Synopsis of Incertosulcus Móczár, 1970 (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae) Author Barbosa, Diego N. Author Azevedo, Celso O. text Journal of Natural History 2020 2020-11-02 54 21 - 22 1363 1393 journal article 10.1080/00222933.2020.1794073 1464-5262 5030378 C512C3A4-0E6C-4AE7-AA87-5A7D2794F445 Incertosulcus vietnamensis ( Móczár, 1977 ) Sulcomesitius vietnamensis Móczár, 1977 , 23: 141–142, 150–152, figs. 44–48. Typerepository: BPBM. Incertosulcus vietnamensis ( Móczár, 1977 ) . New combination by Azevedo et al. 2018 , 4489(1): 195 ( Figure 5 (b)). Figure 9. I. pinotnoir sp. nov . A. Hypopygium; B. Genitalia (left ventral and right dorsal view). I. sauvignonblanc sp. nov . C. Hypopygium; D. Genitalia (left ventral and right dorsal view). Description Female. Body length 4.7 mm . Forewing 2.8 mm . Colour: wings bi-banded; pronotum and mesonotum orange; metasoma dark castaneous; head and metapectal-propodeal complex dark castaneous nearly black. Head: head longer than wide. Malar space longer than VOL, convergent anteriorly. Median clypeal lobe rounded. Antenna short; pedicel caliciform; flagellomere I as long as pedicel; flagellomeres short. Eye small [0.5 × LH], circular. Frons strongly foveolate. Ocelli small, DAO 1.0 × POL. Mesosoma: dorsal pronotal area foveolate, with anterior corner angled, lateral margin straight, and posterior margin sinuous; longitudinal pronotal sulcus complete. Anteromesoscutum weakly foveolate, longer than mesoscutellum; longitudinal antero-mesoscutal sulcus incomplete. Mesoscutellum short, foveolate, with longitudinal sulcus. Metapectal-propodeal complex 0.5 × as long as wide; metapostnotum with a longitudinal ridge between metaposnotal median carina and metaposnotal-propodeal suture; posterior spine of metapectalpropodeal complex short, thin. Metasoma: tergum II with dorsal surface polished, ventral surface polished. Genitalia: 2vf with anterior area narrow, posterior projection narrow, dorsal projection short; asf transversally oriented. Shaft (1vv+2vv) as long as sting body (2vf+3vv), valvulae equally wide. 3vv longer than wide. Male. Body length 2.8 mm . Colour: wings bi-banded; metasoma dark castaneous; head and mesosoma dark castaneous nearly black. Head: head as long as wide. Malar space convergent anteriorly. Median clypeal lobe rounded. Antenna long; pedicel caliciform; flagellomere I as long as pedicel; flagellomeres long. Eye small [0.5 × LH], circular. Frons strongly foveolate. Mesosoma: dorsal pronotal area foveolate, with anterior corner angled, lateral margin straight, and posterior margin straight; longitudinal pronotal sulcus complete. Anteromesoscutum coriaceous, longer than mesoscutellum; longitudinal anteromesoscutal sulcus absent. Mesoscutellum short, foveolate, without longitudinal sulcus. Metapectal-propodeal complex more than 0.5 × longer than wide; metapostnotum without longitudinal ridge between metaposnotal median carina and metaposnotalpropodeal suture; posterior spine of metapectal-propodeal complex short, thin. Metasoma: tergum II with dorsal surface polished, ventral surface polished. Hypopygium with anterior spiculum long and wide. Genitalia: paramere ventral arm of short, wide, and club-shaped; dorsal arm shorter than ventral, filamentary. Aedeagus slender, with apex not reaching paramere apex, apical margin angulate, apical sickle process very short, lateral of margin of basal portion straight. Distribution Vietnam and Lao.