Guess who? On the importance of using appropriate name: case study of Marphysa sanguinea (Montagu, 1813) Author Lavesque, Nicolas Author Daffe, Guillemine Author Grall, Jacques Author Zanol, Joana Author Benoit Gouillieux, Author Hutchings, Pat text ZooKeys 2019 859 1 15 journal article 1313-2970-859-1 1EBB679608EB4F1283FB4CE146055DFC Marphysa sanguinea (Montagu, 1813) Figs 1 , 2 , 3 Material examined. MNHN-IA-TYPE 1856, one complete specimen, Mount Edgcumbe, Plymouth Sound, Cornwall, UK ( 50°20'59"N , 4°09'52"W ), intertidal in soft rocks, 04 November 2017. MNRJP002048, one complete specimen, Mount Edgcumbe, Plymouth Sound, Cornwall (UK) ( 50°20'59"N , 4°09'52"W ), intertidal in soft rocks, 04 November 2017. AM W.51410, one complete specimen, Mount Edgcumbe, Plymouth Sound, Cornwall (UK) ( 50°20'59"N , 4°09'52"W ), intertidal in soft rocks, 04 November 2017. MNHN-IA-TYPE 1857, one complete specimen, Pyla, Arcachon Bay, France ( 44°33'57"N , 1°14'16"W ), subtidal in turf slab (8m depth), 29 October 2017. AM W. 49085, one complete specimen, Logonna-Daoulas, Bay of Brest, France ( 48°19'37"N , 4°19'27"W ), intertidal in soft rocks, 18 October 2016. AM W.49086, Logonna-Daoulas, Bay of Brest, France ( 48°19'37"N , 4°19'27"W ), intertidal in soft rocks, 18 October 2016, several parapodia mounted for SEM. AM W. 27392, one complete specimen, Devon, Plymouth, Mount Edgcumbe ( 50°21'10"N , 4°09'30"W ), intertidal from burrows in rock crevices, 25 October 1999. Description. Body relatively long, with complete individuals ranging from 48.1 (ca. 138 chaetigers) to 163.1 mm (ca. 270 chaetigers) in length and from 3.7 to 6.6 mm in width (chaetiger 10 with parapodia), with same width throughout, slightly tapering at anterior end and abruptly tapering at posterior end. Body cylindrical on anterior chaetigers, becoming dorsoventrally flattened. Prostomium slightly shorter than anterior ring of peristomium, as wide as peristomium, bilobed with buccal lips separated by deep ventral and dorsal notch with each lobe rounded ( Fig. 1B, C ). Anterior ring of peristomium longer than posterior ring (2 to 3 times) ( Fig. 1B, C ). Eyes present, positioned posteriorly between palps and lateral antennae ( Fig. 1C ). Prostomial appendages slightly wrinkled, arranged in arc on the posterior margin of the prostomium; median antenna longer than lateral antennae reaching first chaetiger ( Fig. 1A ), palps shortest appendages ( Fig. 1A, C ). MI more than three times as long as carrier and five times longer than closing system. MIII located ventroanterior to MII. Attachment lamella of MIII long and thin, placed at the middle of the plate. Left MIV with attachment lamella semicircular, thin, situated along anterior edge. Right MIV with attachment lamella semicircular, larger than left one, situated along anterior edge. Maxillary formula: I=1+1, II=3‒4+5, III=6-7+0, IV=4+5‒6, V=1+1 ( Fig. 1D ). Figure 1. Marphysa sanguinea : A anterior part, dorsolateral view (MNHN-IA-TYPE 1856) B anterior part, ventral view (MNHN-IA-TYPE 1856) C anterior part, lateral view (MNRJP002048) D Maxillae, dorsal view (MNHN-IA-TYPE 1856). Key: white arrow showing eye; MI to MV, maxillae I to V, Mc, maxillary carriers. Scale bars: 2 mm ( A-C ), 1mm ( D ). First few parapodia smaller than subsequent ones but all similar in structure. Notopodial cirri elongate and triangular ( Figs 1C , 2A ), digitiform in last chaetigers ( Fig. 2C ); longer than chaetal lobe. Ventral cirri from chaetiger 1 to 4-5 conical to tapering, with round wide tips, shorter than notopodial cirri ( Fig. 2A ); basally inflated from chaetiger 5-6, inflated base of round shape with round tip ( Figs 1B , 2B ); last chaetigers with triangular cirri ( Fig. 2C ). Pre-chaetal lobe inconspicuous; post-chaetal lobe from first chaetigers triangular swollen ( Fig. 2A ), longer than chaetal lobe, becoming inconspicuous from ca. chaetigers 15-20 ( Figs 2B, C ). Branchiae pectinate, from chaetiger 21 (from chaetiger 13 for small specimens) ( Figs 1A , 2B ), extending posteriorly by last 5-15 chaetigers; number of branchial filaments increasing from one in first chaetigers to maximum four in mid-body ( Fig. 2B ), posterior chaetigers with two filaments; filaments slightly annulated. Figure 2. Marphysa sanguinea (MNHN-IA-TYPE 1856): A parapodium from anterior chaetiger B parapodium from mid-body C parapodia from posterior chaetiger D parapodium from posterior chaetiger. Abbreviation: SH, Subacicular hook. Scale bars: 1 mm ( B ), 500µm ( A, C ), 100µm ( D ). Chaetae arranged in two bundles: supra-acicular and sub-acicular, separated by a row of aciculae. Aciculae dark, tapering, very protruding, 1-4 per parapodium in anterior chaetigers and 2-3 in mid and posterior chaetigers. Single subacicular bifid hook present from chaetiger 21-25 to nearly end of body, dark on base to middle and translucent at the distal end ( Figs 2D , 3D ). Supra-acicular bundle with limbate and pectinate chaetae; sub-acicular with compound spiniger chaetae. Between 10 to 20 limbate chaetae, chaetae of different lengths with hirsute blades, similar to each other. Pectinate chaetae present from chaetiger 2-3 (with up to 28 pectinate chaetae within a single parapodia), restricted to supra-acicular fascicle. Pectinate chaetae of two types. In anterior parapodia, isodonts narrow (n <10) with long internal teeth (with ca . 14-15 tapering teeth) and two long outer winged teeth (nearly 2-3 times longer than inner teeth) (type 1) ( Fig. 3A ). Median and posterior parapodia with two types of pectinate chaetae ( Fig. 2C ): thin, isodonts narrow, with ca. 25 short teeth (type 1) ( Fig. 3B, C ); anodonts wide pectinate chaetae with long and thick teeth (n = 6-14) (type 2) ( Fig. 3C ); Type 2 less numerous (3-7) than type 1 (16-22). Compound spinigers with hirsute shafts and "socket-like" articulations ( Fig. 2A ), present along whole body, with more than 30 spinigers within a parapodia. Compound falcigers absent. Figure 3. SEM images of Marphysa sanguinea : A isodont, symmetrical pectinate chaetae from anterior chaetiger (AM W.49086, 3rd chaetiger) B isodont, symmetrical pectinate chaetae from mid-body chaetiger (AM W.49086, chaetiger 108) C the two types of pectinate chaetae (AM W.49086, far posterior chaetiger) D subacicular bifid hook (AM W.49086, chaetiger 142). Numbers in white circles indicate the type of pectinate chaetae. Pygidium with only one pair of relatively short pygidial cirri on ventral margin (approximately as long as last five chaetigers), anus slightly crenulated. Remarks . Specimens both from British and French coasts agree with the description of the neotype and with voucher AM W.27392 which was also compared in the neotype description by Hutchings and Karageorgopoulos (2003) . Most morphological characteristics are within the variation range of those observed by Hutchings and Karageorgopoulos (2003) . However, few differences can be noticed: (1) larger number of pectinate chaetae (up to 28, instead of 10-14) beginning from chaetiger 2-3 (instead of chaetiger 1-2), (2) presence of coarsely denticulate chaetae with less teeth (6-14 teeth instead of ca. 14). These variations are typical within a species in the Marphysa genus. Molecular data. COI gene was successfully sequenced and published at NCBI GenBank for the tree specimens sampled in Cornwall near the locality type (Table 1). COI was also successfully sequenced for specimens sampled in Brest and in Arcachon (Table 1). Table 1. List of terminal taxa used in molecular analysis, GenBank accession numbers, status of the species, locality of analysed specimen, and voucher specimen catalogue numbers.
Species GenBank accession number Status Locality Voucher specimen
Eunice cf. violaceomaculata Ehlers, 1887 GQ497542 valid Carrie Bow Cay, Belize -
Palola viridis Gray in Stair, 1847 GQ497556 valid Kosrae, Micronesia -
Leodice rubra (Grube, 1856) GQ497528 valid Ceara , Brazil -
M. aegypti Elgetany, El-Ghobashy, Ghoneim & Struck, 2018 MF196968 valid Suez Canal, Egypt -
M. bifurcata Kott, 1951 KX172177 valid Lizard Island, Australia -
M. brevitentaculata Treadwell, 1921 GQ497548 valid Quintana Roo, Mexico -
M. californica Moore, 1909 GQ497552 valid California, USA -
M. disjuncta Hartman, 1961 GQ497549 valid California, USA -
M. fauchaldi Glasby & Hutchings, 2010 KX172165 valid North Australia -
M. kristiani Zanol et al., 2016 KX172141 valid Cowan Creek, Australia -
M. mossambica (Peters, 1854) KX172164 valid Australia -
M. mullawa Hutchings & Karageorgopoulos, 2003 KX172166 valid Careel Bay, Australia -
M. pseudosessiloa Zanol, da Silva & Hutchings, 2017 KY605405 valid Careel Bay, Australia -
M. victori Lavesque, Daffe, Bonifacio & Hutchings, 2017 MG384997 valid Arcachon, France -
M. viridis Treadwell, 1917 GQ497553 valid Ceara , Brazil -
M. sanguinea (Montagu, 1813) GQ497547 valid Callot Island, France -
MK541904 valid Cornwall, UK AM W.51410
MK950851 valid Cornwall, UK MNHN-IA-TYPE 1856
MK950852 valid Cornwall, UK MNRJP002048
MK950853 valid Arcachon, France MNHN-IA-TYPE 1857
MK967470 valid Brest, France AM W. 49085
MH826265 invalid USA -
KP255196 invalid USA -
KR916873 invalid Portugal -
AY040708 invalid ? -
KY129890 invalid East China Sea -
KY129891 invalid East China Sea -
KF733802 invalid Yellow Sea, China -
EU352317 invalid China? -
EU352316 invalid China? -
First of all, molecular analysis distinguished M. sanguinea from other species with sequences available in GenBank ( Fig. 4 ). Analysis permitted the grouping of specimens of M. sanguinea from Cornwall together with specimens from French Atlantic coast ( Arcachon, Brest) but also from southern English Channel, Callot Island ( Zanol et al. 2014 ) ( Fig. 4 ). Intraspecific pairwise genetic distances for COI were zero among these specimens. This tree clearly emphasised the presence of different species among this sanguinea complex. Especially, some specimens registered as M. sanguinea did not belong even to the Marphysa genus (EU352317 and EU352316). Figure 4. Maximum Likelihood tree of valid species of Marphysa and different Marphysa sanguinea available in GenBank, based on cytochrome oxidase I (COI) sequences and Kimura-2-parameters model. Bootstrap values on nodes if>50. Sequence accession numbers refer to Table 1. Finally, a comparison of sequences of COI of a specimen from the type locality (AM W.51410) with specimen used to sequence the complete mitochondrial genome of M. sanguinea (accession number: KF733802, specimen from China) ( Li et al. 2016 ) was performed. Unsurprisingly, these sequences were very different; the interspecific pairwise genetic distance was 18.5%.