New cheiracanthiid spiders from Xishuangbanna rainforest, southwestern China (Araneae, Cheiracanthiidae) Author Zhang, Jianshuang School of Life Sciences, Guizhou Normal University, Guiyang, Guizhou, China Author Yu, Hao School of Biological Sciences, Guizhou Education University, Guiyang, Guizhou, China Author Li, Shuqiang Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China text ZooKeys 2020 940 51 77 journal article 1313-2970-940-51 A6681E10846243D2A050FA5400F26682 B23B7E76A46F5307AA1E974588CA04C9 Cheiracanthium wuquan Yu & Li sp. nov. Figure 6 Holotype. ♀ (IZCAS-Ar 34747, YHCH020), China, Yunnan Province, Xishuangbanna, Mengla County, Menglun Town, Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, 48 km landmark in the reserve, seasonal rainforest; 21°58.704'N , 101°19.748'E , elevation ca. 1088 m, 12.VIII.2011, Guo Zheng leg. Etymology. The specific name is derived from the Chinese pinyin 'wǔ quan' , which means 'five loops' , and refers to the coiled copulatory ducts, forming five entwined coils; noun in apposition. Diagnosis. The female of the new species is similar to those of C. japonicum Boesenberg & Strand, 1906 ( Zhu and Zhang 2011 : 341, fig. 246A, B), C. simaoense Zhang & Yin, 1999 ( Zhang and Yin 1999 : 286, figs 6, 7), C. turiae Strand, 1917 ( Deeleman-Reinhold 2001 : 234, figs 292, 293), and C. virescens (Sundevall, 1833) ( Zhu and Zhang 2011 : 346, fig. 250A, B) by the general shape of the atrium and receptacles and the coiling of the copulatory duct around the distal part of the receptacle. The new species can be easily distinguished by the different number of copulatory duct coils (copulatory ducts with five turns in C. wuquan sp. nov. vs. three turns in C. simaoense and C. virescens and four turns in C. japonicum and C. turiae ) (Figs 6C-G ). Figure 6. Cheiracanthium wuquan sp. nov., female holotype. A Habitus, dorsal view B habitus, ventral view C epigyne, intact, ventral view D epigyne, cleared, ventral view E vulva, cleared, dorsal view F epigyne, cleared and embedded in Arabic gum, ventral view G vulva, cleared and embedded in Arabic gum, dorsal view. Abbreviations: A = atrium; AAM = atrial anterior margin; CD = copulatory duct; CO = copulatory opening; FD = fertilization duct; R = receptacle. Scale bars: 1 mm ( A, B ); 0.2 mm ( C-G ). Figure 7. Cheiracanthium spp., left palp, ventral view. A C. daofeng sp. nov., male holotype B C. duanbi sp. nov., male holotype C C. gou sp. nov., male holotype. Abbreviations: C = conductor; CF = cymbial fold; CS = cymbial spur; E = embolus; EB = embolic base; MA = median apophysis; RTA = prolateral tibial apophysis; RTA = retrolateral tibial apophysis. Scale bars: 0.2 mm. Description. Female. Holotype (Fig. 6A, B ): TL 6.85; CL 2.69, CW 2.42, CI (CL/CW) 1.11; AL 4.15, AW 2.78. Carapace yellowish orange except yellowish brown ocular area, without distinct pattern; cervical groove and radial grooves indistinct. Eyes: both anterior and posterior eye rows almost straight in dorsal view, PER slightly wider than AER. All eyes dark, with black rings. Eye sizes and interdistances: OAL 0.37, OAW 1.10; AME 0.15, ALE 0.11, PME 0.14, PLE 0.14; AME-AME 0.20, AME-ALE 0.23, PME-PME 0.30, PME-PLE 0.33; MOQA 0.46, MOQP 0.57, CLL 0.04. Chelicerae robust and brownish red, with long, red wine-coloured fangs, with three teeth on promargin and two on retromargin. Sternum pale yellow, STL 1.35, STW 1.12. Labium and endites light orange. Legs yellowish white with brown metatarsi and tarsi, without distinct markings. Leg measurements: I 9.38 (2.54,3.35, 2.73, 0.77), II 7.83 (2.00, 2.88, 2.23, 0.72), III 5.78 (1.64, 1.86, 1.65, 0.62), IV 7.96 (2.41, 2.43, 2.42, 0.70); LL/CL 3.49. Abdomen oval, uniformly grey, dorsum with two pairs of conspicuous muscle depressions; venter medially with two longitudinal dotted lines. Epigyne (Figs 6C-G ). Atrium large, slightly wider than long, located at posterior portion of epigynal plate, with arched anterior hood and indistinct posterior margin; two copulatory openings, large and contiguous, located at basolateral atrial borders; receptacles and copulatory ducts conspicuous through epigynal plate in ventral view; transparent copulatory ducts coiled, with five ascending turns, connecting receptacle anteriorly; receptacles elongated and separated by 1.5 diameters, pear shaped, ducts coil around distal part. Male. Unknown. Comments. Due to the large and long, ovoid receptacles and the slender copulatory duct encircling the anterior part of the receptacles, we justifiably place C. wuquan sp. nov. in Cheiracanthium sensu stricto. Until now, five Cheiracanthium species from China are known from males only: C. antungense Chen & Huang, 2012, C. echinulatum Zhang, Zhang & Yu, 2018, C. gobi Schmidt & Barensteiner, 2000, C. ningmingense Zhang & Yin, 1999, and C. chayuense Li & Zhang, 2019 ( WSC 2020 ). Based on the palpal structure, with the exception of C. ningmingense , the other four species do not belong to Cheiracanthium sensu stricto ( Wunderlich 2012 ). C. ningmingense is presently known from Ningming county in Guangxi (type locality), Shimen county in Hunan, and Xishuangbanna in Yunnan. However, C. ningmingense maybe a junior synonym of one known species. Distribution. Known only from the type locality, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, China. Figure 8. Cheiracanthium spp., left palp, retrolateral view. A C. daofeng sp. nov., male holotype B C. duanbi sp. nov., male holotype C C. gou sp. nov., male holotype. Abbreviations: C = conductor; CF = cymbial fold; CS = cymbial spur; DTA = dorsal tibial apophysis; E = embolus; EB = embolic base; MA = median apophysis; RTA = retrolateral tibial apophysis. Scale bars: 0.2 mm. Figure 9. Cheiracanthium spp., left palp, dorsal view. A C. daofeng sp. nov., male holotype B C. duanbi sp. nov., male holotype C C. gou sp. nov., male holotype. Abbreviations: CF = cymbial fold; CS = cymbial spur; DTA = dorsal tibial apophysis; PTA = prolateral tibial apophysis; RTA = retrolateral tibial apophysis. Scale bars: 0.2 mm. Figure 10. Cheiracanthium spp., left bulb, prolateral view ( A, D, G ), ventral view ( B, E, H ), retrolateral view ( C, F, I ). A-C C. daofeng sp. nov. D-F C. duanbi sp. nov. G-I C. gou sp. nov. Abbreviations: C = conductor; E = embolus; EB = embolic base; MA = median apophysis. Scale bars: 0.2 mm.