First description of the male and additional data on the female morphology of Aprostocetus rubi Graham (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Eulophidae) Author Jałoszyński, Paweł text Zootaxa 2016 4132 4 567 574 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4132.4.8 b3257bf0-e76b-47fe-a6ab-d1c5f642b7ae 1175-5326 258724 72F07692-4635-4D8D-851C-A97B40339959 Aprostocetus ( Aprostocetus ) rubi Graham Figs 1–24 Aprostocetus ( Aprostocetus ) rubi Graham, 1987 : 319 , fig. 433. Material studied. 3 ♀, Poland , Włocławek, reared from nearly 20 galls of Lasioptera rubi on Rubus idaeus collected in a pine forest on 08.III.2015 , adults obtained a month later; 1 ♀, 1 Ƌ, same collecting site but five galls taken on 19.II.2016 and adult wasps obtained a month later; all collected and reared by P. Jałoszyński (PJ personal collection). Description of the male. Body ( Figs 2 , 3–14 ) pigmented as for dark forms of females described by Graham (1987) , except distal portion of first gastral tergite and nearly entire basal half of gaster ventrally pale yellowish; antenna with long brownish setae, otherwise yellowish with scape infuscate dorsally and ventrally, pedicel infuscate dorsally, and flagellum infuscate ventrally. Body length 1.75 mm , smaller than all studied females. Structures of head ( Fig. 9 ) similar to those previously described for the female ( Graham 1987 ); measurements: length 0.20 mm , width 0.50 mm , height 0.40 mm , malar space 0.12 mm , longest diameter of compound eye 0.22 mm , POL 0.12 mm , OOL 0.05 mm . Malar sulcus ( Fig. 9 ) slightly curved. Antenna ( Figs 3–5 , 10, 11 ) nearly filiform, length 1.06 mm (distinctly longer in relation to body than for females); scape 0.8× shorter than longest diameter of compound eye, ventrally swollen and with conspicuous but short plaque ( Figs 10, 11 ) located in distal half; pedicel distinctly broadening distally; F1–4 subequal in width, nearly cylindrical, each with whorl of very long setae; clava long with first clavomere narrowing distally so clava distinctly constricted, second and third clavomeres confluent, and first clavomere with whorl of long setae. Relative lengths of scape: pedicel: F1: F2: F3: F4: clava (with pedicel as 1) = 2: 1: 1.14: 1.42: 1.42: 1.57: 3.57. Structures of mesosoma ( Figs 6 , 12 ) similar to those of female; measurements: length 0.72 mm , maximum width 0.50 mm ; length of pronotum (measured in lateral view) 0.25 mm , length of mesoscutum 0.37 mm , length of scutellum 0.22 mm , length of dorsellum 0.05 mm , length of propodeum (at midline) 0.07 mm . Median area of mesoscutum with faint but discernible median longitudinal line. Wings ( Fig. 7 ) hyaline and not different from those of females, fore wing length 1.62 mm , width 0.72 mm ; hind wing length 1.25 mm , width 0.25 mm . Middle leg with tibial spur appearing about as long as basitarsus in studied dry-mounted specimens, but 1.2× as long as basitarsus in SEM images (Figs 13,14), and covered with spines. FIGURES 1, 2. Aprostocetus rubi Graham , living female (1) and male (2). FIGURES 3–7. Aprostocetus rubi Graham , male, photographed in ethanol (3, 7) and as dry-mounted specimen (4–6). Habitus in lateroventral (3), lateral (4) and ventrolateral (5) views; close-up of head, mesosoma and basal portion of gaster (6); left wings in ventral view (7). FIGURES 8–14. Aprostocetus rubi Graham , male (SEM). Habitus in lateral view (8); head in lateral view (9); right antenna in mesal view (10); plaque of scape of right antenna in inner view (11); mesosoma in lateral view (12); apical portion of right mesotibia and basitarsus (13); mesotibial spur (14). Gaster ( Figs 3–5 , 8 ) only about as long as mesosoma (i.e. shorter in relation to mesosoma than for females) and more slender than for females, in dorsal view suboval; measurements: length 0.82 mm , width 0.32 mm , ratio length/width 2.53.