Revision of Odontophotopsis Viereck (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae), Part 1, with a description of a new Genus Laminatilla Author Pitts, James P. text Zootaxa 2007 1619 1 43 journal article 48966 10.5281/zenodo.179151 2a7d8e6f-de65-4bbc-9ae5-d44dacac7939 1175-5326 179151 9. Odontophotopsis unicornis species-group ( Figs. 48–56 ) Diagnosis. This species-group is characterized by the unique mandible. The mandible is bidentate apically, and has a weak ventral excision with a weak to moderate ventrobasal angulation or tooth. The dorsal and ventral margins of the mandible are sharply and strongly carinate appearing somewhat lamellate, especially the ventral margin ( Figs. 48, 49, 51 ). In addition, the clypeus is prominently tuberculate medially with a hyaline linguiform process ( Figs. 49, 50 ). The following combination of characters is also useful: the antennal scrobe is carinate dorsally; the meso- and metasternum are bidentate; the mesosternal processes are distinct, high, prominent, and separated by distance equal to diameter of ocellus; the marginal cell as measured along the costa is less than 1.7X length of stigma; the first metasomal segment is subnodose; the second sternite lacks a conspicuous, strongly elevated, longitudinal carina on median proximal fifth; the pygidium is granulate along apical margin, but polished anteriorly; the hypopygium has the apical margin rounded; and the parameres are sharply bent inward approximately two-thirds the distance from the base, but the apical third is straight ( Fig. 56 ). Male . Coloration and setal pattern . Body light, testaceous throughout; antenna and legs stramineous, distinctly lighter than body; head, mesosoma, and metasoma clothed with sparse, long, recumbent, very pale golden setae. FIGURES 48–56. Odontophotopsis unicornis : Fig. 48. head, frontal view; Fig. 50. clypeal apex, lateral view; Fig. 51. mandible; Fig. 54. genitalia, lateral view; Fig. 55. penal valve; Fig. 56. genitalia, ventral view. Odontophotopsis erebus : Fig. 49. head, lateral view; Fig. 52. genitalia, lateral view; Fig. 53. penal valve. Head . Rounded posteriorly. Mandible weakly excised ventrally (almost entire) to distinctly excised ventrally with ventral tooth (width at excision equal to or over 0.7X width at basal tooth), weakly bidentate at tip, sharply carinate dorsally and ventrally ( Figs. 48, 49, 51 ). Clypeus concave, with weak to prominent tubercle at median proximal margin ( Figs. 49, 50 ). F1 ~0.8X length of F2. Front and vertex with small, separated punctures. Ocellocular distance 1–1.5X greatest diameter of lateral ocellus. Mesosoma . Pronotum coarsely, confluently punctured, posterior margin of both lateral and dorsal faces with dense, very short fringe of plumose setae; mesonotum with moderately large punctures, contiguous on disc, notaulus well developed on posterior 0.5X weak to absent on anterior 0.5X. Scutellum densely, confluently punctured. Dorsum, posterior and sides of propodeum very broadly, deeply reticulate; elevated area of mesopleuron deeply, coarsely, confluently punctate, anterior area with punctures comparatively shallow, contiguous. Mesosternum with coarse, confluent punctures, but shallower laterally on mesopleuron. Mesosternal processes distinct, bidentate. Metasternum bidentate. Wings hyaline, marginal cell on costa greater in length than stigma. Marginal cell along costa less than 1.7X length of stigma. Trochanters and coxae unarmed. Metasoma . Metasoma concolorous with head and mesosoma. First metasomal segment 0.66X length of hind femur, subnodose. T1 sparsely punctured on median longitudinal 0.33, closely, confluently punctured on lateral 0.66, distal margin with dense band of short plumose setae. Disc of T2 polished, with very small, scattered punctures. Sides of T2 with moderate, mostly separated punctures, posterior margin with dense fringe of white plumose setae. Remaining terga with punctures obscured by thick recumbent setae, each succeeding tergum beyond T2, with distal plumose fringe less distinct. Pygidium polished anteriorly to granulate throughout, not margined at sides. S2 with punctures moderate, close, distal margin with white plumose fringe. Remaining sterna with fringes of long setae, but mostly not plumose. Hypopygium with moderate, separated punctures. Genitalia . Parameres arcuate, stout at base, tapering toward apex, slightly outwardly and dorsally curved, short sparse setae present, several longer setae present on internal basal margin ( Figs. 52, 54, 56 ). Cuspis elongate, at most reaching to midpoint of paramere; basal accessory lobe present, knob-like, bearing several setae ( Figs. 52, 54, 56 ). Digitus cylindrical to lobate, spinules present. Penal valve bidentate ( Figs. 53, 55 ). Remarks. This species-group defined here differs from that defined by Schuster (1958) . Schuster’s species-group also contained O. bequaertii (Schuster) , O. delodonta Viereck , O. grata (Melander) , and O. augustus Viereck. Subsequently , O. bequaertii (Schuster) has been moved to Photomorphus . Odontophotopsis delodonta Viereck , O. grata (Melander) , and O. augustus Viereck (junior synonym of O. grata ), are placed in the O. melicausa species-group, and will be revised in part 3 of this revision.