Review Of The Anotylus Cimicoides Species Group (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Oxytelinae) Author Makranczy, György text Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 2017 2017-06-19 63 2 143 262 journal article 10.17109/AZH. 2064-2474 12625425 671ADB82-5AA9-418A-BB5C-DB3B912D3BD2 Anotylus ganapati sp. n. ( Figs 72 , 111–117 , 266 ) Typematerial Holotype (m): [ NEPAL : EasternRegion] Ilamdistr. , MaiPokhari , 2100 m [ 27°00‘25“N , 87°55‘48“E ], GebüschanSeeufer , Hauswand , 31.III.-1.IV.1980 , leg. J. Martens & A. Ausobsky (117), Wald , Gesiebe ( SMNS ) ; Paratypes (90): Ilamdistr. , Mai Pokhari , 2150–2250 m , 23-25.VIII.1983 , leg. J. Martens & B. Daams (254a), Berlese (1, SMNS ); ( Sankhuwasawadistr. ) Kosi , forêtNEKuwapani, ravin, 2350 m , 5.IV.1984 , leg. I. Löbl & A. Smetana (5), tamisage de feuilles mortes et humus à proximité d’une source (1, MHNG ); ( Sankhuwasawadistr. ) Kosi , forêtNEKuwapani, ravin, 2250 m , 6.IV.1984 , leg. I. Löbl & A. Smetana (6), tamisage de feuilles mortes le long d’un tronc abattu (3, MHNG ) ; Kosi , InduwaKholavalley , 2000 m , 16.IV.1984 , leg. I. Löbl & A. Smetana (24a), tamisage mousses et feuilles mortes sur un terrain marécageux (1, MHNG , 1 m , HNHM ) ; Kosi , In- duwa Khola valley , 2100 m , 17.IV.1984 , leg. I. Löbl & A. Smetana (27), tamisage mousses et feuilles mortes au pied d’une falaise ( 1 m , 2 f, MHNG , 1 m , BMNH , 1 m , CNCI , 1 m , ZMHB ) ; Kosi , Induwa Khola valley , 2000–2600 m , 16-18.IV.1984 , leg. I. Löbl & A. Smetana (30a), sous les pierres (2, MHNG ) ; Kosi , forêt NE Kuwapani , 2250 m , 24.IV.1984 , leg. I. Löbl & A. Smetana (37), tamisagedebranchespourriesetmoussesau-dessusd’unarbre couché (4, MHNG ) ; Khandbaridistr. , ForestaboveAhale , 2400 m , 25.III.1982 , leg. A. & Z. Smetana , original Quercus andLauraceaeforest, siftingoflayersofmoistandmouldyleaf litter, mossanddetritusonandaroundfallen, rottingbigtrees (1, MHNG ) ; ManasluMts. , DudhPokhariLekh, upperDordiKholaValley, 2300–2600 m , 15-17.IV.2003 , leg. J. Schmidt (1, NKME ) ; ManasluMts. , DudhPokhariLekhbelowHelamPokhari, 2000 m , 22.IV.2003 , leg. J. Schmidt , sifting forest litter (12, NKME , 1 m , NMPC , 1 m , AMNH , 1 m , ISNB , 1 m , NIBR , 1 m , ZMUC , 1 m , FMNH , 1 m , HNHM ) ; Manaslu Mts. , E slope of Ngali Khola Valley , 2000–2300 m , 15. V .2005 , leg. J. Schmidt (6, NKME ) ; Kathmandu , Shivapuri Lekh , slope W of Bagmati river , 2000–2300 m , 22-23. V .2005 , leg. J. Schmidt (1, NKME ) ; Dhaulagiri Himal , N Banduk vill., S-slope, 28°27‘22“N , 83°35‘13“E to 28°28‘07“N , 83°35‘10“E , 1900–2300 m , 6. V .2009 , leg. J. Schmidt ( 4 m , 5 f, NKME ) ; Kaski distr. , above Pothana , 2000 m [ 28°19′N , 83°50′E ], 27-29.IV.1995 , leg. Martens & Schawaller (426) (1, SMNS ) ; INDIA : N-, Uttaranchal for Figs 104, 106–107 , 0.13 mm for Fig. 105 Figs 96–97. Habitus of Anotylus species. 96 = A. rurukan sp. n. , 97 = A. tanator sp. n. Figs 98–99. Habitus of Anotylus species. 98 = A. kabasi sp. n. , 99 = A. nigricans (Cameron, 1933) Figs 100–101. Habitus of Anotylus species. 100 = A. cimicoides ( Fauvel, 1895 ) , 101 = A. excisicollis (Bernhauer, 1938) Figs 102–103. Habitus of Anotylus species. 102 = A. genalis ( Fauvel, 1904 ) , 103 = A. anguliceps (Cameron, 1934) Figs 104–110. Anotylus franzi ( Coiffait, 1982 ) , male. 104 = median part of sternite VII, 105 = sternite VIII, 106 = tergite IX, 107 = tergite X, 108 = aedeagus, frontal view, 109 = median lobe, lateral view, 110 = paramere, lateral view. Scales: 0.10 mm for Figs 108–110, 0.12 mm Figs 111–117. Anotylus ganapati sp. n. , male. 111 = median part of sternite VII, 112 = sternite VIII, 113 = tergite IX, 114 = tergite X, 115 = aedeagus, frontal view, 116 = median lobe, lat- eral view, 117 = paramere, lateral view. Scales: 0.18 mm for Fig. 111, 0.20 mm for Figs 112, 114–117, 0.28 mm for Fig. 113 state, Nainital, ChinaPeakenv., 1900–2300 m , 18-19.VII.2003 , leg. Z. Kejval & M. Tryzna (2, NHMW, 1, MHNP, 1, SDEI); Assam, NorthCacharHillsdistr., Mt. Borail, trailBorail Peak - Notun Leikul, 25°06‘47“N , 93°03‘05“E , 1650 m , 20.X.2005 , leg. G. Cuccodoro & A. Marletta (9c), siftingmoistleaflitterinforestwithFagaceae (1, MHNG); Meghalaya, East KhasiHillsdistr., Mawphlang, Lawkyntang (sacredforest), 25°26’37”N , 91°44’47”E , 1750 m , 23.X.2004 , leg. G. Cuccodoro, C. Carlton, R. Leschen & D. Errne (11a), in Quercus + Magnolia forest, siftingleaflitterandnutsonflatareaneardrystream (5, MHNG); CHINA : Guizhou , LeishanCo, SEKaili, NELeishan, LeigongShan, E-slope, ca. 2.5 kmEofpass between Leishan and Fangxiang village, 26°23.39‘N , 108°13.33‘E , ca. 1600 m , 23-24.VI.2001 , leg. H. Schillhammer (17a), siftedfromsemi-dryleaflitterwithplentyofwoodencomponents ( 2 m , 5 f, NHMW); Guizhou , LeishanCo, SEKaili, NELeishan, LeigongShan, E-slope, ca. 2.5km E of pass, 26°23.39‘N , 108°13.33‘E , ca. 1600 m , 19.VI.2001 , leg. H. Schillhammer (14), siftedfrommouldydebrisofleavesandbranchesinverydarkportionof forest ( 1 m , 11 f, NHMW, 1 m , IZAS); VIETNAM : N-, pass 8km NW Sa Pa, 22°21‘13“N , 103°46‘01“E , 2030 m , 10.VIII.2015 , leg. V. Assing (10a) sifted from litter and roots under bushesnearthemarginofasecondarydeciduousforest (1 f, coll. Assing). Description – Measurements (in mm, n=10): HW = 0.75 (0.70–0.79); TW = 0.72 (0.67– 0.76); PW = 1.01 (0.92–1.06); EW = 1.11 (1.04–1.18); AW = 1.17 (1.10–1.22); HL = 0.57 (0.53– 0.60); EL = 0.16 (0.15–0.17); TL = 0.22 (0.20–0.24); PL = 0.68 (0.63–0.73); SC = 0.73 (0.69–0.78); FB = 2.16 (2.04–2.22); BL = 3.97 (3.87–4.06). Habitus as in Fig. 72 . Forebody weakly shining becauseofsculpture, abdomenroughlyandratherdenselybutshallowlypunctured, in- terspacesshiny, morelustrousthanforebody. Forebody, abdomenandfirstantennomere blackishdarkbrownwithslightreddishtint, morereddishalongpronotalsidemargins andanteriormarginofhead. Legs, mouthpartsandrestofantennaereddishdarkbrown. Headwithanteriormarginpossessingrim (weakerinmiddle), evenlyarchedinmiddle, butlaterallymoretruncate, angledatsupraantennalprominences, theseasmoderately elevatedobliqueridges, rimcontinuingposteriadalonginnerborderofeyes, discslightly impressedbesideit. Epistomalsutureformingsubcircularimpression (lesssculpturedin- side), uppersurfacewithweaktactilesetae (intratemporalis) situatedpostero-mediallyof eacheye. Eyesmedium-sizedandslightlybulging, indorsalviewtemples (1.4× lengthof eye) alatiform, laterallyroundedandposteriorlyconstrictedtoformdistinctneck, sepa- ratedbytransversaloccipitalfurrow. Antennomere 1 flattenedclub-shapedandstrongly microsculptured, segment 2 oval, segment 3 club-shaped, segment 4 smallandslightly elongate, segments 5–11 withbasaldishes, articles 6–10 veryslightlytransverse, segment 11 somewhatlighter. Headandpronotumwithareolatesculpture, alongthemidlinesomewhatcostulate (composedoffine, short, elevatedlines). Pronotumwithlateralportion explanate, edgealatiformwithverysparseshortsetae; lateralborderevenlyarchedwith thinmarginalridgeandanumberofsmall, irregularlydistributeddenticles, posterior marginevenlyarched; discmediallywithtwofaintandposteriorlyconfluentlongitudinalridges, slightlyimpressedalongsidethem, andnearsidemargin. Elytrawithathin- ningmarginposteriorly, continuingonlateralpart. Elytralepipleuralridgeapparentas strongersculpturelinesinlateralalatiformportions; shoulderswelldeveloped, surface foveolateandinbetweenpuncturestorulose. Legsshort, pro-andmesotibiawithseveral spinuloserows, metatibiawithlongitudinalctenidiumofspinulesindistalhalf. Abdomen withsidesmoderatelyarcuate, secondsegmentwithparatergitesbroadeningposteriorly (abdomenslightlyconstrictedatbase), thoseofsegmentsIII–VIIthin, mesalparatergites broad; posterioredgeoftergiteVIIwiththinpalisadefringe, medianpartofsterniteVIIas inFig. 111 , sterniteVIII ( Fig. 112 ), tergitesIX ( Fig. 113 ), X ( Fig. 114 ) andaedeagusasinFigs 115–117 , spermathecaasinFig. 266 . Etymology – ThespeciesisnamedafterGanapati, anotherSanskritnameofGanesha, theelephant-headedgodinHinduism (nouninapposition). Distribution – Appearstobearatherwidespreadspeciesfromnorthern IndiaandNepaltosouthernChina. Asinglefemalespecimenisknownfrom Vietnam , butitsidentificationrequiresverificationbymaleexemplars. Remarks – Aseriesoftheavailablespecimenswasobtainedbysifting frommouldydebrisofleavesandbranchesandwoodencomponentsina verydarkpartofforest.