On the subgenus Eurysunius Reitter of Turkey VI. Two new species from Sivas province in central northern Anatolia, with a key to Turkish species (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Paederinae, Astenus) Author Anlaş, Sinan text Zootaxa 2019 2019-05-20 4608 2 389 395 journal article 26777 10.11646/zootaxa.4608.2.13 2a020626-f41a-45d7-aba5-b5ebfed8cec9 1175-5326 3055548 CBA4B9E1-01E5-4CA6-83A7-ABC005AB6F3F Astenus ( Eurysunius ) sivasicus Anlaş , sp. n. ( Figs. 9–16 ; Map 1 ) urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: A1B2CA95-6B5E-4467-8D14-0DBD575C2B03 Type material. Holotype : TURKEY : Ƌ, ‘‘TR. Sivas , Akıncılar , Yünlüce 7 km S, 39°57’37”N , 38°22’25”E , 2145 m , 17.IV.2018 , leg. Anlaş , Örgel & Yaman / Holotypus Ƌ, Astenus ( Eurysunius ) sivasicus sp. n. det. S. Anlaş 2018 ” ( AZMM ) . Paratypes : 7Ƌ, 8♀ , same data as holotype ( AZMM ) . Description. Habitus as in Fig. 9 . Body 4.5–4.9 mm long. Coloration: head and pronotum reddish brown, anterior half of elytra black or dark brown, with posterior area yellowish brown, abdomen reddish brown, antennae brown and legs with the femora dark-brown, the tibiae brown, and the tarsi yellowish brown. Head transverse, 1.15–1.20 times as wide as long ( Figs 9–10 ); dorsal surface convex, with very dense, small size, granulose but shallow punctures, pubescence short, decumbent and blackish but not dense, posterior margin of head with two long black setae. Eyes relatively small in size with very slightly protruding, in dorsal view distinctly shorter than postocular region. Antennae moderately slender, 1.0– 1.1 mm long, all antennomeres oblong, antennomere III approximately 2.2 times as long as wide ( Fig. 9 ). Pronotum octagonal shape, weakly transverse, approximately 1.10–1.15 times as wide as long ( Figs 9–10 ); slightly narrower than head, slightly widest at anterior angles and narrowed posteriorly; posterior margin slightly convex; dorsal surface without pronounced impressions; punctation somewhat coarser, larger and slightly sparser than that of head; pubescence of similar as that of head. Anterior and posterior margin of pronotum with four black setae; lateral margins each with two long black setae (on avarege 2 mm ), one in anterior angle and one in posterior angle. FIGURES 9–16. Astenus ( Eurysunius ) sivasicus sp. n. 9—habitus; 10—forebody; 11—Male sternite VII; 12—Male sternite VIII; 13, 14—Aedeagus in lateral view; 15, 16— Aedeagus in ventral view. Scale bars: 0.5 mm (Figs. 9–10), 0.1 mm (Fig. 11–16). Elytra distinctly transverse, 1.70–1.75 times as long, 1.10–1.15 times as wide as pronotum ( Figs 9–10 ); approximately 0.65–0.70 times as long as pronotum; microsculpture absent; punctation dense and distinctly granulose, pubescence black, more distinct than that of head and pronotum; posterior margin of each elytron with six long black setae. Hind wings completely reduced. Abdomen narower than elytra (0.85–0.90 times); widest at segment V, segments III–VI distinctly transverse ( Fig. 9 ), punctation very dense and very fine; interstices with distinct fine microsculpture; pubescence brown or dark brown; posterior margin of tergite VII with palisade fringe. Ƌ: sternite VII in posterior median area slightly depressed and with modified dark and short setae, posterior margin weakly concave ( Fig. 11 ); sternite VIII deeply and acutely incised posteriorly, pubescence unmodified ( Fig. 12 ); aedeagus approximately 0.65–0.70 mm long and as in Figures 13–16 . MAP 1. Distribution of Astenus ( Eurysunius ) species in Turkey : A. bicoloratus Assing, 2002 (large filled circle), A. brachati Assing, 2011 (large filled triangle), A. goeki Anlaş, 2017 (large open triangle), A. gusarovi Anlaş, 2015 (large open square), A. honazicus Anlaş, 2015 (small filled triangles), A. ilgazi Anlaş, 2016 (small filled squares), A. kociani Assing, 2015 (large filled square), A. kumlutasi Anlaş, 2015 (small open circles), A. melendizicus Anlaş, 2018 (large open circle), A. occiduus Assing, 2007 (small hexagons), A. orgeli Anlaş, 2015 (small filled circles), A. paphlagonicus Assing, 2002 (small open squares), A. pe- linae sp. n. (open stars), A. rhodicus Assing, 2013 (filled cross), A. sandiklicus Anlaş, 2014 (small open triangles), A. sexsetosus Assing, 2002 (large open hexagon), A. sivasicus sp. n. (large filled hexagon), A. sultanicus Assing, 2010 (filled stars). Comparative notes. The species is distinguished from all its congeners by the different morphology of the aedeagus, especially in lateral view. From other species occurring in central and northern Anatolia , and also Caucasus, it is additionally separated as follows: From A. paphlagonicus Assing (North western Turkey : Kastamonu and Bolu ) by the different coloration ( A. paphlagonicus : elytra yellowish, at most very narrowly infuscate anteriorly; legs and antennae yellowish red), by the much more transverse pronotum ( A. paphlagonicus : pronotum approximately as wide as long; A. sivasicus sp. n. : approximately 1.10–1.15 times as wide as long), by the much more transverse elytra ( A. paphlagonicus : elytra 1.15 times as wide as long; A. sivasicus sp. n. : elytra 1.70–1.75 times as wide as long), and by the different shape of the aedeagus both ventral and lateral view. It differs from A. sexsetosus Assing (Central Anatolia : Kayseri ) and A. kociani Assing (Central Anatola: Nevşehir ) by the presence of two (vs. three) long setae on the lateral margins of the pronotum, by the different col- oration of the forebody ( A. sexsetosus : Head, pronotum and abdomen blackish brown, elytra are yellow, sometimes with a more or less infuscate portion near the scutellum; A. kociani : head and pronotum blackish; elytra dark yellowish-brown, with the region near the scutellum infuscate), by the much more transverse elytra ( A. sexsetosus : elytra 1.5–1.6 times as wide as long; A. kociani : elytra approximately 1.50 times as wide as long; A. sivasicus sp. n. : elytra 1.70–1.75 times as wide as long), by the broader posterior incision in sternite VIII, and by the different shape of the aedeagus both ventral and lateral view. It differs from A. bicoloratus Assing (Central northern Anatolia : Ordu ) by the presence of two (vs. one) long setae on the lateral margins of the pronotum, by the different coloration of the forebody ( A. bicoloratus : Head and. pronotum dark brown, anterior 2/3 of elytra blackish, posterior 1/3 of elytra yellow), and by the different shape of the aedeagus both ventral and lateral view. It differs from A. paradoxus Eppelsheim (Caucasus region from Crimea to Azerbaijan ), by the different coloration ( A. paradoxus : elytra uniformly ferrugineous), by the smaller eyes ( A. paradoxus : eyes at least as long as temples in dorsal view), by the transverse elytra and by the different shape of the aedeagus both ventral and lateral view. In addition, the new species differs from A. pelinae sp. n. by a different coloration of the body and distinctly transverse of the elytra ( A. pelinae sp. n. : elytra weakly transverse, 1.10–1.15 times as long; A. sivasicus sp. n. : elytra 1.70–1.75 times as long). For descriptions and illustrations of these species see Assing (2002 , 2015 ), and also see key to the Turkish Eurysunius species below. Etymology. The name is derived from the Sivas province , where the type locality is situated. Distribution and bionomics. The species was collected ony one locality from Akıncılar district in Sivas prov- ince ( Map 1 ), in grassland on a riverbank at an altitude of about 2150 m . The specimens were found in the nests of Tetramorium sp.