Two new genera, ten new species and new records of Amazonian Stygnidae Simon, 1879 (Opiliones: Laniatores) Author Pinto-Da-Rocha, Ricardo Author Tourinho, Ana Lúcia text Zootaxa 2012 3340 1 28 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.281385 2193d3e4-8ef5-45b8-ab67-6493e4e4357d 1175-5326 281385 Stygnidius guerinii Soerensen, 1932 New records: BRAZIL . Amazonas: Parque Nacional do Jaú (01-54’16”S-61-25’48”W), male and female (MZSP); Rio Juruá, Lago Tamanigua, 25.IX.2003 , Felipe Rego leg. female (INPA-158); Interflúvio Madeira-Purus, Careiro, Campina Tupana close to the Tupana river, 4°54'51" S 61°06'33" W , GEOMA2, area 2, 10. VII.2007 , E.H. Wienkoski leg, males 6 females (INPA-OP 785); idem GEOMA2, area 2, E.H.Wienkoski leg, female (INPA-OP 784); idem, GEOMA2 area 2, 17. VII.2007 , E.H.Wienkoski leg, female (INPA-OP 782); idem, GEOMA2, area2, 15.VII.2006 , E.H.Wienkoski leg., male, 9 females (INPA-OP 787); idem,GEOMA2, area2, 15.VII.2006 , E.H.Wienkoski leg., 3 females (INPA-OP 783). Distribution: Until this report, S. guerinii has been recorded only in the type locality (Cayenne, French Guiana ). The new records here presented extend the distribution to northern Brazil (Rio Negro basin, Rio Juruá Basin).