Taxonomic revision of the Western Hemisphere checkered beetle genus Axina Kirby (Coleoptera: Cleridae: Clerinae) Author Opitz, Weston Florida State Collection of Arthropods Division of Plant Industry, Entomology Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services 1911 SW 34 th Street Gainesville, Florida 32614 - 7100 text Insecta Mundi 2020 2020-09-25 2020 793 1 70 journal article 7872 10.5281/zenodo.4564947 06c4d529-b187-453f-8534-3739700e0328 1942-1354 4564947 0B89F97A-AAA5-4CE2-9DA2-CC47EA03346D Axina latilinea Opitz , new species Figures 61 , 70 , 90 . Type material. Holotype . Female. Type locality: PROV. DE SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO , BORDS DU RIO SAL- ADO , ENV.D’ICAÑO. MISTOL PASO , E. R. WAGNER 1909 ( Argentina ). A second label reads: OCTOBER ( MNHN ). Diagnosis. The wide castaneous and flavotestaceous fasciae on the elytral disc, as depicted in Fig. 90 , will distinguish the members of this species from congeners. Description. Size . Length 10.5 mm ; width 2.7 mm . Form . As in Fig. 90 . Color . Cranium, thorax, and legs black; antenna testaceous; elytra bicolorous, each elytron with 3 castaneous and 2 flavotestaceous fasciae, elytral apex flavotestaceous. Head . Cranium coarsely punctate, frons wider than length of antennal pedicel; EW/FW 50/30. Thorax . Pronotum finely punctate, with 2 tumescences, concave at middle; PW/PL 130/160; elytra, asetiferous punctures concentrated in middle of disc, one striae proximal to sutural margin; EL/EW 420/90. Abdomen . Pygidium scutiform, posterior margin with acumination at middle ( Fig. 61 ). Natural history. The holotype was collected in October. Distribution (For a map see Fig. 70 ). This species is known from Argentina . Etymology. The specific epithet, latilinea , is a Latin compound name derived from the prefix lati - (= wide) and linea (= line). I refer to the broad fascia on the elytral disc.