Revision of genus Repipta Stål 1859 (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Reduviidae: Harpactorinae) with new species and distribution data Author Martin-Park, Abdiel Author Delfín-González, Hugo Author Coscarón, María Del Carmen text Zootaxa 2012 3501 1 54 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.213795 3fe7b113-c219-4a34-8305-91cea92bb76a 1175-5326 213795 A1555675-3A47-46FA-9DAB-4B5DBDE365B8 Key to Repipta species in the Americas 1 Connexival segments armed with short spines at the outer apical angles ( Fig. 16 E, F)................................ 2 - Connexival segments unarmed at the outer apical angles....................................................... 8 2 Anterior lobe of pronotum homogeneously pigmented........................................................ 3 - Anterior lobe of pronotum with a coloration pattern.......................................................... 7 3 Connexival spines beginning in segment III; posterior lobe of pronotum homogeneously pigmented.................... 4 - Connexival spines beginning in segment II, III, or IV (if beginning in the segments III and IV, posterior lobe of pronotum with a longitudinal band).................................................................................... 5 4 Submedian carina present ( Fig. 16 B); small species 7.50–8.30 mm ( Tab. 14 )................................................................................................. R. nigrospinosa Martin-Park & Coscarón , sp. nov. - Submedian carina absent; medium species 13.80 mm ( Tab. 8 ) ( Figs 2 A, 5I )................................................................................................... R. ecuadorensis Martin-Park & Coscarón , sp. nov . 5 Spines not beginning in segment II, abdominal width bigger than 2.00 mm........................................6 - Spines in II–VI connexival segments, abdominal width less than 2.50 mm [see description of Stål (1868) ] ( Figs 4 A, 7A)...................................................................................... R. spinosa (Fabricius) 6 Spines on IV–VI connexival segments; pronotum bigger than 2.60 mm ( Tab. 3 ) ( Figs 1 E, 5D).................................................................................................. R. ayelenae Martin-Park , sp. nov. - Spines on III–VI connexival segments; pronotum width less than 2.35 mm ( Figs 3 D, 6I ) ( Tab. 16 )............................................................................... R. paraguayensis Martin-Park & Coscarón , sp. nov. 7 Spines only on segment VI; abdomen with a lateral band on segments III–V ( Figs 4 B, 7B).......................................................................................... R. unispina Martin-Park & Coscarón , sp. nov. - Spines on segment II–VI; abdomen with a lateral band on segments I–IX ( Figs 3 G, 6L)............ R. sexdens (Fabricius) 8 Urosternites ventrally with an intersegmental suture pigmented ( Figs 5 L, 7C)...................................... 9 - Urosternites ventrally without an intersegmental suture pigmented.............................................. 12 9 Posterior lobe of pronotum with a pattern and posterior margin lighter........................................... 10 - Posterior lobe of pronotum without a pattern and homogeneously pigmented ( Figs 2 D, 5L)........... R. fuscospinosa Stål 10 Posterior lobe of pronotum with other pattern; membrane hyaline brown......................................... 11 - Posterior lobe of pronotum with an inverted “V” pattern reaching humeral and discal spines ( Fig. 3 I, 15B); membrane hyaline transparent.......................................................................... R. taurus (Fabricius) 11 Anterolateral angles and collar form an inverted “U” pattern reaching or close to anterior acetabulum ( Fig. 16A ); scutellum with a dark dot in the principal body ( Fig. 2 E, F); legs homogeneously pigmented...................... R. fuscipes Stål - Anterolateral angles, collar, and scutellum of one color, legs not homogeneously pigmented ( Fig. 1 I, 5H)........................................................................... R. costarrisensis Martin Park & Coscarón , sp. nov . 12 Posterior process of scutellum acute ( Fig. 16 C)............................................................. 13 - Posterior process of scutellum acuminate ( Fig. 16 D)......................................................... 18 13 Submedian carina visible.............................................................................. 14 - Submedian carina not clearly visble...................................................................... 15 14 Submedian carina beginning in the middle of anterior lobe of pronotum and reaching discal spines of posterior lobe of prono- tum ( Fig. 2 G); species more than 13 mm of length ( Tab. 11 ).......... R. hondurensis Martin-Park & Coscarón , sp. nov. - Submedian carina beginning in the middle of anterior lobe of pronotum without reaching the middle of posterior lobe of prono- tum ( Fig. 1 F); species less than 12 mm of length ( Tab. 4 ).............. R. brailovskyi Martin-Park & Coscarón , sp. nov. 15 Hemelytra surpassing ≤ 0.68 mm the abdomen.............................................................. 16 - Hemelytra surpassing 1.70 mm the abdomen............................................................... 17 16 Posterior lobe of pronotum with a light brown middle narrow longitudinal band; posterior margin of posterior lobe of prono- tum curved; discal spines very short (dentiform) ( Fig. 16 G)..................................... R. nigronotata Stål - Posterior lobe of pronotum with two dark brown broad longitudinal irregular bands; posterior margin of posterior lobe of pro- notum straight ( Fig. 3 B); discal spines long [see original description of Champion (1899) ]........... R. mucosa Champion 17 Collar of anterior lobe of pronotum thin ( Fig. 3 F); anterior lobe of pronotum with a light brown longitudinal band ( Fig. 16 H).............................................................. R. schaeferi Martin-Park & Coscarón , sp. nov. - Collar of anterior lobe of pronotum thick ( Fig. 1 D); anterior lobe of pronotum homogeneously pigmented...... R. antica Stål 18 Urosternites laterally with a longitudinal band pattern........................................................ 19 - Urosternites laterally without a band pattern............................................................... 21 19 Segments II–VII with a dark brown longitudinal irregular band; mid-, and hind femora light brown except apically brown; parameres exceeding abdomen ( Fig. 5 B)......................... R. argentinensis Martin-Park & Coscarón , sp. nov. - Different combination from above; mid-, and hind femora with other coloration pattern; parameres not exceeding abdomen...................................................................................................... 20 20 Segments II–V with a dark brown longitudinal band [see original description of Barber (1925) ]; mid-, and hind femora light brown with two brown bands beyond the middle and apically ( Fig. 1 A)........................... R. annulipes Barber - Segments II–VIII with a dark brown almost black longitudinal band; mid-, and hind femora brown homogeneously pigmented ( Fig. 6 D)................................................................................ R. lepidula Stål 21 Species less than 12.3 mm long ( Tab. 9 )................................................................... 22 - Species more than 12.3 mm long ( Tab. 6 ).................................................................. 23 22 Posterior lobe of pronotum with an inverted “V” pattern or four bands beginning in the anterior margin and reaching each humeral and discal spines ( Figs 2 B, C, 14A–D).................................... R. flavicans (Amyot & Serville) - Posterior lobe of pronotum with a middle longitudinal band across discal spines ( Fig. 1 G)........................................................................................ R. brasiliensis Martin-Park & Coscarón , sp. nov. 23 Antennal segment more than 5.00 mm long ( Tab. 6 ); pronotum spines yellowish; posterior margin of posterior lobe red or light red....................................................................... R. coccinea (Herrich-Schaeffer) - Antennal segment I less or equal to 5.00 mm long and different combination from above............................ 24 24 Eyes surpassing inferior margins of head; fore femora red basally and brown apically ( Figs 3 E, 6J).................................................................................. R. ruficorpus Martin-Park & Coscarón , sp. nov. - Eyes not surpassing inferior margins; fore femora dark brown ( Figs 3 C, 6H)......................... R. obscuripes Stål