Geographical distributions of Bembix (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae, Bembicinae) in southern Africa, with notes on biology Author Gess, Friedrich W. Albany Museum and Rhodes University, Grahamstown, 6139 South Africa Author Gess, Sarah K. Albany Museum and Rhodes University, Grahamstown, 6139 South Africa text Journal of Hymenoptera Research 2014 2014-02-14 36 53 130 journal article 1314-2607-36-53 FFBD95640232FFFEFFBCFFC3D21A8E1E 574835 Bembix cameronis Handlirsch Fig. 6b Bembex Cameronis Handlirsch, 1893: 715, pl. 1, fig. 6, pl. 4, fig. 7, pl. 6, fig. 4, ♂, ♀ (Syntypes, South Africa, in ZMHB, NMW); Dalla Torre 1897 : 503 (in catalog of world Hymenoptera as Bembix cameronii ); Arnold 1929 : 329, figs. 1, 1a-f, pl. 6, fig. 34; Arnold 1930 : 21 (in checklist of Afrotropical Sphecidae ). Bembix cameronis Handlirsch, R. Bohart and Menke 1976 : 545 (in checklist of world Sphecidae ); Gess 1981 : 21 (nesting); Gess 1986 : 152, 157 (nesting, flowers visited, prey); Gess and Gess 1994 : 100 (flower visiting); S. Gess 1996: 276, 280, 281, 283, 295 (flower visiting records); Gess and Gess 2003 : 122 (flower visiting records); Evans and O'Neil 2007 : 185 (summary of prey records); Pulawski 2013 : 17 (in catalogue of world Sphecidae sensu lato). Note. Described by Handlirsch from a male and a female from the Cape ( "Cap" ) (Berlin Museum) and a female from "Suedafrika" (P. Cameron). Arnold (1929) examined and figured a male in the South African Museum from Tradouw Pass, Swellendam (Western Cape). The specimens examined (FWG) from Lesotho differ from those from the "Cape Province" and from the description of the species (based on Cape material) in being melanistic (i.e. in having the extent of the yellow markings reduced). Most noticeable in this respect is: scape in male entirely black (except radicle and extreme apex), in female with upper surface marked with black streaks; labrum usually with large black streaks on basal two-thirds; clypeus in male black except for a wide apical band somewhat expanded basally in midline, in female with a pair of black spots at base and sometimes a smaller pair on disc (these spots sometimes fused); yellow region on lower face between antennal sockets reduced and inner orbital bands shortened; pronotum with posterior margin black or with only a very narrow yellow band, in male with sides almost entirely black (except for small yellow area on anterior-ventral region of mesopleura), in female with yellow markings mostly present but much reduced; sterna with amount of yellow reduced; black markings on legs more extensive. Material examined. NAMIBIA: N of Kalkveld on road to Otjiwarongo ( 20.50S , 16.13E ), 25.iii.1997 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 ♀ (visiting deep pink flowers of Hermbstaedtia sp., Amaranthceae) [AMGS]; Nomtsas ( 24.25S , 16.51E ), 18.iii.1997 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 ♀ (visiting white flowers of Limeum argute-carinatum Wawra & Peyr., Molluginaceae ) [AMGS]. SOUTH AFRICA: WESTERN CAPE: 31.5 km from Clanwilliam on road (R363) to Klawer [ 31.56S , 18.44E ], 9-10.x.1990 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 2 ♀♀, 1 ♂ (on yellow flowers of Athanasia trifurcata (L.) L., Asteraceae ) [AMGS]; Bul[s]hoek, Klawer - Clanw[illiam] [ 32.00S , 18.47E ], x.1950 (Mus. Exp.) [A.J. Hesse et al.], 1 ♂ [SAMC]; 18.5 km from Clanwilliam on road (R363) to Klawer [ 32.01S , 18.49E ], 9.x.1990 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 ♂ (on yellow flowers of Aspalathus pulicifolia (Dahlgren), ( Fabaceae : Papilionoideae ) [AMGS]; 17.5 km from Clanwilliam on road (R363) to Klawer [ 32.01S , 18.49E ], 9.x.1990 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 4 ♀♀ (on yellow flowers of Athanasia trifurcata (L.) L., Asteraceae ) [AMGS]; 16.5 km from Clanwilliam on old road [R363] to Klawer [ 32.02S , 18.49E ], 13.x.1990 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 2 ♀♀[AMGS]; 12.5 km from Clanwilliam on road (R363) to Klawer [ 32.05S , 18.50E ], 9.x.1990 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 ♀ (on yellow flowers of Athanasia trifurcata (L.) L., Asteraceae ) [AMGS]; Clanwilliam Dam, Caleta Cove ( 32.14S , 18.56E ), 19-20.x.1989 (D.W. Gess), 1 ♂ (visiting flowers of Athanasia trifurcata (L.) L., Asteraceae ) [AMGS]; 10 km from Clanwilliam on old road to Citrusdal [ 32.15S , 18.57E ], 6.x.1991 (D.W. Gess), 8 ♂♂ (on yellow flowers of Pteronia divaricata Less, Asteraceae ) [AMGS]; Clanwilliam Dam, E bank, 19.2 km S of caravan park ( 32.17S , 18.56E ), 5.x.1995 (F.W., S.K. and R.W. Gess), 3 ♂♂ (on ground) [AMGS]; Clanwilliam Dam. E bank, 20 km S of caravan park ( 32.17S , 18.56E ), 3.x.1997 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 ♂ [AMGS]; Graafwater District, Heerenlogement ( 31.58S , 18.33E ), 8.x.1955 (F.W., S.K. and R.W. Gess), 1 ♂ (visiting pink flowers of Psilocaulon spp., Aizoaceae : Mesembryanthema) [AMGS]; between Klipfontein and Olaf Bergfontein ( 32.02S , 18.33E ), 1 ♀, 2 ♂♂ (visiting pale pink flowers of Psilocaulon acutisepalum (Berger) N.E. Br., Aizoaceae : Mesembryanthema) [AMGS]; Graafwater ( 32.09S , 18.33E ), 14.x.1994 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 ♂ (on pink flowers of Psilocaulon sp., Aizoaceae : Mesembryanthema) [AMGS]; Clanwilliam District, Kransvlei ( 32.14S , 18.51E ), 7-13.x.1987 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 2 ♀♀, 3 ♂♂ (1 ♀ stylopized; 1 ♂ on flowers of Athanasia trifurcata (L.) L., Asteraceae ) [AMGS]; Paleisheuwel [ 32.29S , 18.44E ], xi.1948 (Mus. Exp.) [A.J. Hesse et al.], 3 ♀♀ 3 ♂♂ [SAMC]; Citrusdal Dist. [circa 32.33S , 19.01E ], xi.1948 (Mus. Exp) [A.J. Hesse et al.], 1 ♂ [SAMC]; Upper Sources Olifants River, Ceres [circa 33.05S , 19.14E ], xii.1949 (Mus. Exp.) [A.J. Hesse et al.], 1 ♀ [SAMC]; 43 km ENE of Ceres on road to Sutherland [ 33.12S , 19.44E ], 2-3.xii.1989 (F.W. and S. K. Gess), 1 ♀ (on flowers of Limonium sp., Plumbaginaceae ) [AMGS]; Gouph, Laingsburg Dist. [circa 33.12S , 20.52E ], ix.1937 (Mus. Staff) [A.J. Hesse et al.], 1 ♀ [SAMC]; 17 km N of Ceres near top of Gydo Pass [ 33.14S , 19.20E ], 30.xi.1989 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 ♂ [AMGS]; Leipoldtville - Eland's Bay [ 32.13S , 18.29E - 32.18S , 18.21E ], xi.1948 (Mus. Exp.) [A.J. Hesse et al.], 1 ♀, 6 ♂♂ [SAMC]; Constable [ 33.16S , 20.17E ], xii.1962 (S.A.M) [A.J. Hesse et al.], 1 ♀ [SAMC]; Matroosberg Station [ 33.24S , 19.48E ], 12.i.1962 (SAMC) [A.J. Hesse et al.], 1 ♂ [SAMC]; circa 2 km S of Matroosberg Station ( 33.26S , 19.50E ), 4.xii.1986 (H.W. Gess), 1 ♀ (on white flowers of "mesem" , Aizoaceae : Mesembryanthema) [AMGS]; road between Montagu and Matroosberg Station (circa 33.32S , 19.52E ), 4.xii.1986 (F.W., S.K. and H.W. Gess), 3 ♀♀, 1 ♂ (2 ♀♀, 1 ♂ on white flowers of "mesem" , Aizoaceae : Mesembryanthema) [AMGS]; Ouberg Pass, by road 27 km NE of Montagu ( 33.40S , 20.16E ), 3.xii.1986 (S.K. Gess), 1 ♂ [AMGS]; Oudtshoorn, Frischgewaagd ( 33.39S , 22.13E ), 7-8.xii.1986 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 2 ♀♀, 1 ♂ (1 ♀, 1 ♂ on flowers of Senecio rosmarinifolius L.f., Asteraceae ) [AMGS]; Raubenheimer Dam near Oudtshoorn [ 33.41S , 24.43E ], 10.x.1972 (C.F. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 ♂ [AMGS]; Oudtshoorn, Zebra [ 33.46S , 22.19E ], x.1951 (Mus. Expd) [A.J. Hesse et al.], 1 ♀ [SAMC]; near Danger Point, Gansbaai ( 34.37S , 19.20E ), 18.xi.2012 (D.W and G.M. Gess), 3 ♂♂ (2 ♂♂ on Muraltia satureioides DC., Polygalaceae ; 1 ♂ on ground amongst same) [AMGS]; Pearly Beach, Bredasdorp [ 34.39S , 19.29E ], xii.1958 (SAMC.) [A.J. Hesse et al.], 1 ♀ [SAMC]; Pearly Beach, 25.i.1971 (M.W. Strydom), 1 ♀ [SANC]; EASTERN CAPE; Kranzdrif, Grahamstown [ 33.09S , 26.32E ], 5.xi.1947 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 ♀; near Lake Mentz [now Darlington Dam] [circa 33.12S, 25.09], 7.xi.1973 (R. Bayliss), 1 ♀; Hilton, Grahamstown [ 33.15S , 26.20E ], 19.xi.1967 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 ♂; same locality, 25.i.1974 (D.W. Gess), 1 ♀, 3.xi.1977 (F.W. Gess), 1 ♀ (on flowers of Lasiospermum bipinnatum (Thunb.) Druce, Asteraceae ), 12.i.1978 (H.W. Gess), 1 ♀, 29.xi.1979 (F.W. Gess), 3 ♀♀, 3 ♂♂ (on flowers of Senecio pterophorus DC., Asteraceae ), 29-30. xi.1979 (F.W. Gess), 2 ♂♂ (Malaise trap), 1.xii.1979 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 2 ♀♀ (on flowers of Senecio pterophorus DC., Asteraceae ), 2.xii.79 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 2 ♀♀, 4 ♂♂ (2 ♀♀, 3 ♂♂ on flowers of Senecio pterophorus DC., Asteraceae , 1 ♂ on flowers of Athanasia filiformis L.f., Asteraceae ), 5-7.xii. 1979 (F.W. Gess), 2 ♀♀ (Malaise trap), 11-16.xii.1979 (F.W. Gess), 1 ♀ (Malaise trap), 16-22.xii.1979 (F.W. Gess), 1 ♀ (Malaise trap), 4.xi.1982 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 ♂, 14.xii.1982 (D.W. Gess), 1 ♀, 28.xi.1983 (D.W. Gess), 1 ♂, 1.xii.1983 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 ♀, 6.xi.1984 (A.J. Weaving), 1 ♂; Burnt Kraal, Grahamstown [ 33.16S , 26.29E ], 12.ii.1969 (F.W. Gess), 1 ♀ [all AMGS]. NORTHERN CAPE: Nieuwoudtville, Skuinshoogte Pass ( 31.16S , 19.08E ), 23-30.ix.1994 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 ♂ (buzzing around white flowered "mesem" , Aizoaceae : Mesembryanthema) [AMGS]; Namaqualand, Springbok, Hester Malan [now Goegap] Nature Reserve [ 29.38S , 17.59E ], 15-21.x.1987 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 ♂ (Malaise trap) [AMGS]; 15 km N [of] Nieuwoudtville on road to Loeriesfontein [31.16S, 19.E], 3-8.x.1989 (F.W. and S.K. Gess), 1 ♀ [AMGS]; Namaqualand, Bowesdorp [ 30.20S , 17.56E ], xi.1931 (Museum Staff), 2 ♂♂ [SAMC]. LESOTHO: Makhaleng River, Mountain Road [AMGS], 3.i.1959 (C. Jacot-Guillarmod), 2 ♀♀, 1 ♂ [AMGS]; Mahlatsa [ 29.13S , 28.00E ], 12.i.1948 (A. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 ♀ [AMGS]; Bokong P.O. [ 29.17S , 28.23E ], 26.xii.1946 (A. Jacot-Guillarmod), 1 ♀ (with prey: Bombyliidae ) [AMGS]. Geographical distribution. Namibia, Nama-Karoo, south through the Succulent Karoo and eastwards through the Nama-Karoo of South Africa into Lesotho ( Fig. 7b ). Floral associations. Recorded from seven plant families: Asteraceae ( Athanasia trifurcata (L.) L., Athanasia filiformis L. f., Senecio rosmarinifolius L.f., Senecio pterophorus DC., Lasiospermum bipinnatum (Thunb.) Druce and Pteronia divaricata Less); Amaranthaceae ( Hermbstaedtia sp.); Molluginaceae ( Limeum argute-carinatum Wawra & Peyr.); Aizoaceae (Mesembryanthema, Psilocaulon spp. and "mesems" ), Polygalaceae ( Muraltia satureioides DC.); Fabaceae ( Papilionoideae , Aspalathus pulicifolia (Dahlgren)); Plumbaginaceae ( Limonium sp.). Nesting. Single nest investigated - a single celled, sloping burrow in friable soil. The main shaft terminated in a spur. Prey. Recorded taking one family of Diptera : Bombyliidae ( Systoechus sp.), from two well separated sites, Hilton, Eastern Cape, South Africa and Bokong, Lesotho.