The Psychodidae (Diptera) of Jaú National Park (Amazonas, Brazil) with description of two new species of Psychodinae Author Cordeiro, Danilo Pacheco Author Aquino, Karina Kethelen Silva De Author Alves, Veracilda Ribeiro text Zootaxa 2021 2021-09-07 5032 2 275 282 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.5032.2.8 1175-5326 5487557 FF08362E-2B79-418F-AF50-EC6D0B2DDD96 Parasetomima timmirima Cordeiro & Aquino sp. nov. ( Figs. 10–18 ) Diagnosis. subquadrate post-hypandrial plate; symmetric gonocoxites; epandrium with a well-delimited pseudospiracular opening; anterior process of epandrial appendage shorter than length of epandrial appendage; aedeagus with swollen asymmetric apex in dorsal view; each paramere with a single seta on its acute apex. Description. Male. Head ( Figs. 10–12 ): frons seta patch undivided; eye bridge with four facet rows, eyes separated by less than 1 facet diameter; 9–10 larger alveoli above eyes forming a row of supraocular setae that goes from the lateral margin of head to base of eye bridge; interocular suture straight; clypeus wider than long; antenna with cylindrical scape, around 1.9 times length of spherical pedicel ( Figs. 11 and 13 ), flagellomeres fusiform; a pair of sigmoidal ascoids, with anterior and posterior branches, on flagellomeres I–XIV, ascoids about 2.2 the length of flagellomere ( Fig. 14 ); palpal formula 1.0: 1.6: 1.6: 2.1 ( Fig. 12 ). Labellum bulbous, with short spines on inner margin and several latero-apical setae. Thorax. Seta patch of anepisternum divided in a median large patch and a ventral small patch. Wing ( Fig. 15 ). Wing membrane bare except on veins; wing infuscated, costal cell slightly more infuscated, base of cells R 1 and M 4 with translucent areas; vein Sc short not extending beyond base of R 5 ; R 1 ending beyond level of CuA; radial fork complete and basal to incomplete medial fork; R sector pectinate. Legs. Distitarsi with apical projection. Male terminalia ( Figs. 16–18 ). Hypandrium undistinguished from dorsal gonocoxal process, either fused to it or absent; gonocoxite pilose on dorsal and outer margin, meeting dorsally by membranous process; gonostylus longer than gonocoxite, with rounded apex and several setae sparsely distributed throughout its length; gonocoxal apodemes expanding anteriorly and meeting at midline to form a complex gonocoxal bridge; epandrial appendage with swollen pilose base tapering to the apex where it bears a single tenaculum and with an anterior process with a umbellate tenaculum at apex; aedeagus straight until asymmetric clavate apex, in dorsal view; parameres asymmetric, left one short and straight, with one seta at apex, right one longer, almost reaching apex of aedeagus, curved and with one seta at apex; aedeagal apodeme shorter than aedeagus; epandrium wider than long with concave posterior margin; epiproct short and straight; hypoproct conspicuously projecting posteriorly to epandrium. Female. unknown. Material examined. Type material . HOLOTYPE ( INPA ): , BRAZIL , Amazonas , Parque Nacional do Jaú , Patauá (Jefferson), left margin rio Jaú , PNJ011, terra firme, 33masl , 01°53’27”S 61°44’48”W , 26-29.vii.2003 , Malaise trap , col. D. M. Takiya. PARATYPES : 1 ♂ BRAZIL , Amazonas , Manacapuru-Novo Airão , km 46-50, 30.iv-06.v.[19]99, 50m, Disturbed forest , light trap , 02°59.3’S 60°53.6’W , [col.] L.W.Quate / T . Barret ( LACM ENT 279927 ) , 1 ♂ same data except Malaise trap ( LACM ENT 279928 ) , 2 ♂ BRAZIL , Amazonas , Itacoatiara-Itapiranga , km 23, 8- 15.v.[19] 99, 100m <, Primary forest , Malaise trap , 03°3’S 58°43.5’W , [col.] L. W. Quate / T . Barret (previous collec- tion numbers LACM ENT 279931 , 279933 ; both specimens to be deposited at INPA in accordance with Brazilian legislation) . Etymology. The species epithet derives from the ancient tupi language words ‘ tim ’ meaning beak or protrusion, and ‘ mirim ’ meaning small, in reference to the size of the anterior projection of the epandrial appendage. Distribution. Brazil (Amazonas). Comments . This species is assigned to Parasetomima Duckhouse mainly by the asymmetrical parameres and the epandrial appendages stout, with a short apical tenacula and an anterior projection bearing an umbellate accessory tenacula at apex. It also fits all other descriptive characters provided by Duckhouse (1968) for the genus, except for the marginal patches of hairs on wing membrane. However, the anterior projection of the epandrial appendage is long, much longer than the epandrial appendage, in the other two species of Parasetomima and short, about half the length of the epandrial appendage, in P . timmirima . Other diagnostic features of the new species are the epandrium with a well-delimited pseudospiracular opening, the clavate apex of aedeagus, the symmetric gonocoxites and each paramere with a single seta on its acute apex. Both previously described species of Parasetomima have epandrium with no apparent pseudospiracular opening, aedeagus lanceolate tapering to its apex, asymmetric gonocoxites, one round at apex and the other with sharp pointed proiminence on inner side and parameres without setae on acute apex. The ascoids of P. timmirima have an anterior branch, which is lacking in Parasetomima ornata Bravo according to the original description ( Bravo 2004 ). However, the type specimens of P . ornata (housed at the collection of MZFS) were analyzed and the ascoids of this species have the anterior branch just like P . timmirima . Other important notes from the study of type material of P . ornata is that this species has the same pattern of seta patchs on the anepisternum as in P . timmirima , it has marginal patches of hairs on wing membrane and that in the epandrium the pseudospiracular opening is present, although difficult to see. This opening is seen as a clear area in the same position and shape of the pseudospiracular opening of P . timmirima , but without delimited margins. Duckhouse (1968) stated that the epandrium of P . umbella Duckhouse is “apparently” without pseudospiracular openings which may indicate that he was not 100% sure about this feature.