Additions to the knowledge of the land snails of Sabah (Malaysia, Borneo), including 48 new species
Vermeulen, Jaap J.
Liew, Thor-Seng
Schilthuizen, Menno
journal article
Taxon classification Animalia Stylommatophora Endodontidae
Philalanka thienemanni B. Rensch, 1932
Fig. 46
B. Rensch, 1932: 105;
Schilthuizen 2004
: 94. Type from Indonesia, Java.
Examined material from Sabah.
Interior Province. Crocker Range N.P., West of the km 10 marker on the road Tambunan-Ranau, Mahua Waterfall (leg. J.J. Vermeulen & M. Schilthuizen, V 14251). West Coast Province. Crocker Range N.P., 22.5 km road Tambunan to Kota Kinabalu, near Rafflesia Park (leg. M. Schilthuizen, V 13530).
Shell very small, very thin, translucent, pale yellow-corneous to white, conical with convex sides, to almost conical-ovoid; apex rounded. Surface glossy. Whorls moderately convex, last whorl rounded or slightly angular because of the presence of a strong spiral thread. Protoconch whorls convex, smooth or with 1-6 very inconspicuous, thin spiral threads. Teleoconch: last whorl with a distinct, thick peripheral thread coinciding with the suture of the penultimate whorl; next to this thread (traces of) very fine, inconspicuous, well-spaced, very thin spiral threads present except in the umbilical region; with or without (traces of) an even finer (just visible at 40 times magnification), dense spiral striation in between these threads, especially above the peripheral thread. Radial sculpture: locally a few inconspicuous, well-spaced growth lines, locally also very fine (barely visible at 40 times magnification), densely placed riblets. Umbilicus open, wide. Dimensions: Height up to 2.35 mm; width up to 2.6 mm; diameters of the first four whorls 0.5-0.6 mm, 0.90-1.05 mm, 1.3-1.6 mm, 1.80-2.15 mm respectively; number of whorls 6; height aperture up to 0.8 mm; width aperture up to 1 mm.
Habitat in Sabah and distribution.
Found in damp forest on sandstone soil, at 500-1700 m alt. Sabah: Crocker Range. Distribution: Thailand; Java; Bali; Flores.
Shells from Thailand (V5603, from Chiang Mai) have a slightly more distinct spiral sculpture, particularly on the lower surface, than shells from Java. The Borneo shells are intermediate in this respect.