Taxonomy and faunistics of the genus Scrobipalpa Janse, 1951 (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae) in southern Siberia Author BIDZILYA, OLEKSIY Author HUEMER, PETER Author ŠUMPICH, JAN text Zootaxa 2022 2022-12-06 5218 1 1 76 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.5218.1.1 5d457b5c-746b-403d-a3a6-1503afb9ff03 1175­5334 7409836 FABDED0F-E373-479B-BA18-0E3E9373E737 Scrobipalpa rutjani sp. nov. Figs 14, 15 , 73, 74 Type material. Holotype , Kyrgyzstan , Tian-Shan , Mts. Suusamyr , fauc. cavi montis Ala-Bel’ , vall. Fluv. Tshytshkan , alt. 1600–1650 m , 10.v.2003 , E. Rutjan (gen. slide 34/16, OB) ( ZMKU ) . Paratypes : 1 ♂ , same data as for holotype (gen. slide 50/16, OB) ( Barcode TLMF Lep 28296) ; 1 ♂ , same data as for holotype but 3.v.2003 ( TLMF Lep 28297) . 1 ♂ , Russia , Tuva rep., 51°43’N 94°27’E , E. Tannu-Ola mts, 700 m , Kyzyl , Nanophytonsteppe , 5– ( Jalava & Kullberg ) (gen. slide 330/16, OB) ( MZH ) ; 1 ♂ , Russia , Novosibirsk region , Ust’- Tarsk distr. , Elanka vill., 12.vii.1996 ( Ustjuzhanin ) (gen. slide 186/08, OB) ( ZMKU ) . Diagnosis. Externally a rather characterless species with a uniformly blackish grey forewing and indistinct light brown irroration in fold and along the subcostal vein. Scrobipalpa chrysanthemella (Hoffmann, 1867) looks somewhat similar, but differs in the presence of black spots in fold and middle of cell. The male genitalia can be recognised by the broad sacculus, very short and narrow vincular process and very broad posteromedial emargination of the vinculum. Such combination of the male genitalia characters are characteristic of S. acuminatella , S. hungariae (Staudinger, 1871) , S. skulei Huemer & Karsholt, 2010 and S. notata . Among these species, S. rutjani sp. nov. is most similar to S. skulei . However, the uncus is not constricted before the apex, the cucullus is longer (extending to the top of uncus), the sacculus is broader, the gap between the sacculus and vincular process is narrower and the saccus distinctly extends beyond the top of pedunculus (does not extend in S. skulei ) (see Huemer & Karsholt 2010: 375 , fig. 18 for comparison). Description. Adult ( Figs 14, 15 ). Wingspan 12.8–13.1 mm . Head and tegulae covered with black, grey-based and grey-tipped scales, frons slightly lighter, labial palpus upcurved, grey mixed with black, inner and upper surface of palpomere 2 white, scape black sparsely mixed with grey, flagellomeres black with narrow grey rings. Thorax greyish black. Forewing covered uniformly with black grey-tipped scales, subcostal vein and fold mottled with light brown; cilia grey, brown-tipped. Hindwing and cilia grey. Male genitalia ( Figs 73, 74 ). Uncus 1.5-2 times as long as broad at base, slightly narrowed apically with weak posteromedial emargination; gnathos short, slightly curved; tegumen moderately broad, with broadly rounded anteromedial emargination extending to 1/3 length, with gradual transition to uncus; cucullus weakly curved, of nearly even width, with rounded apex, extending to top of uncus; sacculus 1/4–1/3 length and twice as broad as cucullus, inner margin straight, outer margin broadly rounded in distal half, with inwardly curved short tip; vinculum twice as broad as long, with deep and broad triangular posteromedial emargination, vincular process very short and narrow, extending to tip of sacculus; saccus very narrow, far extending beyond top of pedunculus; distal portion of phallus straight, with pointed apex, apical arm narrow, weakly down-curved, caecum inflated, about 1/3 length of phallic tube. Female. Unknown. Biology. Adults have been collected from early May to mid June up to 1650 m elevation. Molecular data. BIN: BOLD:AEC9411. The intraspecific average distance of the barcode region is 0% (n=2). The minimum distance to the nearest neighbour, S. disjectella (Staudinger, 1859) (BIN: BOLD:ADL6933), is 5.93% (p-dist) ( Fig. 2 ). FIGURE 2. Neighbour-joining tree of Scrobipalpa rutjani sp. nov. and the closest species, S. disjectella (Staudinger, 1859) from Spain, in BOLD. Distribution. Russia : Novosibirsk reg., Tuva ; Kyrgyzstan . Remarks. Specimens from Tuva and Novosibirsk region slightly differ in uncus which is more distinctly narrowed apically and has no emargination on its posterior margin. The conspecificity of material form Russia should be verified with genetic data in the future