New species of Ticoplinae (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae) from India Author Lelej, Arkady S. 0000-0001-7501-0981 Federal Scientific Center of the East Asia Terrestrial Biodiversity, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok, Russia & lelej @ biosoil. ru; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 7501 - 0981 Author Terine, Joshua B. 0000-0002-6981-7401 Zoological Survey of India, Western Ghat Regional Centre, Kozhikode 673006, Kerala, India & terinejb @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 6981 - 7401 Author Kumar, Girish P. 0000-0003-2121-0165 Zoological Survey of India, Western Ghat Regional Centre, Kozhikode 673006, Kerala, India & kpgiris @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 2121 - 0165 text Zootaxa 2021 2021-10-18 5052 4 567 578 journal article 3974 10.11646/zootaxa.5052.4.6 869aeeae-a01c-4d9a-89d7-731b7a6d2134 1175-5326 5577343 68314187-FE08-4FA0-A9BB-C412E2C051C8 Key to the Old-World genera of the tribe Smicromyrmillini 1. Wings almost always well developed (male)............................................................... 2 - Wings absent or rudimentary (female, rarely male).......................................................... 3 2. Lateral carina of median narrow longitudinal emargination of S8 (hypopygium) with notch near its half or apical third of carina length. Wide part of median emargination of S8 two thirds of S8 median length. Ratio of length of F1–3 1.1:2.0:2.3. S6 with median narrow emargination. Oriental Region ........................... Eosmicromyrmilla Lelej et Krombein, 2001 - Lateral carina of median narrow longitudinal emargination of S8 (hypopygium) without notch.Wide part of median emargination of S8 five sixths of S8 median length. Ratio of length of F1–3 1.0:1.5:2.0. S6 without median emargination. Palaearctic and Afrotropical Regions...................................................... Smicromyrmilla Suárez, 1965 , part. 3. Apterous males. Ocelli developed. Antenna with 13 articles................................................... 4 - Female. Ocelli lacking. Antenna with 12 articles............................................................ 5 4. Propodeum with long medial spine dorsally. T1 dorsally with one median round spot of silver setae and lateral patch of same setae. Oriental Region ............................................................................................. Hindustanilla Lelej in Lelej & Krombein, 2001 ( one male species H. indica Lelej in Lelej & Krombein, 2001 ) - Propodeum without medial spines dorsally. T1 dorsally with apical band of whitish setae. Afrotropical Region................................................................................... Smicromyrmilla Suárez, 1965 , part. 5. Smooth medial part of T6 not reaching the base of segment (tergum punctured basally and laterally). Lateral pronotal margin shorter than lateral mesonotal margin. T1 laterally without silver patches of setae.......... Smicromyrmilla Suárez, 1965 - Smooth medial part of T6 reaching the base of segment (tergum punctured only laterally). Lateral pronotal margin longer than lateral mesonotal margin. T1 laterally with silver patch....................................................... 6 6. Smooth medial part of T6 weakly carinated laterally and narrowed basally. Lateral propodeal face strongly reticulate. Mid and hind tibia with strong spines dorsally............................................................................... Hindustanilla Lelej in Lelej & Krombein, 2001 ( one female species H. nathani Lelej in Lelej & Krombein, 2001 ) - Smooth medial shiny part of T6 not carinated laterally. Lateral propodeal face microsculptured, not reticulate. Mid and hind tibia with weak spines dorsally........................................ Eosmicromyrmilla Lelej et Krombein, 2001