Three new genera of oriental Xyleborina (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) Author Hulcr, Jiri Author Cognato, Anthony I. text Zootaxa 2009 2204 19 36 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.189700 f48b8ba7-9ec3-455c-8087-9082458a6f72 1175-5326 189700 AA07F2AD-8D1C-408E-9F44-A7696CF3B1AE Diuncus adossuarius (Schedl 1951) comb. n. Previous genus: Xyleborus Diagnosis: Two small recurved spines on each elytron. Declivity surface shagreened, dull, interstriae often slightly elevated, each with a line of minute granules. Elytral disc surrounding the teeth tends to be flat or concave (impressed). Declivity with minute appressed setae. Length: 2.3–2.5 mm . Discussion. Named by Eggers, but name, description, and illustration were published by Schedl (1952a) . Schedl (1952a) relates the species to X. dossuarius Eggers ( Vietnam , Philippines ), but mentioned its larger size, longer elytral disc, shorter declivity and the presence of fine pubescence. Wood & Bright (1992) indicate the year of description as 1952, however to our knowledge the description was published in 1951. Biology: Described and previously known only from Philippines . Examined material: New Guinea , Owen Stanley Range, Goilala, (BBM); Philippines , Luzon, ( holotype , NHMW ); Philippines , Luzon, ( paratype , NHMW ); Philippines , Luzon, (co-type, USNM ).