Ursidae (Mammalia, Carnivora) from the Late Oligocene of the “ Phosphorites du Quercy ” (France) and a reappraisal of the genus Cephalogale Geoffroy, 1862 Author Bonis, Louis De text Geodiversitas 2013 2013-12-27 35 4 787 814 http://dx.doi.org/10.5252/g2013n4a4 journal article 6404 10.5252/g2013n4a4 729cbb60-952c-4f1e-ad96-89c15eed89af 1638-9395 4538147 Filholictis filholi (Munier-Chalmas in Filhol, 1877 ) Canis filholi Munier-Chalmas in Filhol, 1877: 319 , figs 123, 124. — Beaumont 1965: 23 . Cephalogale filholi – Schlosser 1888: 103; 1904-1905: 293. — Bonis 1973: 82 . HOLOTYPE . — Mandible figured by Filhol (1877 : figs 123, 124); ( MNHN .F.nn). DIAGNOSIS. — Primitive middle sized Cephalogalini n.tr. differing from the Amphicynodontidae by the large lower carnassial relative to the premolars and from the other Cephalogalini n. tr. by a less reduced metaconid of m 1 in contact with the paraconid and closing the central valley of the trigonid. High lower premolars without pacd, p3 as tall as p4 both being higher than the paraconid of m1; m2 relatively short for a Hemicyoninae , paraconid present but metaconid more developed than the protoconid. TYPE LOCALITY . — Unknown, “Phosphorites du Quercy ”. GEOLOGICAL AGE. — Unknown but probably Oligocene.