A taxonomic revision of Australian Conopidae (Insecta: Diptera) 2581 Author Published, First text Zootaxa 2010 2010-08-31 2581 1 246 journal article 1175­5334 Tanyconops ocellatus , sp. nov. ( Figs 323, 324 , 343 ) Type material . Holotype . , Tasmania : 14 km ESE Cranbrook , 42°04’S 148°13’E , 28.i.1983 , I. D. Naumann and J. C. Cardale , ex. ethanol ( ANIC ) . Paratype . Tasmania : 1♂ , 1 km SSE Gladstone , 40°58’S 148°01’E , 29.i.1983 , I. D. Naumann and J. C. Cardale , ex. ethanol ( ANIC ) . Diagnosis . Eye length greater than height; haustellum broad and very short. Postnotum and pleura, except ventral half of katepisternum, densely white pruinose; femora extensively dark brown dorsally; hind tibia and tarsus dark brown. Description . Similar to T. longicaudus ; differing as follows: Head . Vertex black, bare. Frons brownish black posteriorly, dark brown laterally, yellowish brown anteromedially. Eye height about half head height; longest axis diagonally across head ( Fig. 323 ). Antenna ( Fig. 324 ) uniformly dark brown. Facial ridge brown dorsally, becoming cream ventrally. Antennal foveae, facial carina, cheek cream. Clypeus represented by small median dark brown sclerite. Haustellum broad, shorter than head length, brown basally; labellum whitish. Thorax . Postpronotal lobe brown, white pruinose. Mesonotum with npl, pal and apical scutellar bristles moderately well differentiated. Postnotum and pleura, except ventral half of katepisternum, densely white pruinose. Prosternum narrow, white. Anepisternal setae absent. Femora mainly dark brown dorsally and somewhat laterally, otherwise yellowish brown, except base of hind femur pale yellowish. Fore and mid tibiae and tarsi yellowish to brown, hind tibia and tarsus dark brown. Haltere white. Abdomen . T2 only slightly longer than T1. T3 1.5x length of T2 and slightly longer than T4. Posterior margin of T3 and T4 narrowly white. T4 not yellowish laterally. Female . Unknown. Male . T5 and protandrium entirely shiny blackish brown. Epandrium yellowish, densely short-setose. S5 entirely dark brown. Measurements. Total length = 5 mm ( 4.5 mm ); wing length = 3.7 mm ( 3.3 mm ). Distribution. Eastern Tasmania ( Fig. 343 ). Comments. The two known specimens of this species have been extracted from ethanol. Consequently some colours may be paler than would be observed in fresh specimens. Etymology. The specific name is the Latin adjective ocellatus (= having little eyes).