Four new species of Scaphisoma Leach with maculate elytra (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Scaphidiinae) from Mexico, with new records and comments on S. balteatum Matthews Author Fierros-López, Hugo Eduardo text Zootaxa 2006 1279 53 68 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.173372 f6db05a5-a22e-4b7a-8777-969c7c6e3dc1 1175­5326 173372 Scaphisoma cortesaguilari Fierros­López , sp. nov. ( Figs. 1 b, 2b, 3b, 4d–f, 6b) Type material. Holotype , ɗ, labelled: México : Jalisco, Mascota, El Atajo, BMM , 1440 m , 6.VII.2005 , 20°38’00’’N , 104°51’45’’W , ex Sirobasidium sanguineum , J. Cortés­ Aguillar col. / Holotipo, Scaphisoma cortesaguilari Fierros­López sp. nov. , H. E. Fierros­ López des. 2006 ( CZUG ); Paratypes : ɗ, 5ΨΨ, same data as the holotype ( CZUG (ɗ, Ψ), BMNH (Ψ), FMNH (Ψ), MNHG (Ψ), NMPC (Ψ); Ψ, Mexico : Jalisco, San Sebastián del Oeste, Cerro de la Bufa, BMM , 1535 m , 20°45’19’’N , 104°50’15’’W , ex hojarasca, troncos, J. Cortés­Aguilar col. (HFL). Diagnosis. The species can be identified by color pattern; mesocoxal line parallel to coxa, metacoxal line convex; fourth ventrite of male with two spiniform processes in middle, fifth ventrite of male with a smooth elliptical area, slightly concave; aedeagus with median lobe laterally expanded near apex. Description. Body length 2.62 mm . Coloration: head yellow, antennomeres I–VI pale yellow, VII–XI brown; pronotum with dark brown median band, lateral areas yellow with one black circle, close to lateral margins; prohypomeron yellow, with inferior surface darker; elytra yellow, with basal, lateral and sutural margins dark brown and one transverse spot, wider at the median portion, on disc; epipleura brown, darker at anterior margin; thoracic ventrites dark brown; abdomen with tergites yellow, central area dusk, first ventrite with basal area brown, rest of the ventrites reddish­brown, lighter at apex; legs yellow, except for light­brown coxae. Head . Sub­spherical, glossy, with scattered punctures; clypeus smooth, with four marginal setae, two basal and two apical, labrum weakly emarginated, with apex membranous; antenna long, slender, antennomeres with the following length proportions (antennomere length / length of antennomere III): I 3.50, II 2.00, III 1 ; IV 2.41, V 2.00, VI 3.33, VII 3.50, VIII 3.00, IX 3.00, X 3.00, XI 4.08. Thorax. Pronotum trapezoidal, more convex toward apex, disc surface glossy, with numerous superficial punctures, lateral ridge visible in dorsal view; microsculpture consisting of punctures; prohypomeron smooth and glossy, slightly concave in posterior portion; prosternum reduced; scutellum triangular, partially hidden by pronotum; elytra rectangular, sutural stria extended along 1/3 of basal margin length, lateral stria with punctures, curved at anterior margin; disc with numerous superficial punctures and striate microsculpture; mesocoxal lines parallel to mesocoxae and metacoxal lines parabolic ( Fig. 3 b); mesepimeron length / length of anapleural line ratio 0.30; metaventrite sparse and superficial punctures, with few primary setae, posterior area of metepisternum projected over first ventrite, translucent at apex. Abdomen . Three exposed tergites, smooth, ventrites microsculpture consisting of points; first ventrite with longitudinal keel, slightly elevate; fourth ventrite with two spine like processes at apex, and fifth ventrite with elliptical area, slightly concave ( Fig. 5 ). Aedeagus ( Figs. 4 d–f). Median lobe with basal portion bulbous, apex pointed and dorsally bent; with lateral projections subapically, parameres symmetrical, narrowed in middle, curved toward apex, that is flattened, without preapical modifications; internal sac with flagellum slightly coiled at base, apex with two parallel sclerotized areas, apical sides ornamented with punctures. Female characters. Protarsomeres cylindrical with few lateral setae; ventrites without modifications; gonocoxites oval, short, evenly wide, flattened ( Fig. 6 b). Variation. 3ΨΨ and 2ɗɗ measured. Body length: Ψ: range 2,30– 2.25 mm , a±sd=2.00±0.11; ɗ: 2.70–2.85 mm , a±sd=2.62± 0.01 mm . Some specimens show darker coloration at the inferior portion of the prohypomeron. Ventrites may be brown with apical margin translucent or yellow except the first ventrite (brown). Comments. This species is similar to Scaphisoma balteatum , but differs in the color pattern: S. cortesaguilari has a dark brown macula on pronotal disc and males have a pair of spiniform processes on the fourth abdominal ventrite and a slightly concave elliptical area on fifth ventrite. Etymology. This species is dedicated to biologist Jesoes Cortés­Aguilar, collector of the species. Distribution. Known only from the type locality in the Mexican State of Jalisco. Bionomics. The species has been collected in June, in cloud forest in leaf litter and rotting logs, associated with Sirobasidium sanguineum (Sirobasidiaceae) ; this species was collected in association with Epipocus longicornis Gersteacker , Stenotarsus latipes Arrow , Stenotarsus sp. and one undetermined species of Stenotarsinae ( Endomychidae ), Erotylidae spp., Passalus sp. ( Passalidae ), Leptochirus sp., Misatlius rufipennis Sharp , Plociopterus fetialis , Xanthopygus flohri Sharp , Bolitogyrus sp. ( Staphylinidae ). Scaphisoma opochtli Fierros­L ó pez, sp. nov . ( Figs. 1 c, 2c, 3c, 4g –I, 6c) Type material. Holotype , ♂, labelled: México : Morelos, Tlayacapan, San José de los Laureles, Camino a Amatlán, 1721 m , BMM , 19°59’N , 99°00’W , 29.VI.1991 , ex Hydnopolyporus palmatus II, J. L. Navarrete­Heredia col, 1026 / Holotipo, Scaphisoma opochtli Fierros­López sp. nov. , H. E. Fierros­López des. 2006 ( CZUG ). Paratypes : 33♂♂, 98ΨΨ, same data as the holotype ( CZUG ) (18♂♂, 83ΨΨ), BMNH (3♂♂, 3ΨΨ), FMNH (3♂♂, 3ΨΨ), MNHG (3♂♂, 3ΨΨ), NMPC (3♂♂, 3ΨΨ), SEMC (3♂♂, 3ΨΨ); 2ΨΨ, same data except: 1768 m , 22.VII.1991 , 833 (JLN); Ψ, same data except: 14.VIII.1993 , ex tronco en descomposición, G.A. Quiroz y J. L. Navarrete cols. ( CZUG ); ♂, same data except: ex Polyporaceae , 836 (JLN); Ψ, same data except: BP, 1830, 23.VII.1991 , ex tronco con micelio naranja, 870 ( CZUG ); Ψ, same data except: 29.VI.1991 , BMM , 1768 m , ex bajo corteza, 690 ( CZUG ); 3♂♂, 7ΨΨ, México : Jalisco, Tequila, Volcán de Tequila, BMM , 2450 m , ex tronco con micelio, 20°48’12’N, 103°51’11’W, 28.VII.2000 , H. Fierros col. ( CZUG (♂, 4ΨΨ), HFL (2♂♂, 3ΨΨ)); ♂, México , Jalisco, Zapotlán el Grande, Nevado de Colima, BMM , 2545 m , 16.VIII.2002 , 19°36’25’’N , 103°34’02’’W , G. González y H. E. Fierros cols. (HFL). Diagnosis. The species can be recognized by a distinct coloration pattern and the following characters: mesocoxal line parallel, metacoxal line sinuate; the aedeagus with asymmetric median lobe; parameres long, exceeding 3/4 of the length of median lobe. Description. Body length 1.70 mm . Head dark brown, with clypeus lighter, antennomeres I–VI light brown, VII–XI brown; pronotum and pronotal hypomeron black; scutellum reddish brown; elytra pale brown with single black spot on disc, the spot reach sutural margin, but not lateral stria, humeral area with brown spot near lateral stria; epipleura brown; thoracic ventrites black; abdomen black but lighter toward apex; legs reddish brown. Head . Sub­spherical, glossy and smooth, with very fine punctate microsculpture; clypeus glossy with four setae at lateral margins, two basal and two apical, labrum weakly emarginated, with apex membranous; antenna long, antennomeres with the following length proportions (antennomere length / length of antennomere III): I 6.00, II 3.16, III 1.00, IV 1.16, V 2.33, VI 5.00, VII 6.00, VIII 5.00, IX 5.30, X 5.50, XI 3.30. Thorax . Pronotum trapezoidal, more convex toward apex, disc surface glossy, with numerous shallow punctures, lateral ridge visible in dorsal view; pronotal hypomeron smooth and glossy, slightly concave in posterior portion; prosternum reduced; scutellum triangular and partially hidden by pronotum; elytra rectangular, sutural stria extended along 2/3 of basal margin length; lateral stria with punctures, curved at anterior margin; surface of disc with abundant punctures; mesocoxal lines parallel and metacoxal lines sinuate ( Fig. 3 c); mesepimeron length / length of anapleural line ratio 0.50; metaventrite glossy, with several punctures and primary setae, posterior area of metepisternum projected over the first abdominal ventrite, with translucent apex. Abdomen . Three exposed tergites, with abundant primary setae, ventrites with fine punctate microsculpture. FIGURE 4. Aedeagi of Scaphisoma , dorsal, ventral and lateral views respectively. a–c) S. jaliscanum sp. nov. ; d–f) S. cortesaguilari sp. nov. ; g–i) S. opochtli sp. nov. ; j–l) S. versicolor sp. nov. ; m–o) S. balteatum Matthews. Scale bar 0.5 mm. Aedeagus ( Figs. 4 g–i). Median lobe asymmetric, basal portion short, bulbous and weakly sclerotized, in dorsal view gently sinuate toward left, with apex curved to right; parameres slender in middle portion, with apex slightly curved toward inner area; internal sac with long flagellum, slender and sinuate in apical portion of median lobe, in basal portion of median lobe wider and with lobes. FIGURE 5. Ventral view of male abdomen of Scaphisoma cortesaguilari sp. nov. Scale bar 1 mm. Female characters. Protarsomeres cylindrical, with few lateral setae; gonocoxites more or less straight, long, slender, wider at base ( Fig. 6 c). Variation. 30ΨΨ and 30ɗɗ measured. Body length: Ψ: 1.66–1.91 mm , a±sd=1.79± 0.062 mm ; ɗ: 1.53–1.83 mm , a±sd=1.72± 0.063 mm . Specimens may have darker or pale colorations, particularly on the elytra. Comments. This species is similar to S. balteatum , but differs by the black coloration of the pronotum, the brown spot on the humeral area of the elytra; in males abdominal ventrites are without modifications and the aedeagus is asymmetrical. Scaphisoma balteatum has a red pronotum with darkened central area, the fourth abdominal ventrite is bearing two spiniform processes and the median lobe of the aedeagus is symmetrical. The Morelos specimens cited as S. balteatum in Navarrete­Heredia et al. (2002) belong to S. opochtli . Etymology. The name of the species is derived from the Nahuatl word “ Opochtli ” ( Simeon, 1999 ), meaning left side, in reference to the curvature toward the left of the median lobe. Distribution. Known from the Mexican states of Jalisco and Morelos, in the mountains of the Transverse Neovolcanic belt. Bionomics. The species has been collected in cloud forest, on rotting logs with mycelia and unidentified mushrooms; the only host which was identified is Hydnopolyporus palmatus ( 132 specimens ) ( Meripilaceae ). Other beetle species associated with S. opochtli were: Scaphisoma sp., Toxidium sp. ( Staphylinidae ). Scaphisoma versicolor Fierros­L ó pez, sp. nov. ( Figs. 1 d, 2d, 3d, 4j–l, 6d) Type material. Holotype , ♂, labelled: México : Jalisco, Casimiro Castillo, Arroyo Tacubaya, 600 m , BTS, 19°35’47’’N , 104°43’46’’W , 4.VII.2002 , ex Rigidoporus microporus , H. E. Fierros­López col. / Holotipo, Scaphisoma versicolor Fierros­López sp. nov. , H. E. Fierros­López des. 2006 ( CZUG ). Paratypes : 10♂♂, 10ΨΨ, same data as holotype : CZUG (5♂♂, 4ΨΨ), BMNH , (♂, Ψ), FMNH (♂, Ψ), MNHG (♂, Ψ), NMPC (♂, Ψ), SEMC (♂, Ψ), HFL (Ψ); 2♂♂, Ψ, same data except: ex Oligoropus floriformis ( CZUG ); 2♂♂, 3ΨΨ, same locality except: 12.VII.2003 ( CZUG ); 3♂♂, 3ΨΨ, same locality except: 5.VIII.2004 , ex Trametes membranacea ( CZUG ); 9♂♂, 6ΨΨ, same data except: ex Hydnopoyporus fimbriatus ( CZUG ); ♂, same data except: 17.VIII.2000 , ex Favolus brasiliensis (HFL); ɗ, same data except: ex tronco de Ceiba sp. (HFL); Ψ, México : Jalisco, Zapopan, Las Agujas, Instituto de Botánica, 6–8.X.1993 , J. L. Navarrete y M. Tapia, ex Pleurotus spp. ( CZUG ); Ψ, Oaxaca, Santiago Jamiltepec, El Monroy, 10­14.VII. 2005 , 100m, Trampa de intercepción, L. Delgado col. ( IEXA ). Diagnosis. This species has a conspicuous color pattern and can by distinguish by mesocoxal lines parabolic and metacoxal lines sinuate; aedeagus symmetrical with preapical cavity on parameres; internal sac slightly coiled (when inside the median lobe), bearing asperities. Description. Body length 2.00 mm. Head orange, antennomeres I–VI pale yellow, VII–XI light brown; pronotum reddish­orange with two black circles on apical half, near lateral margins; prohypomeron orange; scutellum reddish­brown; elytra black in basal 2/3, with small, red, humeral spot, apical 1/3 yellow; epipleura orange; thoracic ventrites pale orange; abdomen and legs yellow. Head . Sub­spherical, glossy, with scattered and fine punctures; clypeus with four lateral setae, two basal and two apical, labrum weakly emarginated, apex membranous; antenna long; antennomeres with the following length proportions (antennomere length / length of antennomere III): I 2.50, II 2.00, III 1.00, IV 1.50, V 4.50, VI 4.50, VII 4.00, VIII 4.00, IX 4.00, X 4.50, XI 4.50. Thorax. Pronotum trapezoidal, more convex toward apex, disc surface glossy and smooth, with numerous punctures, lateral ridge visible in dorsal view; prohypomeron smooth, slightly concave in posterior portion; prosternum reduced; scutellum triangular, partially hidden by pronotum; elytra rectangular, sutural stria extended along 2/3 of basal margin length; lateral stria with punctures; disc with several setiferous punctures, microsculpture consisting of points; lateral stria curved at anterior margin; mesocoxal lines parabolic and metacoxal lines sinuate ( Fig. 3 d); mesepimeron length / length of anapleural line ratio 0.50; metaventrite densely ornamented with punctures and primary setae; posterior area of metepisternum not projected over first abdominal ventrite. FIGURE 6. Gonocoxites of Scaphisoma . a) S. jaliscanum sp. nov. ; b) S. cortesaguilari sp. nov. ; c) S. opochtli sp. nov. ; d) S. versicolor sp. nov. Scale bar 0.5 mm. Abdomen. Three exposed tergites, glossy with abundant fine punctures, ventrites with fine striate microsculpture and few primary setae at apex. Aedeagus ( Figs. 4 j–l). Median lobe with basal portion bulbous, ovoid in dorsal view, apex pointed and abruptly curved dorsally; parameres symmetrical, wider at base, slender at middle, apex expanded, with preapical modification; internal sac with long and sinuate flagellum, bearing asperities. Female characters. Protarsomeres cylindrical with a few lateral setae; gonocoxites curved at prebasal region, slender, basally wider ( Fig. 6 d). Variation. 13ΨΨ and 21ɗɗ measured. Body length: Ψ: 1.78–2.03 mm , a±sd=1.92± 0.08 mm ; ɗ: 1.79–1.98 mm , a±sd=1.79± 0.04 mm , specimens show darker or pale colorations; some teneral specimens are pale orange or yellow without evidence of darker basal area on elytra. Comments. The species is similar to Scaphisoma balteatum , but may be distinguished by the parabolic mesocoxal line and black elytra with an orange humeral spot and yellow apical margin. Scaphisoma balteatum has parallel mesocoxal lines and the elytra are orange­red with a black fascia in the middle. Etymology. The name of this species is derived from the Latin word Ò versicolor Ó : of various colors. Distribution. Known from the Mexican states of Jalisco and Oaxaca. Bionomics. This species was collected on sporophores of Hydnopoyporus fimbriatus ( 13 specimens ), Rigidoporus microporus ( 20 specimens ) ( Meripilaceae ), Pleurotus sp.(one specimen) ( Pleurotaceae ), Trametes membranacea ( 6 specimens ), Postia floriformis (= Oligoporus floriformis ) ( 8 specimens ) ( Polyporaceae ). Other beetle species associated were: Histeridae sp., Scaphisoma jaliscanum , Scaphidium tlatlauhqui , Megalopinus sp., Plociopterus fetialis , Nordus praedator (Staphylinidae) and Onthophagus sp. ( Scarabaeidae ).