Casuarinicola, a new genus of jumping plant lice (Hemiptera: Triozidae) from Casuarina (Casuarinaceae) Author Taylor, Gary S. Author Austin, Andy D. Author Jennings, John T. Author Purcell, Matthew F. Author Wheeler, Gregory S. text Zootaxa 2010 2601 1 27 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.197605 37defae7-75b5-41e0-93ff-11f5fbdfd36a 1175-5326 197605 Casuarinicola mucronalatus Taylor , sp. nov. Figs 19–23 , 27–29 , Tables 1–5, 8 Types . AUSTRALIA , New South Wales : Holotype : 1 ɗ (slide) 18 km E Nyngan, 31°38.59’S , 147°20.99’E , GST, 6.x.2004 , swept from Casuarina cristata , ABCL 2004 948 (ASCU). Paratypes : 6 Ψ (slide) same data as holotype (ASCU, WINC); 1 Ψ (spirit), 25 km W Wilcannia ( 175 km E Broken Hill), 31º34.91’S , 143º09.19’E , GST, 6.x.2004 , C. pauper , ABCL 2004 945 (WINC); 1 ɗ, 1 Ψ (spirit) Springs Creek, 75 km W Wilcannia, 31º43.403’S , 142º41.204'E , GST, 27.ix.2008 , C. pauper , ABCL 2008 569 (WINC). FIGURES 19–23. Casuarinicola mucronalatus sp. nov. (19), habitus, female (dorsal aspect); (20), habitus female (lateral aspect); (21), fore wing, female; (22), fore wing, male; (23), head (dorsal aspect). Scale = 0.5 mm. Description. Adult. Colour ( Figs 19–22 ): Male: general colour ochraceous to brown with dark brown to black markings. Vertex dark brown to black; genal processes pale ochraceous; antennal segments 1–2 dark brown; segment 3 ochraceous-brown, segments 4–10 dark brown to black; pronotum dark brown with a pale ochraceous medial marking and a pair of pale ochraceous lateral markings; mesopraescutum brown with a pair of dark brown longitudinal submedial stripes; mesoscutum brown with 2 pairs dark brown longitudinal submedial stripes; mesoscutellum dark brown; fore wing clear; legs brown to dark brown; femora dark brown, fore and hind tibia brown, hind tibia ochraceous brown; tarsi dark brown to black; meracanthus pale; abdominal tergites, proctiger, subgenital plate and parameres dark brown to black; abdominal sternites dark brown to black with pale medial stripe. Female: as for male, except distinctly paler; vertex ochraceous with a pair of longitudinal submedial stripes, darker in vicinity of fovea, and with thin dark longitudinal stripe along median suture; pronotum ochraceous brown, darker laterally; mesopraescutum with a pair of orange-brown submedial longitudinal stripes; mesoscutum with 2 pairs orange-brown to brown longitudinal submedial stripes; mesoscutellum light ochraceous; fore wing with dark brown to black markings ( Fig. 21 ): a single marking confluent with costa at termination of Rs, a single marking confluent with hind margin anterior of termination of vein Cu1b, and a broad dark longitudinal stripe posterior to vein M and M1+2 meeting hind margin of wing posterior to termination of vein Cu1a, posterior to termination of vein M3+4 and posterior to termination of vein M1+2 at wing apex; legs pale ochraceous with dorsal dark brown longitudinal infuscation; abdominal tergites dark brown to black; abdominal sternites pale with a pair of submedial brown patches each centred with pale brown; proctiger dark brown to black with pale edge around circum-anal pore ring, subgenital plate pale with dark brown markings anterolaterally and a distinctly pale triangular medial marking anteriorly. FIGURES 24–29. Casuarinicola nigrimaculatus sp. nov. and C. mucronalatus , sp. nov. Casuarinicola nigrimaculatus , sp. nov. (24), male terminalia (lateral aspect); (25), paramere (inner face, lateral aspect); (26), female terminalia, (lateral aspect); Casuarinicola mucronalatus sp. nov. (27), male terminalia (lateral aspect); (28), paramere (inner face, lateral aspect); (29), female terminalia, (lateral aspect: note alignment of circumanal pore ring is an artefact). Scale = 0.2 mm. Structure: measurements and ratios as in Tables 1–5. Antenna ( Fig. 23 ) short, 1.24–1.36 times width of head; genal processes short, conical, 0.36–0.44 times length of vertex; length of vertex 0.40–0.43 times width of head; anterior margin of vertex delineated by moderate ridge, vertex with prominent medial suture and prominent fovea; pronotum with moderate anterior medial node; fore wing elongate-oval with subangular apex; Rs short, smoothly curved upward to costa, terminating well short of wing apex; vein M1+2 terminating little anterior or on wing apex; cell m1 distinctly elongate, acute triangular, m1 cell value 1.9–2.2; cell cu1 short, broad, triangular, cu1 cell value 1.3–2.2; male terminalia as in Figs 27–28 ; proctiger short with broad lateral expansions; parameres thin elongate, curved inward towards apex; female terminalia as in Fig. 29 ; proctiger short, with dorsal profile rounded from lateral aspect, with broadly rounded flange-shaped lateral lobes. Etymology. From mucron , sharp point + alatus (Latin), wing; refers to the subangular apex of the fore wing. Distribution. Recorded from inland western to ‘mid-western’ New South Wales ( Fig. 51 ). Host plants. Recorded from C. cristata and C. pauper . Casuarina pauper (black oak) occurs as a 5–15 m tree in inland southern Australia , from far south-western Queensland, far western New South Wales , northwestern Victoria, inland South Australia and inland southern Western Australia ( Wilson & Johnson 1989 ). For C. cristata , refer to C. warrigalensis Taylor sp. nov. Comments. This species can be distinguished from all other species in the genus by the female having black pigmentation mostly in the dorso-apical quadrant, confluent with wing margins at termination of veins Rs, M1+2, M3+4, Cu1a, and Cu1b, of the fore wing. The male has clear wings. Casuarina mucronalatus sp. nov. has short conical genal processes (shared with C. australis sp. nov. , C. nigrimaculatus sp. nov. and C. novacaledonica sp. nov. , but differs from C. warrigalensis sp. nov. in which they are considerably shorter); the pronotum has a moderate median lobe (shared with C. nigrimaculatus sp. nov. and C. novacaledonica sp. nov. , but is more prominent in C. australis sp. nov. and reduced in C. warrigalensis sp. nov ); the fore wing is elongate oval with a subangular apex, cell m1 is long and narrow and cell cu1 is short and broad, each with a high cell value (differs from C. australis sp. nov. , C. nigrimaculatus sp. nov. , C. novacaledonica sp. nov. and C. warrigalensis sp. nov. , in which the fore wing has a rounded apex, cell m1 is short and broad and cell cu1 is narrow and high, each with a low cell value); and, the hind tibia is moderate in length with a moderate tibia length to head width ratio (shared with C. australis sp. nov. and C. nigrimaculatus sp. nov. , but differs from C. novacaledonica sp. nov. with a short hind tibia and low length to head width ratio, and C. warrigalensis sp. nov. with a long hind tibia and high length to head width ratio). Casuarinicola mucronalatus sp. nov. occurs on C. cristata and C. pauper , which are also hosts for C. australis sp. nov. and C. warrigalensis sp. nov.