The recent apple snails of Africa and Asia (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Ampullariidae: Afropomus, Forbesopomus, Lanistes, Pila, Saulea): a nomenclatural and type catalogue. The apple snails of the Americas: addenda and corrigenda Author Cowie, Robert H. text Zootaxa 2015 3940 1 1 92 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3940.1.1 5013eaff-bb37-4be3-a1ea-43c11d0cf5d1 1175-5326 288204 B5D45D1B-4B52-4F0B-8AF6-B587F8857475 pygmea Ampullaria pygmea Récluz, 1851 : 216 . Type material —possible syntypes : MNHN 4623 (2 spms., teste Cowie & Héros (2012: 816)) . Type locality —“Les ruisseaux de l’île Elephanta ( Bombay )” [The streams of Elephanta Island ( Mumbai )]. Distribution —no additional information. Remarks . Fischer-Piette (1950: 12, pl. 1, fig. 7) listed it and figured one specimen but did not designate a lectotype . Not listed by G.B. Sowerby III (1916: 72). Junior primary homonym of pygmaea Lamarck (Lamarck 1804: 30, 1822b: 547; not Ampullariidae ). No replacement name provided here, pending further research. quadrasi Pachylabra ( lubrica var.?) quadrasi Kobelt, 1912b: 99, pl. 41, figs. 8, 9. Type material holotype [by monotypy]: SMF 25319. Type locality —“der Insel Mainit, Philippinen ” [probably Lake Mainit, Mindanao, Philippines ]. Remarks . Kobelt’s description seems to have been based on a single specimen, although not explicitly. There is only a single specimen in SMF, labelled as the holotype by Zilch (R. Janssen pers. comm. 18 October 2013 ). There is no reason to think that there were additional specimens, so this specimen is considered here to be the single specimen constituting the type series ( Code , Art. and therefore the holotype . Synonym of conica Wood , teste Pagulayan & Remigio (1993: 1–27) . raymondi Ampullaria raymondi Bourguignat, 1864: 76 . Type material syntypes : MHNG-INVE- 111655 (3 spms.), MHNG-INVE- 111655 (1 spm.). Type locality —“lac Ballat, en Égypte ”. Remarks . Synonym of ovata Olivier , teste Jickeli (1874: 231) , Gaudion (1880: 35) , Paetel (1888: 481), G.B. Sowerby III (1910: 60) and Pain (1952: 287), followed here. Variety of ovata Olivier , teste Kobelt (1912b: 47) and Alderson (1925: 93) . revoili Ampullaria revoili Billotte, 1885 : 103 . Type material —location unknown. Type locality —“Marais et rivières entre Meurka et Moguedouchou” [marshes and rivers between Merca and Mogadishu, Somalia ]. Remarks . Noted as from Somalia by Paetel (1887: 481) , referencing the listing of the species by Mayer (1886 [as “1885”]: 78). Synonym of speciosa Philippi , teste Pain (1961: 20) .