Benstonea Callm. & Buerki (Pandanaceae): characterization, circumscription, and distribution of a new genus of screw-pines, with a synopsis of accepted species Author Callmander, Martin W. Missouri Botanical Garden, P. O. Box 299, St. Louis, MO, 63166 - 0299, U. S. A. and Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève, CP 60, CH- 1292 Chambésy, Switzerland. Author Lowry Ii, Porter P. Missouri Botanical Garden, P. O. Box 299, St. Louis, MO, 63166 - 0299, U. S. A. and Département Systématique et Evolution (UMR 7205), Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, case postale 39, rue Cuvier 57, 75231 Paris (Cedex) 05, France. Author Forest, Félix JodrellLaboratory, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, TW 9 3 DS, United Kingdom. Author Devey, Dion S. JodrellLaboratory, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, TW 9 3 DS, United Kingdom. Author Beentje, Henk Herbarium, Library, Art & Archives, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, TW 9 3 DS, United Kingdom. Author Buerki, Sven JodrellLaboratory, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, TW 9 3 DS, United Kingdom. text Candollea 2012 2012-12-01 67 2 323 345 journal article 10.15553/c2012v672a12 2235-3658 5790002 34. Benstonea pilaris (Ridl.) Callm. & Buerki , comb.nova. Pandanus pilaris Ridl. in J. Straits Branch Roy. Asiat. Soc. 86: 311. 1922 . Lectotypus (designated here): MALAYSIA . Negeri Sembilan ( Peninsular Malaysia): Bukit Tangga , 10.XII.1920 , Ridley s.n. ( K [ K00781286 ]!) . Epitypus (designated here): MALAYSIA . Selangor (Peninsular Malaysia): Pantai Valley , 13.IX.1967 , Mahmud & Sharif s.n. ( KLU image seen) . Distribution and ecology . – Benstonea pilaris is endemic to the rainforests of Peninsular Malaysia ( STONE, 1969 ). Observations . – The type collection (Ridley s.n.) has not been found in SING, but a steril duplicate has recently been rediscovered by HB at Kew, which is here designated as the lectotype . In 1978, STONE designated a specimen at KLU (Mahmud & Sharif s.n.) as the neotype , but the rediscovery of the type revokes this nomenclatural act. As Mahmud & Sharif s.n. is a fertile collection including a complete syncarp, and clearly belongs to B.pilaris , we designate it as the epitype.