Three new species of Ochyrocera (Araneae, Ochyroceratidae) from Southeastern Brazil Author Castanheira, Pedro De Souza Author Pérez-González, Abel Author Prado, André Wanderley Do Author Baptista, Renner Luiz Cerqueira text Zootaxa 2019 2019-08-20 4657 3 523 544 journal article 25980 10.11646/zootaxa.4657.3.6 4f91c293-3d97-44fb-af79-a8e8677de6c2 1175-5326 3372022 089DE6DA-7F80-425B-BA79-516B9FE6E587 Ochyrocera tinocoi new species ( Figs. 1–4 ; 14A ) Type material. Holotype : BRAZIL , Espírito Santo : Sooretama : REBIO Sooretama , ( Quirinão , 18º59’35.6”S , 40º08’058”W ), 03.VIII.2011 , litter sieving [protocol collecting method], D. T. Castro coll. ( 1 male , MNRJ 06844 ) . Paratypes : BRAZIL , Espírito Santo : Sooretama : REBIO Sooretama ( Trilha informativa 19º03’39.7”S , 40º08’84.1”W ), 4.VIII.2011 , litter sieving, D. T. Castro coll. ( 1 female , UFRJ 1030 ; 1 female , UFRJ 1046 ) ; idem , REBIO Sooretama ( Quirinão 18º59’35.6”S , 40º08’058”W ), 1–4.II.2011 , pitfall traps, R. Baptista & D. T. Castro coll. ( 2 males , MACN-Ar 34856 ex UFRJ 1031 ); 02.II.2011 , litter sieving, D. T. Castro coll. ( 1 male , UFRJ 1047 ). Other material examined. BRAZIL , Espírito Santo : Sooretama : Reserva Biológica de Sooretama, Trilha informativa ( 19º03’39.7”S , 40º08’84.1”W ), 06–09.XI.2009 , pitfall traps, R. Baptista & D. T. Castro coll. ( 1 male MACN-Ar 35082 ex UFRJ 1028) ; 07.XI.2009 , litter sieving, D. T. Castro coll. ( 2 females , MNRJ 06855, burned in MNRJ fire) ; 1–4.II.2011 , pitfall traps, R. Baptista & D. T. Castro coll. ( 1 male , MACN-Ar 35081 ex UFRJ 1029) ; 03.II.2011 , litter sieving, D. T. Castro coll. ( 1 male , MNRJ 06856, burned in MNRJ fire) ; idem , Reserva Biológica de Sooretama ( Quirinão 18º59’35.6”S , 40º08’058”W ), 02.II.2011 , litter sieving, D. T. Castro coll. ( 1 female , UFRJ 1024) ; 03.VIII.2011 , litter sieving, D. T. Castro coll. ( 1 female , MACN-Ar 35083 ex MNRJ 06845). Etymology. The specific epithet is a patronymic in honor to Diogo Tinoco Castro, a Brazilian arachnologist and also a close friend to the authors, better known among his friends by his middle name “Tinoco”, who collected (together with R. Baptista) all the studied specimens of this species. Diagnosis. This species resembles Ochyrocera quinquevittata Simon, 1891 , O. cachote Hormiga et al. , 2007 and other species from Caribbean Islands, Central America and Mexico , as males bear a distinctive apophysis at the retrolateral side of the cymbium (see Discussion section below). Males of O. tinocoi new species are diagnosed from these species by the ‘S’-shaped cuspule at the apex of the apophysis, a perfectly oval tegulum and a divided embolic complex ( Figs. 2A , 3 A–D, Simon 1891 , fig. 11, Hormiga et al. 2007 , figs. 2A–B, 8A–C). On the other hand, O. tinocoi new species share the divided embolic complex with O. misspider , but this species has a more elongated palpal tibia and a cymbium with a distal apophysis and no retrolateral apohysis ( Brescovit et al . 2018 , figs. 13C–D, 14A–D). Females are similar to O. garayae new species as both species share a large and wide membranous sac (maybe a membranous uterus externus , instead of a columnar one), which forms an anterior flap, and slender, tubular spermathecae ( Figs. 2C ; 6C ). Ochyrocera tinocoi new species may be recognized by the anterior triangular, bell-like flap, and comma-shaped, longer, tubular spermathecae ( Fig. 2C ). Finally, males and females of O. tinocoi new spe- cies share with O. itatinga new species similar body shape, size and colour pattern, but O. tinocoi new species has darker greenish blue carapace, sternum and abdomen. Males of both species also share macrosetae on clypeus, over the ocular area and a little behind it ( Figs. 1 A–B; 10 A–B). FIGURE 1. Ochyrocera tinocoi new species , male holotype (MNRJ 06844): A, dorsal habitus. B, lateral habitus (arrow points to the macrosetae on ocular area). C, ventral habitus. Female paratype (UFRJ 1030): D, dorsal habitus. E, lateral habitus. C, ventral habitus. Scale bars, 0.5 mm. FIGURE 2. Ochyrocera tinocoi new species , male (UFRJ 1028): A, left palp, prolateral view. B, right chelicera, upper view. Female specimen (MACN-Ar 35083): C, vulva, dorsal view. Abbreviations, CyA, cymbial apophysis; E, embolus; PP, pore plate; RtB: retrolateral branch of the embolic complex; Sp, spermatheca; Cy, cymbium. Scale bars, A, 0.2 mm; B, C, 0.05 mm. Description. Male ( Holotype MNRJ 06844) : Measurements: Total length (prosoma + opisthosoma) 1.21. Carapace 0.52 long, 0.51 wide, 0.23 high.Abdomen 0.69 long, 0.45 wide, 0.46 high. Cephalothorax, sternum and abdomen bluish green. Prosoma : Carapace ovoid, greenish yellow, with one median longitudinal dark blue strip from the back of the eyes towards its posterior margin and two other thinner and dark lateral blue strips, running in parallel from the base of the palp towards its posterior margin ( Fig. 1A ). Fovea visible. Sternum greenish yellow with two longitudinal marginal dark blue strips ( Fig. 1C ). Chelicerae with paturon and fangs coloured as body, with seven reddish yellow subequal promarginal teeth attached to the slightly bifurcated lamina ( Fig. 2B ). Eyes : Six eyes divided in three dyads, ocular area slightly elevated, PME more elevated than the others. One long, curved, macroseta projected from the base of each eye dyad and three additional macrosetae in the median line of carapace, projected toward the eyes, besides two smaller macrosetae on clypeus, placed just below the anterior eyes ( Figs. 1 A–B). Legs : Leg I with three tarsal claws. Prolateral superior claw with two rows of teeth, the inner row with small teeth, short, only at the apical third. Retrolateral claw with a single outer row of teeth ( Fig. 3E ). Opisthosoma ( Figs. 1 A–C; 4A): oval, relatively short, dorsum blue interspersed with greenish pigment, without strips. Venter mostly dark blue, with some scattered small lighter blue spots ( Fig. 1C ). Series of pale blue spots aligned at each side, forming a line separating venter and sides of abdomen ( Fig. 1 B–C). Epiandrous with six fusules, divided in two groups of three each, slightly recurved, placed in a rugose depression anterior to epigastric furrow, fusule base globular ( Fig. 3G ). Spinnerets : colulus triangular, moderately developed, with few setae irregularly distributed ( Fig. 3F , arrow); ALS with one major ampullate gland spigot accompanied by a nubbin and five piriform spigots ( Fig. 4B ). PMS with one spigot ( Fig. 4C ). PLS has a compactly packed row of 11 aciniform gland spigots with long bases ( Fig. 4D ). Genitalia : Palpal femur tubular ( Fig. 2A ), tibia elongated, incrassate, with thin basis, but widening towards its apex ( Fig. 2A , 3A ). Cymbium triangular, thick, with a well-defined tip, a stout and rounded pedestal on its basis, and a subdistal, slender and conical retrolateral cymbial apophysis, laterally directed in 45°, ending in a long S-shaped cuspule ( Figs. 2A ; 3A , C–D). Tegulum ovoid ( Figs. 2A ; 3A ) with sperm duct diameter tapering from fundus to opening ( Figs. 2A ). Embolus with a wide and long tubular basis, reaching up to ¼ of the whole structure length, bearing a divided terminal embolic complex formed by two long branches of similar length. The prolateral branch is the embolus itself (E), originating at the inner corner of the basis, tubular, moderately long, its apex bearing a slit duct opening and a very acute tip. At the outer corner of the basis, a retrolateral branch ( RtB ) originates, shaped as a laminar and flattened ribbon-like projection, tapering regularly from its apical third up to its acute tip, which is placed near the embolus tip ( Figs. 2A ; 3 A–B). FIGURE 3. Ochyrocera tinocoi new species SEM photos, male: A, left palp, retrolateral slanted view (MACN-Ar 34856); B, embolus, detail (MACN-Ar 34856); C, cymbial apophysis cuspule, detail (MACN-Ar 34856); D, left palp bulb, detail (MACN- Ar 34856); E, left leg I tarsal claws (white arrow points to the teeth of the prolateral claws, MACN-Ar 35081); F, abdomen, ventral view (black arrow points to colulus); G, epiandrous, ventral view. Abbreviations, BLSp, book lung spiracle; CyA, cym- bial apophysis; CyP, cymbial pedestal; E, embolus; PrC, prolateral claw; RtB: retrolateral branch of the embolic complex; RtC, retrolateral claw; TrSp, tracheal spiracle; Cy, cymbium. Scale bars, A, F, 0.2 mm; D, 0.1 mm; B, C, E, G, 0.02 mm. FIGURE 4. Ochyrocera tinocoi new species SEM photos, male (MACN-Ar 34856): A, spinnerets detail, posterior view; B, anterior lateral spinnerets; C, posterior median spinnerets; D, posterior lateral spinnerets; E, anal tubercle. Abbreviations, Ac, aciniform gland spigot; AT, anal tubercle; ALS, anterior lateral spinnerets; MaAm, major ampullate gland spigot; MiAm, minor ampullate gland spigot; Pi, piriform gland spigot; PLS, posterior lateral spinnerets; PMS: posterior median spinnerets. Scale bars, A, 0.1 mm; B, C, D, 0.01 mm; E, 0.02 mm. Female ( Paratype UFRJ 1030) : Measurements: Total length 1.11. Carapace 0.51 long, 0.51 wide, 0.29 high. Abdomen: 0.61 long, 0.46 wide, 0.45 high. Colouration and markings as in male ( Figs. 1 D–F). Sternum as in male but slightly lighter ( Fig. 1F ). Carapace and opisthosoma, legs and eyes similar to male, but abdomen more roundish, higher and shorter. Genitalia : vulva with two tubular, slender, comma-shaped spermathecae, slightly thicker towards its tip, with two large glandular pore plates near its basis. Large and robust bell-like membranous sac ( uterus externus ?) poorly sclerotized, forming a wide anterior triangular flap ( Fig. 2C ). Natural History. All specimens found in forest litter. Some specimens were observed in small tangled, sheetwebs among leaves and twigs on the upper portion of the litter layer. Distribution. Only known from type locality ( Fig. 14A ).