Four new species of Cephennomicrus Reitter (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Scydmaeninae) from Malaysia Author Jałoszyński, Paweł text Zootaxa 2015 3911 2 273 279 journal article 42344 10.11646/zootaxa.3911.2.8 1e357e76-0e29-4930-bd7e-29c66c8fffba 1175-5326 237557 FBF334D6-B43D-4EF6-BB5E-D89BDF528048 Cephennomicrus muluensis sp. n. ( Figs. 4 , 8 , 15–16 ) Type material. Holotype : EAST MALAYSIA (Borneo: Sarawak ): ♂, two labels: " MALAYSIA : Sarawak , / Mulu NP, 100 km SEE / Niri , 200 m , 19.-24.VIII / 2003 , leg. A. SCHULZ" [white, printed]; " Cephennomicrus / muluensis m. / det. P. Jałoszyński, '14 / HOLOTYPUS " [red, printed] ( SMNS ). Diagnosis. BL nearly 1 mm ; pronotum with antebasal groove and two pairs of pits; each elytron with six macrosetae; aedeagus in ventral view with sides parallel from base to apical third, where median lobe gradually narrows to form subtriangular apex; dorsal wall in subapical region with numerous dense and short setae. Description. BL 0.95 mm . Body of male ( Figs. 4 , 8 ) elongate and strongly convex, brown with slightly lighter macrosetae. Head broadest at posterior margin of short but distinct tempora, HL 0.15 mm , HW 0.25 mm ; eyes large, strongly convex and coarsely faceted; vertex and frons confluent and convex; supraantennal tubercles feebly marked. Punctures on head dorsum deep and distinct, separated by spaces subequal to diameters of punctures; setae indiscernible under magnification 80x. Antennae slender and with club composed of enlarged antennomeres X–XI, AnL 0.43 mm , antennomeres I–II elongate; III–VIII about as broad as long; IX distinctly transverse; X elongate; XI longer than X and about twice as long as broad; antennomeres X–XI with several strongly erect, long setae among short and suberect basic setation. Pronotum ( Fig. 8 ) semioval, broadest near middle, at insertion of median macroseta; PL 0.28 mm , PW 0.39 mm ; anterior and lateral margins broadly rounded; anterior corners visible only in anterodorsal view, distinct and sharp-angled but with rounded apices; posterior margin slightly arcuate; posterior corners obtuse; pronotal base with two lateral pairs of small but distinct pits and transverse groove laterally connected to internal pits. Punctures on pronotal disc similar to those on frons and vertex; pronotal disc only with macrosetae: two lateral pairs and one posterior pair in front of mesoscutellum. Elytra ( Fig. 8 ) oval, broadest near middle; EL 0.53 mm , EW 0.45 mm , EI 1.17; humeral calli well-marked, elongate. Punctures on elytra much less distinct than those on pronotum and head, similarly dense but smaller and shallower; each elytron only with macrosetae: four lateral, one apical and one subapical. Hind wings well developed. Legs moderately long and slender, unmodified. Aedeagus ( Figs. 15–16 ) in ventral view elongate and approximately drop shaped with flattened base; AeL 0.16 mm ; median lobe with subtriangular apical part; dorsal wall in subapical area with short and dense setae; internal armature symmetrical, lightly sclerotized, without long projections; parameres slender and exceeding apex of median lobe, recurved, each with one apical and one subapical seta. Female. Unknown. Distribution. East Malaysia , Sarawak . Etymology. Locotypical, after Mount Mulu. Remarks. This remarkable species resembles members of the enigmatic Cephennomicrus pinguis group from Southeast Asia that may be placed in a separate genus in the future. The aedeagus of C. muluensis has a group of dense setae present in a subapical dorsal area, a character rarely occurring in the genus. A similar setal patch, located closer to the basal aedeagal orifice, can be found in C. gumnos Jałoszyński , a species known from Papua New Guinea ( Jałoszyński 2010c ). Despite clear similarities in genital structures, the external morphology of these two species is strikingly different: C. gumnos is a large species (BL 1.18–1.19 mm ) with a very stout body that is strongly constricted between the pronotum and elytra, a nearly impunctate posterior third of the pronotum and elytra, a pronotum without the transverse antebasal pronotal groove and with five thin and curved lateral macrosetae on each elytron.