ( Fig. 271 ). Description: Male : Total length 1.83; carapace length 0.85, width 0.59. CEPHALOTHORAX: Carapace dark orange, shiny, finely reticulate; margin, radiating lines strongly suffused with dark gray; trident mark often present. Sternum strongly suffused with dark gray. Clypeus height 2. Chelicerae orange, excavated; ~ 6 seta-tipped tubercles; promargin three teeth, retromargin three tiny denticles; both margins with rounded projection at base of fang. Cheliceral stridulatory organ ~ 41 striae, well spaced gradually getting closer basally. ABDOMEN: Elongated, coloration variable, sometimes uniformly dark gray or with median pale gray band flanked by dark blackish bands ( Fig. 269 ). LEGS: Yellow, femora with retrolateral and prolateral suffused with gray, femora I-II distal half dark suffused with gray; total leg I length: 2.67; leg III total length: 2.25; Tm I: 0.25, Tm IV: absent. GENITALIA: Palpal retrolateral tibial apophysis large and rugose; dorsal tibial apophysis absent; two retrolateral, one dorsal trichobothria ( Fig. 265 ). Cymbium triangular; glabrous depression present ( Fig. 265 ); dorsal cymbial turbercle small, pointed and smooth; ventral cymbial tubercle elongated, rounded and smooth; prolateral notch seemingly absent ( Fig. 266 ). Paracymbium apical pocket short, anterior pocket short and curved, posterior pocket spine-like ( Fig. 265 ). Embolus tip rounded; Fickert’s gland basal, globulous; ventral lamella thin, transparent; thumb short, reaching below the embolus proper ( Fig. 267 ). Embolus proper set apically, of equal part ( Fig. 267 ). Anterior terminal apophysis long with short protrusions, with a small process basally and a large well sclerotized, rounded process retrolaterally; posterior terminal apophysis with rounded, rugose tip; lamella characteristica long and wide, ending in one large point and a large, folded transparent extension ( Fig. 268 ). Female : Total length 1.58; carapace length 0.67, width 0.51. CEPHALOTHORAX: Coloration as in male. Chelicerae promargin four teeth, retromargin four denticles. Cheliceral stridulatory organ ~38 striae, narrowly spaced. ABDOMEN: Oval, coloration variable, patterned as in female of A. picta ( Fig. 260 ) or light to dark gray with chevrons pattern ( Fig. 270 ). LEGS: Coloration as male; palpal tarsal claw absent, palpal tibia and metatarsus suffused with dark gray; leg I total length: 2.35; leg III total length: 1.70; Tm I: 0.27, Tm IV: absent. GENITALIA: Epigynum with proximal part of scape anteriorly narrow, enlarging (more than 5x ); epigynal slits elongated, almost touching; pit hook depression absent ( Fig. 271 ); lateral lobes very large; stretcher small; pit average ( Fig. 272 ). Median part of scape long, narrow; genital pores situated at base of lateral lobes pockets ( Fig. 273 ). Internal genitalia with an oval, ventral receptacula and a dorsal, elongated receptacula obliquely positioned ( Figs 272, 273 ). Other material examined: USA : Arizona : Chiricahua Mountains, Souht Fork Cave, 28.viii.1963 , 2Ƥ, V. Roth ( AMNH ). Texas : no specific locality, i–iii.1936 , 433Ƥ, ix.1936, 13 , L. Davis ( AMNH ); 3.2km SE Saint Jo, 09.xi.1964 , 13, S. Mulaik ( AMNH ); 12.8km NE Sinton, ix.1959, 1 Ƥ, 20.xi.1959 , 131Ƥ, 22.iii.1960 , 333Ƥ, 05.iv.1960 , 432Ƥ, 28.iv.1960 , 235Ƥ, , 13, vii.1960 , 33, viii.1960 , 131Ƥ, 26.v.1963 , 431Ƥ, H. Laughlin ( AMNH ); 17km N La Grange, 18.vii.1966 , 1Ƥ, J., I. Ivie, ( AMNH ); 24km SW Harlingen, 18.xi.1934 , 13, S. Mulaik ( AMNH ); Bastrop State Park, 24–27.v.1983 , Berlese, oak-pine litter, 1Ƥ, S., J. Peck ( AMNH ); Brownsville, Palms Grove, 30.v.1939 , 2Ƥ, S. Mulaik ( AMNH ); Brownsville, Southmost Palms, 16.ii.1941 , 1Ƥ, L. Davis, 16.ix.1941 , 1Ƥ, E. Bossom ( AMNH ); E of Harlingen, 1936, 1Ƥ, S. Mulaik ( AMNH ); Rio Grande City, 01.v.1937 , 131Ƥ, S. Mulaik ( AMNH ); SW of Progresso, iii.1936, 1 Ƥ, L. Davis ( AMNH ); Three-Holer Cave, 27.iii.1991 , Berlese, litter, 1Ƥ ( TMM ). Distribution: Southern USA (Texas).